Brick color and its role in design art

Brick color and its role in design art
Brick color and its role in design art

As you might guess from the name, the brick color is the natural shade that a red-burning clay brick has. Once it was thought that the masonry should be improved with the help of plaster and whitewash, but today's designers see a peculiar aesthetic in such rough rustic surfaces and shades.

brick color
brick color

This color attracts not only those who work with the interior and exterior of premises, it is widely used by fashion designers, artists, website developers, photographers, cooks.


International hexadecimal shade code 884535. The color of the brick is a bit like terracotta, but not as saturated. Other shades close in scale: grayish red, sienna, red-brown.

brick red
brick red

Warm brick color refers to a calm autumn range. It creates a calming atmosphere. It is used to create interiors and images in a variety of styles: from natural with its natural textures and natural shades to expressive Moroccan with hot summer colors and aromas of spices.

How to get the shade

Artists know that brick color consists of several basic tones. You can cook it yourself. To obtain brick-colored paint, mix red, black, brown. In some cases, a few drops of yellow are required to give the shade the necessary warmth. The dominant shade in obtaining a brick is red: it is required the most.

Similar steps are taken when tinting white paint with concentrated pigments. Red is first added to the paint, thoroughly mixed with a mixer. Then the black pigment is introduced little by little. After each time, the paint must be mixed well and try to apply strokes to the surface. Please note that the color will lighten slightly as it dries. In addition to black, other shades can be used: red-brown, brown umber, terracotta. Give preference to warm shades of pigment.

An important rule: paint at once the entire amount of paint that you have to use. Otherwise, there will be a risk of not getting into color when re-tinting.

Compatibility with other shades

Brick color is good in many color selections. Both warm and cold shades can coexist with it. It harmonizes perfectly with the entire red-brown range: from soft peach to deep carmine. This shade is combined with blue-green colors: turquoise, wormwood, cypress, aquamarine. A good result can be obtained by mixing brick with cool shades of gray.

Brick in the interior

The easiest and most charismatic way to get this shade is to use natural brick. It is durable, easy to operate, practical and veryhandsome. It happens that in old houses of pre-war and pre-revolutionary construction, walls, arches, red brick fireplaces are found during repair work. Often the owners of such a treasure try to preserve it. In this case, the brickwork is cleaned of plaster, covered with a layer of protective impregnation that does not change its natural noble color. You can maintain the effect by using natural wood elements in the interior, beautiful textures, forged elements, furniture and textiles in the appropriate classic style with a retro touch.

brick color
brick color

Color brick in clothes

Clothing designers prefer to use this color to create autumn collections. Best of all, clothes in this range are suitable for "woman-winter" and "autumn". Summer and spring color types can look faded against the background of this rather expressive shade.

brick color
brick color

Warm cozy things are especially impressive in this color: sweaters, snoods, scarves, knitted coats.

In jewelry art, this shade is also quite common. Some rocks of agate, jasper, bull's eye and aventurine are dyed brick red. These stones are combined with silver, brass, copper.
