The biography of Sergei Mikhalkov is a mirror of the history of the country

The biography of Sergei Mikhalkov is a mirror of the history of the country
The biography of Sergei Mikhalkov is a mirror of the history of the country

Sergey Mikhalkov just a little did not live up to the round date - his own century, which Russia celebrated on March 13, 2013. We get acquainted with the works of this poet in childhood. But the biography of Sergei Mikhalkov, important milestones in his life and work, unfortunately, often remain outside our attention. Let's try to restore justice in the article by talking a little about this person.

The biography of Sergei Mikhalkov is unique because he lived such a long life. His destiny is like a bridge between the past and the future. He saw revolution and war, thaw and perestroika, the Russian Empire and independent Russia. He was a Soviet poet, favored by the authorities, a laureate of state awards and an order bearer.

biography of Sergei Mikhalkov
biography of Sergei Mikhalkov

Sergey Vladimirovich was born in 1913 in the family of a Moscow collegiate assessor, Vladimir Alexandrovich Mikhalkov and Olga Mikhailovna Glebova. The Mikhalkovs are an old noble family. It is known that the Soviet poet is a directdescendant of the Golitsyns, Ukhtomskys and other famous noble families. Seryozha began composing at the age of 9, and publishing from the age of 14. The first poem by the future author of "Uncle Styopa" was called "The Road".

Biography of Sergei Mikhalkov: youth

After graduating from school, Sergei got a job at a weaving factory. A little later, the young man went on a geological expedition. At the same time, he receives a freelance position in the legendary newspaper Izvestia and publishes the first poetry collection. The 1930s went on: a young man was looking for himself.

Only after the release of the poem "Uncle Styopa" in 1935, the poet enters the Literary Institute. A year later, he writes "Lullaby", dedicated to his youthful love - a girl named Sveta. Literally before the publication of the work (in the newspaper "Pravda"!) Changes its name to "Svetlana" - and thus decides its future fate. The people around decided that the poem was dedicated to Svetlana Stalina, the daughter of the leader. Iosif Vissarionovich liked the opus, and Mikhalkov made an unexpected take-off - at the age of 26 he received the first Order of Lenin.

However, the patronage of the powerful of this world did not affect his behavior during the Great Patriotic War. The poet became a war correspondent, went a long way to Stalingrad, was shell-shocked. Well-deserved military awards were added to the Labor Order. During this period, Sergei Vladimirovich wrote many fables.

Biography of Sergei Mikhalkov: maturity

Sergey Mikhalkov biography
Sergey Mikhalkov biography

After the war, the poet wrote plays and scripts for films. Since 1956 he has becomeeditor of the popular children's magazine "Funny Pictures", and in 1962 came up with a wonderful witty film magazine "Wick", which in Soviet times was often shown in cinemas before screenings, delighting the audience. In subsequent years, Mikhalkov continued to write in various genres and worked extensively in the public arena.

He held various senior positions in the Union of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR, for 18 years he was a deputy of the Supreme Council.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich… The biography of this man draws us an interesting controversial personality. He became the author of three hymns of the great country - the Soviet one, first performed on New Year's Eve 1944 and edited by Mikhalkov 33 years later - in 1977, and the modern Russian one, written "in the Orthodox spirit."

He came up with the immortal words that adorned the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow: "Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal." His books have been published with a total circulation of more than 300 million copies. The writer lived for 53 years with his wife, Natalya Konchalovskaya, daughter and granddaughter of the most famous Russian artists. They raised two sons, who today are also prominent figures, however, of the cinematic firmament. Only after the death of his wife, Mikhalkov married a second time - to a woman who was 4 decades younger than him.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich biography
Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich biography

Undoubtedly, Sergei Mikhalkov, whose biography is inextricably linked with the history of the country in which he lived, is one of the most prominent and prominent figures of the Soviet and post-Sovietreality.
