Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk): repertoire, history, troupe

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Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk): repertoire, history, troupe
Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk): repertoire, history, troupe

Video: Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk): repertoire, history, troupe

Video: Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk): repertoire, history, troupe
Video: Елена Блиновская: «Я плачу налоги»! #собчак #блиновская 2024, June

The Theater of Musical Comedy (Novosibirsk) has existed since the middle of the 20th century. It is one of the most famous and eminent in the country. Repeatedly his performances and artists became laureates of the most important theatrical award "Golden Mask".

History of the theater

Multiple winner of various festivals and competitions, organizer of various projects, participant in various experiments - all this is the theater of musical comedy (Novosibirsk). Its history began in 1959. It was then, on February 2, that it was opened.

In 2001, the Musical Comedy Theater became the laureate of the Window to Russia competition. The founder was the newspaper "Culture". The Novosibirsk Musical Committee was declared the best musical theatre.

Today it is one of the best and most famous theaters in the country. Every year, the actors of the Novosibirsk Musical Comedy Theater take part in various competitions, both in regional and all-Russian, and in international ones.

The theater took part in a pilot project. His musicals The Viper and Only Girls in Jazz were broadcast online on the Internet as part of the Theater Web Festival.

To stage its performances, the theater often invites the best figures of art and culture of Russia to cooperate:

  • Honored Artist of Russia Vl. Firer.
  • People's Artist Yuri Alexandrov.
  • Honored Art Worker Ekaterina Elfimova.
  • People's Artist Vyacheslav Okunev.
  • Gleb Filshtinsky, winner of the Golden Mask award.
  • Honored Artist Ilya Gaft.

And others.

The Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk) is located on the territory of the Park of Culture and Leisure. A photo of the building is presented in this article.

theater of musical comedy novosibirsk
theater of musical comedy novosibirsk


The Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk) offers its audience the following repertoire:

  • theater of musical comedy novosibirsk repertoire
    theater of musical comedy novosibirsk repertoire
  • Silva.
  • Golden Chicken.
  • "The dawns here are quiet."
  • Cat House.
  • "Bat".
  • Wizard of Oz.
  • "Mr. X".
  • "Women's tricks, or How to seduce a man."
  • The Bremen Town Musicians.
  • "Tristan and Isolde".
  • "Flying ship".
  • Khanuma.
  • White Acacia.
  • Cipollino.
  • Cyrano de Bergerac.
  • Puss in Boots.
  • "12 chairs".
  • Zoyka's apartment.
  • "Charley's Aunt".
  • "The Mystery of the Third Planet".
  • "Eight loving women".
  • "Baby Elephant".
  • "Viper".
  • "The Tale of Cinderella".
  • "It's only girls in jazz."
  • "KhojaNasreddin.”


theater of musical comedy novosibirsk photo
theater of musical comedy novosibirsk photo

Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk) in the new season 2015-2016 will present several new productions to the public. The most anticipated of them is the two-act musical "Viy" based on the novel by Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich. The performance is recommended for viewing by viewers not younger than 16 years old. The libretto for the production was written by Nona Krotova. The plot tells about three students who were going on vacation and got lost at night in the steppe. Having reached the first farm they came across, they asked for an overnight stay there. One of the three young people named Khoma Brut was assigned to spend the night in a barn. It was there that a strange old woman appeared to him, who turned out to be a real witch and decided to ride him. Homa managed to resist her charms and threw her off his back. But the old woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young lady. Now Homa will have to serve for three whole nights near her body in an abandoned church. The farmer Alena is a beautiful and pure creature, she protects the immortal soul of the protagonist. The musical is filled with mystical scenes that alternate with reckless sketches of everyday life.


The Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk) gathered under its roof talented vocalists, dancers, choristers and orchestra members. The troupe includes five laureates of the most important national theater award "Golden Mask". Three of them have the title of People's Artist of Russia. These are: Alexander Vyskribentsev, Ivan Romashko and Olga Titkova. And two Honored Artists of Russia. This is Veronika Grishulenko and Vera Alferova. Moreover, in the theaterthree more Honored Artists of Russia serve. They are Ludmila Chaliapin, Marina Akhmedova and Vladimir Valvachev.

Artistic Director

theater of musical comedy novosibirsk history
theater of musical comedy novosibirsk history

The Musical Comedy Theater (Novosibirsk) is headed by the Honored Artist of Russia Leonid Kipnis. First he graduated from the theater school, then the institute and graduate school. Leonid Mikhailovich began his career at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic as a reader, and eventually became its artistic director. Theater of Musical Comedy Leonid Kipnis headed in 1995. He contributed to the development of musical comedy, with him the repertoire became more interesting, performances now win awards at festivals. Leonid Mikhailovich is an enterprising and purposeful person. In 2004, the theater organized its own festival called "Other Shores". Performances of musical comedy 8 times became laureates of the "Golden Mask" and repeatedly diplomats. In 2008, L. Kipnis became a laureate of the "Man of Action" contest. In 2010, on the initiative of L. Kipnis, two military-themed performances were staged for the Anniversary of the Great Victory: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” and “In the Beginning of May”. In addition to theater actors, students from the Novosibirsk Conservatory took part in the performances.
