Bessoyuzie or asindeton - what is it?

Bessoyuzie or asindeton - what is it?
Bessoyuzie or asindeton - what is it?

An important stage in the study of literature for each student is the passage of paths and various stylistic figures. The ability to find them and use them correctly in one’s speech, both oral and written, depends primarily on the child’s academic performance and his ability to formulate and beautifully express his thoughts aloud and on paper. In this article, we will consider in detail such a stylistic figure as asyndeton, which in a more simplified version is called non-union.

Trails and figures

Before we turn to the study of a specific figure of speech, let us explain what is the main difference between tropes and figures. Often students confuse these two groups of means of speech expression or do not see the difference between them at all.

open book
open book

A trope is a word or phrase used in a figurative sense to draw attention to the figurativeness of the language and enhance one or another property of an object or action, thereby giving some artistry to speech.

A figure is a stylistic device that was originally addressed specifically to the syntactic organizationsuggestions. This technique also brings figurative thinking into speech, giving its own unique charm.

Thus, comparing these two definitions, we can conclude that tropes are means of expression that are directed directly to words and their semantic load, and figures are means of expression that are directed to the principle of constructing a sentence and its general form with hand.


Asyndeton is a stylistic figure in which some conjunctions are omitted in the construction of speech, connecting homogeneous members of a sentence. Thanks to this, the text itself becomes more dynamic, rhythmic, although a little rough and sharp. Asyndeton is a technique used in literature to give more expressiveness and liveliness to phrases. In oral speech, unionlessness sounds like a listing of something.

Usage examples

Unionlessness is often used in literature, especially often in poetic form. Here are some examples of usage in Russian literature.

For example, A. S. Pushkin:

Swede, Russian stabs, cuts, cuts, Drum beat, clicks, rattle.

Another example from Ivan Bunin's work:

Matorin was then young, strong, bluish-red, with a clean-shaven chin, with red sideburns cut to half.

Russian literature
Russian literature

The opposite of asyndeton is polysyndeton, also called polyunion. However, we will analyze it another time.

We hope that this article was useful and understandable to you. Now you have learned a new literary term, the purpose of its use, and also understood that asyndeton in literature is one of the most important tools used by many poets and writers.