Lobsang Rampa: biography, books

Lobsang Rampa: biography, books
Lobsang Rampa: biography, books

Do you believe in the transmigration of souls? In a religious concept based on the belief that the soul, after leaving the physical body in connection with death, can move into a new body shell of an already living person, animal, bird, reptile or other creature? Well, believe it or not - it's up to you. The hero of this article, Henry Hoskin, devoted almost his entire life to mysticism and esotericism, proving to everyone that the Tibetan lama Lobsang Rampa moved into his body.

Lobsang Rampa
Lobsang Rampa

Completely deny the existence in our reality of phenomena that are unlike anything, amazing and mysterious, mystical to the point of absurdity, no one can, because they exist. Specifically, this fact is not denied even by representatives of the scientific community.

Kyril Henry Hoskin

To the full, unfortunately or to satisfaction, the above postulate applies to the biography, writing, lifestyle of the famous ex alted Briton KyrilHenry Hoskin. An ordinary man in the street, born back in 1910, on April 8, in the city of Devon, in the UK, in a poor family of a hereditary plumber. And who safely died in the rank of spiritual enlightener, a Tibetan lama, called Lobsang Rump, in Calgary, Canada on January 25, 1981.

Lobsang Rampa. Books
Lobsang Rampa. Books

Studying these facts, one can reliably state that they are fully proven. Firstly, such an Englishman by the name of Hoskin really lived. He was born in the named year, lived, according to contemporaries, under this name in England, in the county of Surrey. It is a fact. Secondly, the twenty-one books that came out from under his pen in considerable editions when he became a writer under the pseudonym Tuesday Lobsang Rampa is also a fact.

Biographical tour

So, meet Lobsang Rampa. The biography of a real person who bears this pseudonym is quite ordinary. About how the future science fiction writer, visionary and guru was born and lived boringly and everyday in the family of a plumbing father, we partially told. Nothing remarkable happened in his life until 1947, when it occurred to Hoskin to officially change his passport data to Did Paul. In addition to his constant telepathic urges and dreams to plunge into the astral world. Perhaps for this reason, he often changed places of residence.

The turning point and fateful year 1949

On Tuesday in June, his newfound personality, Tuesday ("Tuesday") Lobsang Rampa, was born.

He himself explained the phrase that appeared as a ritualTibetan peoples name the boy according to the day of the week when he was born. Lobsang Rampa elaborated on the procedure in more detail in his book. The Third Eye details some of the traditions of Tibet.

Lobsang Rampa. "Third Eye"
Lobsang Rampa. "Third Eye"

It must be honestly added that by this time he was already actively writing his books, trying to publish them, but in eight publishing houses to which he offered work, the author was refused without convincing explanations. Such is the initial fate, sad and mournful, of almost all who have devoted themselves to pen and paper.

The most convincing factor for printing papers

After acquiring a new name and literary pseudonym, his books gradually begin to gain popularity among readers - lovers of esotericism and mysticism. The then holders of the printing house of publishing houses had, perhaps, an urgent need for new works by this man. Because they brought fabulous profits, the books were sold out instantly, quickly swept away from the shelves of bookstores and shops. The demand was amazing! The excitement in the public mind was over the top!

Lobsang Rampa, you are eternal
Lobsang Rampa, you are eternal

Leading newspapers gave the most prominent places to publications dedicated to such an author as Lobsang Rampa. Reviews were written by both professional critics and ordinary readers who spoke out for and against. There were angry voices, and pleading, pleading and seething with envy. But at the same time, they were not indifferent. Everyone was hooked by this out-of-this-world eccentric. Believed and did not believe, did not know howtreat how to react to a person from the "other world".

Third Eye and Ramp Passion

Was it true everything that happened to him that Rampa so vividly described in his works, or is it a violent fantasy of a not quite normal writing adventurer? Or maybe he really is the embodiment of ancient Tibet from the manuscripts, an incarnated lama with a third eye?

Is this possible, is it a violent fantasy of the writer or pictures generated by mental illness? The surgical details of drilling without anesthesia of the author's forehead bone, described by him in a book with the same title, are shocking. About all this "Rampov's miracle" fiery disputes do not cease to this day. And this confirms at least the professionalism of the writer, who managed to arouse the sincere interest of readers.

Lobsang Rampa. Biography
Lobsang Rampa. Biography

The very first book of the author, who began to work under the pseudonym Lobsang Rampa, is The Third Eye. She has become one of the most famous books in the world of esotericism. In addition to mysticism, this work describes the nature of Tibet, its inhabitants, customs, legends. Particularly detailed is the story of the local religion - Buddhism. Moreover, the whole process of immersing the reader into the world of Tibetan Buddhism takes place in a fascinating and inimitable manner, through a description of the process of raising and growing up a boy from an aristocratic family and his spiritual growth.

Everyone knows that in the days of the USSR there was strict censorship, it extended to everything, and especially to foreign literature. Books by such an author as Lobsang Rampa were published in the Union, but their translation wasnoticeably distorted due to the inconsistency of the content of the dominant ideology. Therefore, translations made after 1991 have greater artistic value.

Lobsang Rampa. Reviews
Lobsang Rampa. Reviews

Perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal

Just to write that the author did not give up, did not give up, means not to pay tribute to his courage and faith in the cause that took possession of his whole being, soul, thoughts, body. Writes and writes Lobsang Rampa, books one by one still come out to the general public. Their list was constantly updated until the death of the author in 1981. The last two were published after his death, but are also included in the list of his literary creations. His wife continued the bright and mysterious path of her husband and also released five of her own compositions, which also interested readers.

Practical value of work

Different from many esoteric writers Lobsang Rampa. The books of this author are filled with great practical value. In this regard, "The Wisdom of the Ancients" is different. The book was expected by admirers of Lobsang's work, and for good reason! In it, anyone will find specific practical methods of breathing exercises aimed at improving vision, general strengthening of the body's he alth, they will be taught methods of warming at any negative temperatures. Also, for many, information on proper nutrition that maintains the material body in perfect condition will be useful. Thus, Rampa's books are not just "madman's nonsense", as they are called.some criticism, but a set of rules for a he althy life with clear guidelines and techniques.

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

Eternal trace, like the Milky Way. Lobsang Rampa, you are forever

No wonder the wise proverb says: "time is the best doctor, teacher and judge." Years have passed, we have entered the 21st century, and the seething sea of people boils, just hearing the familiar name of the once unknown and outlandish Englishman.

Yes, they don’t remember his English roots, everyone knows the scandalous and disturbing Tibetan mind and soul: "The one who was born on Tuesday." Eternity is always on the side of the extraordinary, misunderstood and unaccepted in earthly life. There are few of them, much less than boring townsfolk. But few people remember ordinary, unremarkable people. So what can be said about Henry Hoskin? Maybe he really was once a lama? And a monk actually appeared to him, asked for permission to allow the departed mentor's soul into the body? Maybe it really was? How to know…
