Non-stop is a musical phenomenon and not only

Non-stop is a musical phenomenon and not only
Non-stop is a musical phenomenon and not only

The daily routine of a modern person is significantly different from that of previous generations. Non-stop is a convenient format for most people to listen to music, broadcast TV channels and use the Internet. Most often, the absence of breaks is used in clubs and radio broadcasts - music tracks are played without stopping, which allows you to join listening to them at any time.

Meaning of the word "non-stop"

non stop it
non stop it

First, consider the meaning of this word. It is of English origin. Non-stop is literally translated "without a break". This expression can be used not only in relation to mobile communications. Many cinemas show films non-stop. Broadcasting without stopping is typical for radio stations and television broadcasts of most modern channels, especially those that show video clips.

Non-stop is a convenient format for most people. For example, if this concept is used,speaking of travel, this means that in the process a person does not lose precious hours waiting for a connecting flight. If the term is used non-stop, referring to TV shows, films or radio broadcasts, then it will be convenient for people with a wide variety of daily routines, for example, those who prefer to stay awake at night.


mts non stop
mts non stop

In club culture there is a concept of musical non-stop. Most often, DJs perform in this format, playing tracks that smoothly flow from one to another. For example, this technique was used by Skrillex. His Mothership 001 podcast is nothing short of non-stop music. This recording is almost two hours long.

For many people, non-stop is a lifestyle, especially if a person is surrounded by music every day: in the morning you wake up with a phone ringtone or music channel clips, on the way you listen to the radio or player, at work turn on your favorites in the background tracks. Listening to songs non-stop is also a kind of non-stop.

Tariff from MTS

Since the end of 2015, “Non-stop” has become associated with the MTS tariff option for many. Its distinguishing feature is calls within Russia within the network without restrictions. The operator also promises unlimited Internet, but there are pitfalls in this part of the tariff. MTS Non-Stop has no traffic restrictions only at night, that is, from one in the morning to seven in the morning. In the daytime, megabytes are counted within the limit. The operator includes only 10 gigabytes of Internet during the day in the monthly fee. If you exceed this limit, thenan additional traffic package (one gigabyte) worth 150 rubles will be automatically connected.

Despite some restrictions, the Smart Non-Stop tariff is still convenient for many, since a lot of necessary services are included in the subscription fee. An additional feature on this tariff is the use of the MTS Music portal without traffic and payment.
