James Wang's Best Directors

James Wang's Best Directors
James Wang's Best Directors

At present, the Australian filmmaker Wang is firmly entrenched in the status of the most interesting horror director of modern Hollywood. Which is not surprising, because out of 11 of his directorial works, 6 are parts of the most popular franchises: the short film "Saw" marked the beginning of a series of 8 films, "Astral" - from four, "The Conjuring", taking into account "Annabelle's Curse", also from four. Among other things, for the unique author's handwriting, James Wan was attached to the epic "Fast and the Furious". In this perspective, the director is really an ideal filmmaker, generating author's "long-playing" projects and harmoniously joining others. Given Wang's exemplary creativity, it's scary to imagine how many franchises we can get from him. This publication is dedicated to the best pictures from the filmography of James Wan.

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james van photo

Saw: Survival Game

The film "Saw" of 2004 is positioned by some foreign film critics as a saving reed for the Hollywood thriller and horror genre, which is on its last legs at the time of its release. Directed by James Wanshoots a tape for only $ 1.2 million, but the film's rental fees are an astronomical figure of $ 103,096,345. At the same time, the film itself triumphantly takes 7th place in the ranking of the highest grossing film projects of all time. The plot of the project is an extremely intricate story, the main character of which does not kill people. He arranges deadly trials for those who, in his opinion, need spiritual rebirth. The dynamic process of the development of the storyline itself seems surprising, which eventually comes to a logically shocking ending. IMDb movie rating: 7.70.


While short-sighted critics tried to explain the box office success of "Saw" with brutal cruelty, introduced the concept of "torture porn" into the lexicon, the director did not sit idle. Dead Silence and Dog Paradise were released, films directed by James Wan that he warmed up with before launching another franchise. Visionary has prepared a project that is in a sense the opposite of Saw, because Astral is also a horror movie, only with a mild age rating of PG-13, i.e. practically "bloodless". The ghost movie clearly demonstrated the full creative potential of James Wan, including the ability to earn money with his talent. Today, the "Astral" franchise has grown to four films, and the box office of each next is growing in comparison with the previous ones. Needless to say, the evil spirits will surely not leave us alone any time soon.

director james wang
director james wang


In the horror "The Conjuring" James Wan prepared a chic surprisefans of the genre. The picture is a successful combination of the most popular sub-genres of mystical horror. First, the plot is a classic haunted house story with an ominous basement, mysterious cabinets and niches, creaking doors and suddenly stopping clocks. Secondly, this is a certain retelling of The Last Exorcism, because the audience's interest in this ritual has not weakened for many decades. And thirdly, the narrative is full of references to stories that the viewer liked about attempts to film manifestations of otherworldly forces on an amateur camera (“Paranormal Activity”, “Report”, “Apartment 143”, etc.).

After the triumph of the first Conjuring, James Wan was unstoppable. He started branching the project. But after the first part, not the second was released, but the prequel Annabelle, where all the attention was focused on the supposedly cursed doll.

After, The Conjuring 2 starts, representing almost a collection of separate horror scenes, while remaining head and shoulders above most of what has been created in the horror genre over the past decades.

films directed by james van
films directed by james van

Astral 2

“Astrallom 2” James had to end his career in the horror genre, due to an invitation to another movie (“Fast and the Furious 7”), so many critics perceived the picture as a kind of report, summing up on the topic “What am I learned in ten years from "Saw" to "Astral 2". But Wang does not claim to be a reformer or a prophet, but the fact that he is one of the most skillful and technical directors,creating in the horror genre, it is impossible to deny. His franchises The Conjuring 2 and Astral brought back the "good" old-fashioned mystery films - articulately told, solidly choreographed, professionally shot. A true gold standard that many film makers should measure up to.

James Wang
James Wang

Fast and Furious is Fast and Furious

Fast & Furious is an amazing movie cycle in itself. The seventh part, shot by James Wan, is an unusually dynamic, spectacular, stunt movie, in which the Australian filmmaker added a touch of apocalyptic pathos. Just imagine, familiar to the viewer Brian O'Conner, Dominic Toretto and their friends go to Abu Dhabi to get a flash drive with a unique computer program. The coveted device is contained in the Etihad Towers skyscraper complex. So with the light hand of James Wan, the heroes will have to not only fight at a height, but also jump over in a car to a nearby skyscraper, then do it again.

The Conjuring 2, Aquaman and others

Despite the fact that the director submitted to the unusual genre with enviable ease, James Wan still remained faithful to his favorite horror. In 2016, he took over as director of the sequel to The Conjuring. The picture turned out to be outwardly spectacular, mainstream in a good way, full of well-realized screamers. The director coped with the task perfectly, which is confirmed by the impressive box office.

Before directing Aquaman, James Wan in Lights Out…, Annabelle: Creation,"Astral 4: The Last Key", "The Curse of the Nun" realized himself as a producer and co-writer.

james van movies
james van movies

In "Aquaman", according to critics, the Australian will definitely add afterburner drive and perky humor, however, you should not rush, the premiere of the project is scheduled for December 2016. Now in the media and the network you can only find a photo of James Wan, from the filming of the blockbuster that is being prepared for the premiere.

There is an opinion that a possible reboot of "Resident Evil" will also be entrusted to the restless creator of franchises. His name is one of the reasons to believe with all my heart and wait for work.
