Anecdote is funny and short

Anecdote is funny and short
Anecdote is funny and short

Anecdote is always interesting. It enlivens any conversation, relieves tension in a conversation, one might say, tones up. People who have the talent to tell funny jokes are always welcome in any company. There are many cases when such an ability helped the narrator win over important people, whose decision determined the future fate of the homegrown comedian, because everyone loves to laugh, even those who occupy the highest positions. The main thing that a narrator needs to observe when presenting funny stories to society is measure and tact. Otherwise, the desire to make you laugh and create a relaxed atmosphere may end in a quarrel, resentment and enmity.

So what is a joke?

In translation from Greek, this word means "unpublished", i.e. something hidden from the reader (listener), secret, and therefore interesting. In the 6th century, Procopius of Caesarea, a Byzantine historian, wrote a secret work called the Anekdota. This work, denouncing the emperor Justinian, contained a detailed description of the court customs and mores of that time, therefore it was made public only after the death of the emperor. And in the 18th century, the English scientist S. Johnson designated the anecdote as "yet unpublishedsecret history." There is also a modern explanation for it.

Anecdote is a productive, actively growing folklore genre. It is based on a short interesting case, often fictional, but containing well-known, sometimes topical facts. An anecdote is a climactic plot, which usually takes on an unexpected, witty, sometimes paradoxical solution, which the narrator voices at the end. Most of the time, that's what makes you laugh. Here is one example of a simple joke "with a beard":

A man wanders through the desert, exhausted from the heat. He cannot stand such a nightmare and falls on the sand. Suddenly he sees something glitters. He crawled to that place and happily realizes that he has found a magic lamp. The man quickly starts Jin appears from the lamp and asks:

"Well? What do you want?"

"I want to go home" - the man answers.

Jin: "Let's go!"

Man: "No, I want it fast."

Jin: "Then let's run!"

it's a joke
it's a joke

Jokes about Vovochka

Where did the funny jokes about Vovochka come from? There is a version that the start of jokes about Vovochka, this inquisitive and precocious boy, was put by the clown of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard Vladimir Tsukerman. It was in the 1970s. Once he bought a lot of postcards and handed them out to the kids at some holiday. And on each postcard he wrote: "Greetings from the clown Vovochki!". Due to his oversight, Lenin was depicted on some postcards. Then there was a fuss, Zuckermanalmost fired from work, but still not fired, and funny jokes about Vovochka appeared and soon gained popularity.

Here are some of them:

"Vovochka's father sees an entry in his son's diary: "Dear parents of Vovochka! Your son needs to be washed immediately! He smells bad!" In response, dad writes a note to the teacher: "You don't need to smell Vovka! Vovochka needs to be taught!"

Vovochka came to his father and said:

"Dad, I have two questions for you: can I add more pocket money and why not immediately?"

About Little Vovochki - politicians

There are many stories about political "Vovochek". Sometimes our politicians, with their statements, themselves give rise to a joke about them. Very often V. V. becomes their hero. Zhirinovsky, who may have been called Vovochka as a child.

funny jokes
funny jokes

Here are some examples:

"Zhirinovsky once came to visit a kindergarten. Later he stated in the prosecutor's office that the children started the fight first."

"How do you do?" Clinton asked Zhirinovsky. He responded in a soft, intelligent manner inherent only to him: "Look at yourself, old goat!"

Our president, respected and loved by many, Vladimir Putin is also a very outstanding personality. It is quite understandable that he became the hero of jokes about Vovochka. But their meaning and content are completely different from the jokes about Zhirinovsky.

"Somehow one stealing governor comes to Putin and says: "VladimirVladimirovich, I returned my factory to the country, I paid taxes for myself and my relatives, I gave a villa for a kindergarten. Can I safely go abroad already?" Putin answers him: "But what about the good old Russian tradition of sitting on the path?"

"Putin was driving at a speed of 120 km per hour, looking out the window and enjoying the quality of the Vologda roads. And in front of him at a speed of 200 km per hour an asph alt paver and a lathered brigade of road workers were rushing."

Real Russian joke

Perhaps you have noticed that every nation has its own jokes based on the mentality, the peculiarities of life in a particular country, the prevailing stereotypes. So, everyone knows Jewish, Odessa, American and, of course, Russian jokes. There are several main themes in ours, including drunkenness, slovenliness, petty tricks taken by our men to earn a paycheck, and by women to find it. That is, Russian jokes in a concise and funny form ridicule the vices of our society. If we compare them, for example, with Jewish jokes, then the main emphasis is on rabbis or on all sorts of tricks that are more significant than an innocent stash.

jokes about Vovochka
jokes about Vovochka

Here are some examples:

"Today such a disaster happened in the village of Zlatovo! In the morning everything suddenly became golden: pickles - golden, bread - golden, a bucket - golden, tap water, and that golden! They barely managed to save vodka from this infection".

"Husband returns from work and sees on the tablenote: "Honey, I'm at my mother's. Grilled fish for dinner. Fishing rods in the hallway."

"The man's wife left the man, he was fired from work, he came home - and there the thieves took out everything they could. The man took the rope, made a noose, climbed onto the stool, hooked the rope on the chandelier, threw the noose around his neck and … suddenly sees - in the corner an unfinished bottle of vodka. "Thank God! - the man was delighted, getting off the stool, - life is starting to get better!"

Linguistic jokes

A very unusual kind of laconic humorous story is a linguistic anecdote (otherwise it is called linguistic or philological). It is based on a kind of communicative game that violates the norms of the language, leading to a different, "laughter" plane. Here are some examples:

"You definitely need a doctor's attention. And the further he goes, the better!"

"Thieves broke into the apartment of boxer Vitali Klitschko and took out everything - beatings, pain, horror, humiliation."

"Senior offers translation services from German. He picked up the language back in forty-four."

Jokes for all occasions

They say nothing is sacred for a joke, it makes fun of everyone and everything, even death and everything connected with it.

Russian jokes
Russian jokes

Here are some examples:

"Death sometimes makes incredibly difficult tests, but accepts everyone without exception."

"Eternity is the state that begins beyond the straight line of the cardiograph."

A man walks through the cemetery at night, allsweaty, shuddering at every rustle. Suddenly he sees - two calmly paint the fence. The man cheered up, approached them with a light gait, clapped one hard worker on the shoulder in a friendly manner and cheerfully exclaimed:

"Hello guys! Are you afraid of the dead?"

They looked at each other in surprise and ask:

"What are we afraid of?"

In conclusion, we want to say that it is not so important what type of joke it is. The main thing is that he can make you laugh and be told to the point.
