Anton Leontiev - new format talent

Anton Leontiev - new format talent
Anton Leontiev - new format talent

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Since 2004, books by the young author Anton Leontiev have appeared on bookshelves and online stores. And despite his young years and seemingly hackneyed themes, his works capture literally from the very first paragraphs, from the first lines.


Leontiev Anton Valerievich was born and grew up safely in the city of Volgograd since 1978. Already at school, he showed a craving for learning foreign languages. For this reason, he entered the Volgograd State University (Volgograd State University) in the philological department, where he specialized in German and English. After graduating in 2002, he brilliantly defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Structural-semantic models of convergence in the verbal nomination of the German language." One name speaks of the depth of the author's insight into the essence of the issue.

A. V. Leontiev
A. V. Leontiev

Further, Anton Leontiev continued his studies at the University of Hannover (Lower Saxony, Germany), where he studied political science. Perhaps this discipline was the reason for writing such exciting plots in his books.

Today he still lives in Germany, not married, which gives him a chancefans to try their luck.


Anton Leontiev was brought up on high-quality classical literature. F. M. Dostoevsky, Thomas Mann, V. Nabokov, A. Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie - a partial list of his favorite authors.

Writers such as Stephen King, C. G. Chesterton, Cindy Sheldon, Edgar Alan Poe also attracted the attention of Anton Leontiev.

Stylish book series
Stylish book series

The fascinating intertwining of detective motifs in the fate of his heroes, some melodramatic notes, aspirations for knowledge, the ability to get out of difficult situations with humor attracted thousands of loyal fans to Anton Leontiev's books.


Before choosing something from Anton's works, you should carefully prepare, because reading will be exciting, and the evening will definitely be interesting and fly by.

Perhaps the last page will be finished at dawn.
