Paul Fusco: photo, biography, growth

Paul Fusco: photo, biography, growth
Paul Fusco: photo, biography, growth

Television has long been a part of human existence. We watch hundreds of TV shows, series, films and similar products in our lives without even thinking about who creates it for us. Most fans of this or that film know the names of the directors and actors of the first and second plan, but the situation is much worse with the scriptwriters and creators of the idea.

Of course, no one is required to know all the workers in the television and film industry, but some names are still worth remembering. So, the creator of the famous television series of the end of the last century called "Alf" is Paul Fusco. From the article, a little about Paul's life, his occupation, as well as information about the doll he created, the image of which won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world, will become known.


Paul Fusco was born in New Have, Connecticut, on January 20, 1953. From a young age, he began to show interest in television. The first steps in this direction were associated with performances on various shows, including children's shows.

By the age of thirty, he meets Bob Fappiano and Lisa Buckley, who worked as puppeteers on television. Together they created sever altelevision shows. A little later, Paul Fusco, whose biography is being considered, creates his own character. His image was a doll that hung outside Paul's house.

Paul Fusco
Paul Fusco

After that, the idea of creating a TV show that would be based on the image of the character he created (Alpha) came up. Fusco meets Tom Patchett and they work together to develop the Alpha concept. Their common work leads to success. Since 1986, the project has been shown on television for four seasons.

Paul's subsequent career was mainly associated with the character he created. Shows, cartoons, films, talk shows were filmed with Alf.

Regarding his personal life, it is known that "father" Alpha lives with his wife Linda and son Christopher.

Work as an actor, screenwriter, producer

Paul Fusco is the type of film industry representative whose activities are associated with only one character, which he created. As a screenwriter and producer, he is only known for Alpha.

floor fasco photo
floor fasco photo

List of the most famous works (all related to the character Alpha):

  • "Tales of Alpha" - a series that aired from 1988 to 1990;
  • "Hollywood Squares" - a series that aired from 1998 to 2004;
  • "Love Boat" - a series that aired from 1998 to 1999;
  • Project: Alf - 1996 television show;
  • "Graceful Flower" - a series produced from 1990 to 1995;
  • "The 40th Primetime Emmy Awards - 1988 television show;
  • "Alf" - animated series,created from 1987 to 1989;
  • "Matlock" - a series that aired from 1986 to 1995.

This is not all the work of the writer and producer. To achieve his creative and financial goals, he, along with Tom Patchett and Bernie Brilstein, created a production company that filmed most of these projects.

Work on character Alpha

In the first episodes of the series, which was conceived by Paul Fusco, the short actor Michali Meszaros played the main character. Over time, the creators of the TV show changed the actor to a special electronic doll.

An expensive doll had to be controlled and voiced. Who was chosen for this role? This can be found at the end of the article.

According to the plot of the series, the alien was actually called Gordon Shumway, but Willy Tanner called him Alpha in the pilot episode. The word is short for "alien life form".

Paul Fusco biography
Paul Fusco biography

Description Alpha

The creator of the world-famous alien was Paul Fusco. The doll is approximately 97 centimeters tall and is covered in brown fur. The character himself calls this color "burnt sienna". The alien has a prominent wrinkled nose and facial moles.

floor fasco height
floor fasco height

According to the plot of the series, the alien has green blood and ten main organs, eight of which are stomachs. There is even a stomach that is used in states of depression. This explains his incredible appetite.

The alien hasuseful abilities. For example, he can repeat the phrases of people in their own voices. However, in the series, this leads to various troubles. There are many positive qualities in his character:

  • responsiveness;
  • good sense of humor;
  • kindness.

The character's home planet is called Melmak. It is surrounded by a green sky and sown with pink grass. And their main luminary is purple. The most terrible disease is "Melmacian hiccups", which lasts from two or three days to several decades. So, grandfather Alpha hiccupped for 50 years.

The appearance of the creator Alpha in the series

Paul Fusco, whose photo is presented, was not only the creator of the idea of a series about a funny alien. He also controlled the doll and voiced his character throughout all seasons.

Besides this, the creator of the character once starred in one of the episodes. He was the host of a variety show.

Today, the rights to use Alpha have been bought by another company and, perhaps, someday viewers will be able to see their favorite character in modern processing.
