2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
For every person, school is the most unforgettable life stage, in which, after many years, you want to plunge headlong again to feel the taste of childhood again, experience the period of growing up and becoming a person, see your favorite teachers, remember funny stories about school that happened to classmates and you.
Here are a few cases from school life that will help you plunge into such a familiar and close to everyone atmosphere.
The Tale of the Three Little Pigs
A funny story from school life begins with the fact that at a reading lesson a teacher read a fairy tale about three little pigs to first-graders. Finally, she came to a passage about looking for materials to build houses, namely, when one pig saw a peasant riding a cart of hay and asked: “Excuse me, sir! Could you lend me some hay to build my house?” After a pause, the teacher asked the children a question: “What do you think that answered the pigletfarmer?”

One of the boys said without hesitation: “The peasant replied that you can just be stunned: a talking pig!” After these words, the teacher could not continue the lesson…
Where is my "bomb"?
And this funny story from school life was told by a teacher, whose school was once visited by the FSB to find out if the educational institution was ready to repel a possible terrorist attack. The visit, of course, was unplanned. In the hands of the guest there was a yellow opaque package with a dummy bomb, with which he walked around the floors, then returned to the guard and asked him to look after the package. Himself, having made sure that there was no smell of vigilance in this school, he went to the director to arrange a dressing.
When I returned, I discovered that the package with the "bomb" had been stolen, apparently for more necessary purposes. Therefore, the “lecturer”, instead of reading notations to the director, was forced to reorient himself into a school detective.
A funny story from school life about Leshenka
Once, a boy Leshenka was brought to one of the numerous schools of prodigies, to whom an aunt-psychologist asked the question at an introductory interview: "What is the difference between a bus and a trolley bus?" The boy, without thinking twice, said that the trolleybus runs on an electric motor (AC power), while the bus runs on an internal combustion engine.

The answer was wrong. In fact, everything is much simpler: a trolleybus with horns, and a bus without. Therefore, there is no need to fool smartaunty head.
According to the magazine
Also a pretty funny story from school life. A new teacher came to the 9th grade. The guys decided to play a joke on her, check her reaction and nerves at the same time and put a condom on the table. The teacher was not at a loss, picked up this item and, showing it to the class, asked what it was and where it was used. In response - friendly laughter. Then the teacher says: “Well, let one of the boys, the most courageous, come to the blackboard, and I will show where and how to put it on, and at the same time I will tell you what it is for. If there is no volunteer, then you will have to call on the magazine . There was a suspicious silence in the classroom.
A funny story from school life about a pancake
The habit of using the word "pancake" is in both adults and children. And they insert it at every opportunity. A teacher at one school, in order to eradicate this habit, suggested that children replace the word "pancake" with "raisin bun."

Well, then on the math test, he observes the following picture - the student quietly mutters under his breath: “Bun with raisins, what a difficult task I got. Well, it doesn’t work, damn it …"
There are students in every class who can't sit through a boring lesson and take the initiative to finish it as soon as possible. Here in one such class there was a student whom everyone loved, and he never felt fear of anyone. At the lessons, everyone was just waiting for what kind of joke he would give out. If the lesson dragged on, the student, under some pretext, left the class and gavea call for a break (of course, ahead of time). I could write a note “a sock is hanging on the ceiling” and let it go around the class. Everyone was reading and naively looking at the ceiling, although it is clear that there was no sock there.
When you try to remember funny stories about school, such a case pops up in your memory. At one of the lessons, a certain child could not stand the toilet and peed himself. The teacher found the most predictable way out of the situation: she called her mother, who brought the pants. The child was changed into dry clothes. After that, the teacher began to respond more attentively to the requests of the children. And somehow she stands with a colleague on one of the floors near the toilet, and she asks her to stand so that the children do not run in. The teacher is standing in the corridor, guarding the door and sees a girl running out of the classroom and shouting: “Bye-ah-aka-ah!”

The poor teacher remembers the previous incident; the toilet is unfortunately busy. But then this girl runs up to another girl of her age, pats her on the shoulder and says: “Bye, Katya! I won't wait for you, my lessons are over.”
And here is another funny story from school life that happened in a gym class. In the tenth grade, it was required to pass the standards for long jump with a run. Since no one really wanted to jump, the guys decided to buy valerian and arrange a real paradise for local cats on the sand area intended for such an interesting action. No sooner said than done! On the day of the expected delivery of standards, the purchased valerian is successfully poured onto the site. The expression on the face of the teacher, who saw several dozen inappropriately behaving cats around the perimeter of the playground, was beyond description.

Attempts to free the yard from meowing living creatures were unsuccessful. But the goal for which everything was done turned out to be achieved, and the physical education lesson turned out to be very fun.
Hurrah! Quarantine
Quarantine, like holidays, is a happy period for any normal student. This is a holiday! At least a week. So. In the winter, as it should be, the influenza epidemic began, and schools, in which more than 10 people were sick, were closed one after another. However, no one was sick in one class, so the guys decided to arrange an artificial quarantine: they brought fragrant black pepper from home, decided to sniff, and as soon as everyone starts sneezing, the teachers will think that the quarantine has reached here too, and will let everyone go home. Unfortunately, this ingenious experiment failed. The teachers, having smelled the smell of pepper, were asked to voluntarily hand over the “chemical weapon”. Passed 4 boys (hooligans-losers) and one girl (an excellent student and a favorite of teachers). It flew into everyone from parents and teachers, I can’t do it.

In the same class, the battle with books was not uncommon. Once a flying book hit the head of a teacher who came to teach a lesson. After such a presentation, she said that this class should be entered in a bulletproof vest and a helmet. It happened not like that. Before the test, they locked themselves in the classroom, and the teacher could not get there until the middlelesson.
At least take a peek…
Funny stories from the life of schoolchildren are varied and sometimes even repeated. Remembering these beautiful bright moments, you feel a keen desire to return to childhood even for a minute. After all, adult life is often monotonous, it does not have that school recklessness and mischief. Beloved teachers are already teaching other generations, who intrigue them in the same way, smear the board with paraffin and put buttons on the chair. Therefore, funny stories from school should be remembered as often as possible, because at such moments mischievous sparks light up in the eyes, and a kind and mischievous smile appears on the face.
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