Pevtsov's filmography: feature films, series. Biography, personal life of the actor

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Pevtsov's filmography: feature films, series. Biography, personal life of the actor
Pevtsov's filmography: feature films, series. Biography, personal life of the actor

Video: Pevtsov's filmography: feature films, series. Biography, personal life of the actor

Video: Pevtsov's filmography: feature films, series. Biography, personal life of the actor
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The filmography of Pevtsov Dmitry Anatolyevich has more than 50 films. The actor also plays leading roles in the Lenkom Theater and tours Russia as a singing artist. How did Dmitry Pevtsov's career begin and what premieres can we expect with his participation in 2016?

Early years and early career

Pevtsov, despite the fact that he turned 52 in 2015, is in excellent physical shape. And all because from childhood his father (honored coach of the Soviet Union in pentathlon) and his mother (sports doctor) taught him a sports lifestyle. Little Dima was engaged in judo and karate in his spare time from school, which was very useful to him during the filming of action films.

Pevtsov's filmography
Pevtsov's filmography

Dmitry did not immediately decide on a profession. A year after graduation, he had to work at the factory as an ordinary milling machine operator. And then he suddenly made a choice in favor of acting and entered GITIS. Apparently, Pevtsov was a good student, since immediately after graduating from the university he was invited to the troupe of the Taganka Theater. A little bit laterDmitry moved to the troupe of the Lenkom Theater.

Pevtsov's filmography dates back to the serial film "The End of the World followed by a Symposium". Pevtsov got a supporting role in this film, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Nadezhda Rumyantseva and Oleg Tabakov became his partners on the set.

Witch Dungeon

After minor roles in the films "The Tempest" and "Mother", Pevtsov's filmography was replenished with the film "Dungeon of the Witches" directed by Yuri Moroz ("Kamenskaya").

singers filmography serials
singers filmography serials

This fantastic film was made in collaboration with Czechoslovak filmmakers and told the story of astronauts from the planet Earth, who ended up on the mysterious planet Evur. Willy-nilly, they have to get involved in internecine wars that flare up between the tribes of Evura.

The main roles in the film were played by Sergei Zhigunov ("Midshipmen, forward!"), Marina Levtova ("The Life of Berlioz") and Nikolai Karachentsov ("The Adventures of Electronics"). Dmitry Pevtsov got the role of a bandit from the planet Evur Oktina Khasha. Igor Yasulovich, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Vladimir Talashko and Sergei Bystritsky also starred in the film.

Singers: filmography, series

Most of all Pevtsov's work in television series.

dmitry pevtsov filmography all films
dmitry pevtsov filmography all films

In 1996, Pevtsov's filmography was replenished with the serial film "Queen Margo", in which the actor played Henry of Navarre. The series was produced by Sergey Zhigunov, who in a year planned to shoot another film adaptation of A. Dumas - "Countess de Monsoro". In this film, Pevtsov returned to the screens again in the form of Henry of Navarre.

The next bright television work of the artist is associated with filming in the TV series “Gangster Petersburg. Advocate . TV series in the 2000s was incredibly popular, and with it the leading actors, including Pevtsov. After such success, Pevtsov began to be offered mainly the main roles in serial projects: he plays Andrei Smirnov in Stop on Demand, Igor Milovanov in the melodrama Family Exchange, Dmitry Kharin in the TV series Bachelors. Particularly successful are Pevtsov's works in the TV series The Fall of the Empire and Dostoevsky.

Sniper. Weapon of Retribution

D. Pevtsov, whose filmography is replete with action films and historical films, in 2009 played a major role in the military serial film “Sniper. A weapon of vengeance.”

d singers filmography
d singers filmography

The plot of the film covers several years, starting with the Great Patriotic War and ending with the first years after it. Pevtsov's character, Yashin, commands a group of snipers during the war. A girl, Alesya Mikulchik, serves in his unit. An affair begins between Yashin and Alesya, but the girl dies in a duel with German sniper Karl Kleist.

A few years later, the hero Pevtsov becomes the commandant of a German city occupied by Soviet troops. Quite by chance, it turns out that his old enemy - Karl Kleist - sat down with a group of snipers in an old castle and guards important drawings. Now Yashin intends to repay Kleist for everything he has caused.suffering.

Dmitry Pevtsov: filmography, all films

Among the full-length pictures of the actor, there are also good films. For example, the filmography of D. Pevtsov in 2005 was replenished with the film "Turkish Gambit", which has already become a classic of the new Russian cinema.

Filmography of D Pevtsov
Filmography of D Pevtsov

The plot of the picture revolves around the offensive operation of the Russian troops in the Russian-Turkish war of the 1870s. Dmitry Pevtsov played the role of Count Zurov in the film. Together with Dmitry, Yegor Beroev, Alexander Baluev, Alexander Lykov and Olga Krasko also starred in the Turkish Gambit.

Back in 1992, Pevtsov starred in another film adaptation - this time Dostoevsky's "Demons". The actor then played one of the main roles - Alexei Nilych Kirillov.

In 1999, the actor appeared in the ironic comedy "Thin Thing", which tells about the adventures of a school teacher who got involved in gang wars. Pevtsov played the role of the main character's husband.

In 2014, the actor played a major role in the serial film "Internal Investigation", and in 2016 two premieres with his participation are expected at once - the film "Men and Women", as well as the series "16 Days".

Private life

Pevtsov was married twice. His first wife gave birth to his son Daniel, who tragically died in 2012

The second wife of the actor is Olga Drozdova. He first met her on the set of the film "Alice and Bookinist" in 1992. Two years later they got married. In 2007, Drozdova gave birth to an actor, a boy, Elisha.

Together Drozdova and Pevtsov met more than once on the setvarious films: "Gangster Petersburg", "Stop on Demand", "Queen Margot" and others. Pevtsov is also a racing driver and takes part in Volkswagen Polo Cup competitions.
