Britney Spears is the child of the modern pop scene

Britney Spears is the child of the modern pop scene
Britney Spears is the child of the modern pop scene

Britney Spears made her way to the stage quite early, especially considering the fact that she had no patrons and talented relatives in musical circles. She grew up literally before the eyes of the whole world. All her albums were incredibly popular and sold in huge numbers. Fans in all countries imitated the young singer, watched her grow up, change her appearance and behave on stage. But the personal life of a beautiful and talented singer, whose days are spent in studios and at concerts, is far from cloudless. The press is constantly discussing her every step: who the singer meets, how many children Britney Spears has, why she cut her head and other issues of the artist's personal life. The pop princess became a mother a long time ago, survived a divorce, but does not stop believing in love and dreaming of a daughter.

Private life

Spears' parents are ordinary American citizens, not associated with either music or show business. From childhood, Britney Spears' parents gave her to rhythmic gymnastics. The child was very plastic, artistic and incredibly sweet. Little Britney participated in all beauty contests, and also sang inchurch choir. She came to the world of bright spotlights and television cameras thanks to her participation in the competition, and then her work on the Disney channel. Soon the show was closed, and the girl returned to her school. For a while she sang in a local band, but she always dreamed of something more. Deciding to act, the girl recorded a demo album, which helped her to conclude a contract with the producer.

The affairs of the heart of a young, beautiful and popular singer have always aroused the interest of the public. For more than four years, the girl met with Justin Timberlake, a friendship with whom began since her work at the Mickey Mouse Club.

Fred Durst claimed that he and Spears are also romantically involved. At 22, Britney first became a bride, her childhood friend was the groom. The marriage took place in Las Vegas and was declared invalid a few days later.

Kevin, Britney and kids

The pop princess dated her future husband for three months. An army of fans scoured the press for answers to questions about their favorite singer:

  • Who is Britneys chosen one?
  • Where did the wedding of the pop princess take place?
  • How many children does Britney Spears have?
  • How was the birth?
  • Will Spears return to music?

The wedding took place at the house of a friend of the newlyweds, and after the wedding, the singer announced her intention to take a vacation in her musical career. Six months later, Britney Spears announced her pregnancy. The baby was born on September 14, 2005.

Britney Spears baby
Britney Spears baby

His birth is a real adventure-romantic story. Britneytricked the photographers, staged an escape, and populated an entire floor of the clinic with huge bodyguards, police, and other personnel. All this time, Kevin held the hand of his wife and fulfilled every whim of his pregnant wife. The baby was born by caesarean section, at Britney's insistence.

Soon, rumors began to appear in the media about the second pregnancy of Britney Spears. The child was also born in September, a year after his brother, in the clinic where Rocco, the son of Madonna, was born. At the second birth, the girl also wished to have a caesarean section.

Britney claimed that the birth of children opened up new feelings in her, which should manifest itself in her work.

Britney's sons

By the birth of her children, Britney had gained worldwide popularity and earned a considerable fortune. Everything related to her personal life aroused considerable interest in society. Often this served as a PR move in her campaigns. But the children for the singer have always been inviolable, she tried to protect them from photographers. It didn't take long for the media to find out the names of Britney Spears' children.

how many kids does britney spears have
how many kids does britney spears have

The eldest son is Sean Preston Spears Federline. Britney liked this name since childhood. Mom gave little Sean some ice cream before bedtime, after which he slept better. The boy dreams of becoming a professional racer in the future. The kid is very kind, generous, caring and affectionate. But he is more "whiny" and sickly than his younger brother.

The second son of Britney Spears - Jayden James Spears Federline. After the official confirmation of the name of the child, the name Jayden became one of the mostpopular in the USA. The youngest son looks more like Britney Spears. The child is known as a real "mama's boy." He is more energetic and noisy than Sean.


Envious people discussed the marriage and family of Britney Spears. Many did not believe in the durability of their relationship. Marriage seemed very ridiculous to them: she is the princess of the pop scene, mega-popular, sexy and talented, and he is an unknown dancer.

Britney defended her marriage from slander and even won a court case and a public apology from publications trying to "run ahead of the engine".

But still, the divorce was inevitable, the resentment accumulated over the years of marriage by both spouses should have led to trial.

Britney Spears children photo
Britney Spears children photo

The Western press wrote that relations in a young family are not going well. The husband is more often seen at various parties with friends and girls than with Britney and children. Spears long before the divorce ceased to appear in public with a wedding ring. He did not appear on the "romance" with which his wife wanted to support their relationship, she ignored his work in the musical field.

Britney was about to file for divorce, and Kevin agreed to it after the presentation of his album. The fact is that at this event, Britney publicly humiliated him, calling him a mediocre rapper. She never admired his musical abilities and believed that "this dancer is not destined to become a rapper." Kevin was so upset that he sobbed uncontrollably right at the presentation.

Soon the couple got divorced.

Britney's mom after divorce

During the divorce, Britney asked for the rightcustody of the children to her, with the right to visit the father. The court decision was in her favor, but it did not last so long.

Britney suffered a nervous breakdown and was even treated in clinics. She was convicted of taking drugs, participating in an accident and driving a car without a license. The pop singer was threatened with jail.

People began to doubt her ability to care for children. The former security guard claimed that Spears appeared naked in front of her boys and did not pay enough attention to them and their safety.

The singer was repeatedly hospitalized in the clinic and even declared incompetent, her father was appointed as her guardian. The ex-husband did not just take the boys, he achieved a ban on Britney's meetings with the guys.

What are the names of Britney Spears' children?
What are the names of Britney Spears' children?

Now Britney is doing much better, she was able to cope with depression, drug and alcohol addiction, return to work and even regain the right to take care of the boys. From time to time, information appears in the press about how fun the pop princess, her new boyfriend and the children of Britney Spears had fun. Photos of a happy mother and her two wonderful sons are always beautiful and make you smile. I believe that they are good together, and strong Britney will do everything right, and if she stumbles, she will be able to fix everything!
