Monochrome colors. The laws of color combinations in various areas of life

Monochrome colors. The laws of color combinations in various areas of life
Monochrome colors. The laws of color combinations in various areas of life

The color scheme of the surrounding world of nature is full at first glance of hundreds, thousands, and maybe more shades. When they change, the appearance of clothing, interior, image changes. Strangely enough, the apparent color chaos is subject to strict laws of combinations. “Monochrome colors are back in fashion,” we read in the magazine. What does it mean? Let's turn to specialists.

Initial color lesson

In fact, the tint range is not as diverse as it seems at first glance. The entire color palette of shades is tied around the three original primary colors: red, yellow and blue. All the rest are derivatives of mixing primary colors in different proportions. By the way, mixing all three primary colors in absolutely equal proportions gives black.

Color combinations obey their own laws, and make up four main groups.

  • Monochrome colors. Harmonious transitions of different shades of the same color, can be diluted with white. ("Mono" - one).
  • Related colors. They are united in one "family" by the mainoverall color. They also have four subgroups: yellow-red, blue-red, yellow-green and blue-green.
  • Contrasting. Sharply opposed to each other, warring and dissimilar. In nature, such combinations of red flowers on green leaves look appropriate, in design solutions their opposite direction is usually softened by the “diplomatic” influence of any neutral unifying shade.
  • Related-contrasting. Colors from different "families" that initially have one in common. A palette of such colors looks brighter than monochrome, but not as antagonistic as with contrasts. Example: yellow-red with purple (blue-red).
monochrome colors
monochrome colors

Monochrome colors in clothes

Monochrome clothing style has nothing to do with monotonous, gray and boring. Everyone wants to look stylish. Those who doubt their ability to match the colors of pieces of clothing and accessories tend to dress themselves in black, white and gray. Do you allow yourself only occasionally to dilute the classics with a bright blouse or scarf? Absolutely in vain. Knowing the basic laws of the color wheel allows you to look elegant and, at the same time, discreet and businesslike. To do this, it is enough to choose your wardrobe according to a monochrome combination of different shades of the same color, using small details of the main palette. But classic black and white accents will help to establish an image that matches the moment: stricter or softer.

matching colors
matching colors

Stylish makeup

Bright and contrasting face coloring instyle "a la Indians" has long been considered bad form. Where do fashion trends come from? To answer this question, it is worth observing the appearance of world-class stars present at various kinds of festivals, competitions, meetings for the presentation of prestigious awards. The looks created by their designers become brands No. 1 over time. So, the tone of the make-up colors of several stars at once, who were present at the last Golden Globes ceremony, corresponded to all the rules of monochrome. Make-up colors for eyes, lips, face were kept in the same color scheme.

Monochrome interior

Monochrome combination of colors of one palette in interior design is a good solution for any room: from a business office to a romantic bedroom. Newfangled styles of techno, loft or kitsch, which are based on the denial of any accepted norms, the combination of the incongruous and the unification of the incompatible, tend to put painful pressure on the psyche very soon. Especially if you live in such a room all the time. Avant-garde is suitable for youth meeting places, living rooms. The most favorable for comfortable perception, from the point of view of psychology and Feng Shui, is the interior, designed in monochrome.

color tone
color tone

Monochrome Art

Using matching colors to create works of art has long been learned. Our great-grandmothers, not knowing the scientifically based rules, created whole masterpieces on canvases, embroidering blue flowers on a blue background, or a white ornament on a white one. Monochrome paintings are characteristic of the painting of Japan andChina, impressionists, artistic painting on porcelain.

Modern artists also often resort to this color to emphasize the interconnection of everything in nature, their inner experiences.

Black and white photographs, graphic images in the technique of two colors - this is a slightly different direction, which is called a binary image.

monochrome color combination
monochrome color combination

Trendy flower beds

In horticultural design, bright mixed flower beds, which combined all the riot of colors, are persistently replaced by flower beds, sustained in one scale. And this is not surprising, the monochrome colors of the flower beds enhance the effect of the greenery of the garden, the corner of your favorite color serves as a place of relaxation, and, finally, it looks stylish. Yellow flower beds look like a beautiful sun spot, bright compositions of red-pink flowers fill the garden with tenderness. Shades from pale blue to violet-blue in combination with greens soothe an irritated psyche. Such compositions look simple, but are created by painstaking work. Selecting plants that match in color, suitable for the same soil, abundance of moisture and light, arranging them according to growth requires patience and great love for such work.

shade color palette
shade color palette

Natural monochrome

The human eye always perceives combinations from a palette of the same color calmly, as something natural. This is the harmony of nature itself. We see the color tone of one gamut every day, not realizing that the most faithful admirer of monochrome is the Creator and the universe itself. How harmoniousthe sky is painted on a summer afternoon: blue with white, blue and gray, smooth transitions of shades on the fur coats of animals. And the sea! No matter what shades it creates in a day. Even the sultry desert is painted harmoniously and monochrome.
