Russian artist Elizaveta Berezovskaya

Russian artist Elizaveta Berezovskaya
Russian artist Elizaveta Berezovskaya

The famous Russian artist is her father's favorite daughter. Is his main heiress.

Short biography

Elizaveta Berezovskaya was born on April 7, 1971 in Moscow. Her father is a well-known entrepreneur and businessman Boris Berezovsky, her mother is Nina Korotkova. According to Elizabeth herself, her father was “one of the greatest men of our time.”

Boris Berezovsky
Boris Berezovsky

Lisa graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Cambridge University. After graduation, she returned to Moscow. Lisa's social circle is represented by modern and fashionable artists of that time, avant-garde artists. She met with the artist Sergei Anufriev, as well as with the famous musician of the Ship group Ilya Voznesensky. Being with Ilya in a civil marriage, Elizabeth gave birth to a son Savva. As close friends and acquaintances noted, her lifestyle was reminiscent of "an endless series of rave parties and designer performances."

Elizabeth Berezovskaya
Elizabeth Berezovskaya

The girl has always denied that Boris Berezovsky financed her parties. But the father still had to help his daughter. Once, together with Ilya, Elizabeth made a scandal in the St. Petersburg club "Griboedov". The police who arrived at the scene later stated the factseizures from Lisa of the drug - cocaine. However, Elizaveta Berezovskaya herself claimed that the white powder was planted on her in order to compromise her father. Be that as it may, this incident played a certain role in her life and influenced her future career. The girl was arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center. Her father sued for bail and moved his daughter abroad. Shortly after the birth of her eldest son, Berezovskaya Elizaveta Borisovna married Anatoly Podkopov. Two children were born in the marriage - Arseny and Plato. For a long time the family lived in London, but in 2003 she returned to her homeland. Elizabeth's husband has repeatedly contributed to the creative ideas of his wife. Also this time, Anatoly, the son of the famous runner Pyotr Bolotnikov, financed a group exhibition in Art Moscow.

Solo exhibitions

Her debut as an artist took place in 1998, in the L-Gallery of the city of Moscow, later the exhibition "Journey" was organized in St. Petersburg - at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1999, Russia saw the second part of the Journey exhibition. Both of them were a great success with art lovers. The curator of the exhibition, Maria Katkova, believes that the artist Berezovskaya has great potential. Lisa's later work also provides plenty of room for interpretation.

Success at Aidan Gallery

In 2001, the artist presents the conceptual installation "Chronicle" in the gallery "Aidan" in Moscow. It was based on the concept of the life cycle of all living things. Birth, flourishing, withering and death in the end - that's what the exhibition told about.


A huge loom wove someone's life out of a huge canvas. The roses on the tapestry are first represented by delicate unopened buds, then the flowers open, revealing bright scarlet petals to the world, and then fade, leaving behind only dried leaves, withered stems.

Conceptual idea of good and evil

The exhibition in 2005, with the capacious title "Good and Evil", made a great impression on the public. And this is not surprising, because what he saw turned out to be beyond good and evil. The artist expressed a deep, endless and immense theme with the same deep, but at the same time laconic installation. In the center of a large room, completely covered in snow-white fabric and lit by fluorescent lamps, there is a huge mirror in the form of lips. In the reflection, you can see glowing scarlet lips set under the ceiling. The word "Fear" is lit on the wall.

Personal exhibitions
Personal exhibitions

Incredible idea of connecting good and evil. Heaven and earth merge into one in a kiss, and fear, which is always present, makes it possible for a person to clearly define the line between good and evil. It is this feeling of fear that makes us aware of the moment when good ends and evil begins.

Queen Bell

In 2010, Elizaveta Berezovskaya creates a new masterpiece of installation - "Queen Bell". A huge, immense bluebell flower is installed in the central part of the hall of the Central House of Artists in Moscow. The eight-meter narrowing corridor of the bell absorbs a person, erases the scale and completely changes the usualattitude. Here the boundaries between the world outside and inside are erased, the usual meaning collapses; the gathering darkness puts a powerful pressure on the visitor, forcing him to wake up. The object creates an integral image of the mother's womb, or a black hole, or a gramophone trumpet, or… Again, an unlimited possibility of interpretation, and it is different for each visitor.

Incredible depth of thought

As you move deeper into the flower, bewilderment grows. But at the end of the narrow corridor, as a reward for working on yourself and on your views, the viewer hears the gentle ringing of a bell. Or is it just an illusion, an auditory hallucination… The listener is given the opportunity to draw his own conclusions about the ringing in the womb of the Queen of the Bell. It is not only a gift, it is a voice within you, the voice of God. In total darkness, the visitor directs his attention inward, to his inner world, moreover, awakened from sleep. It actually starts to feel like the sound of the bell is coming from within you.

Berezovskaya Elizaveta Borisovna
Berezovskaya Elizaveta Borisovna

This compressive and multi-valued artifact shifts and rebuilds perceptions, raising consciousness to a new level - to a revelation with oneself and higher powers.

Elizaveta Berezovskaya is a Russian artist whose work still inspires fans.
