The best movie ever. The choice is yours

The best movie ever. The choice is yours
The best movie ever. The choice is yours

Video: The best movie ever. The choice is yours

Video: The best movie ever. The choice is yours
Video: Top 10 Best Horror Movies of 2022 2024, June

You can talk about cinema for a very long time, and even argue which film is better and which is worse, and even more so. But why the controversy? After all, films, like people, are completely different, and therefore not everyone likes them. For some, The Human Centipede is the best movie of all time, and for some, The Silence of the Lambs sucks. That is why the expression appeared that there is no arguing about tastes. But, nevertheless, various magazines, newspapers, Internet publications and British scientists are very fond of making all kinds of ratings.

best movie of all time
best movie of all time

For example, the British Film Institute in 2012 presented a list of the top fifty films. This list is updated every ten years, and, according to it, the best film of all time, in first place, is the thriller Vertigo, released as far back as 1958 by Alfred Hitchcock. It should be noted that films of domestic production are not in the last places in this list. So,in the TOP-50 of the best films, according to the British, are: 11th place - "Battleship Potemkin" directed by Sergei Eisenstein; 19th place - "Mirror"; 26th - "Andrey Rublev"; 29th - "Stalker". The last three films were directed by Andrei Tarkovsky.

By the way, Tarkovsky's films ("The Sacrifice" and "Andrey Rublev") were included in the list of the forty-five greatest films marked by the Vatican. But Quentin Tarantino has compiled his list of films dedicated to World War II. And the best film of all times and peoples, according to this list, is Elem Klimov’s tape “Come and See”. Tarantino gave it the first place among fifty other movie masterpieces.

Here's what Time magazine recommends. He did not designate only one

the best series of all time
the best series of all time

the best film of all times and peoples, he collected as many as one hundred films that are worthy of such a title, and urged everyone who seeks self-education and self-improvement to find time to watch each of them. We won't mention the whole 100, but we'll highlight a few:

1) Bonnie and Clyde 1967, directed by Arthur Penn;

2) Blade Runner 1982, directed by Ridley Scott;

3) Casablanca, 1942, directed by Michael Curtis;

4) 1941 Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles;

5) The Godfather, 1972 and 1974 (2 parts), directed by Francis Ford Coppola;

6) The Lord of the Rings, 2001-2003, directed by Peter Jackson;

7) 1994 Pulp Fiction directed by Quentin Tarantino;

8) "Schindler's List"1993 directed by Steven Spielberg;

9) 1961 Yohimbo directed by Akira Kurosawa;

10) "Talk to Her" 2002 directed by Pedro Almodovar.

This is only a tenth of Time magazine's list, but each of these titles is the best

film of all time
film of all time

th film of all time. Different genres, different years of release, different directors and plots - all this is unlikely to make it possible to make a choice in favor of only one film. Each of them is a masterpiece, recognized all over the world not only by critics, but also by viewers.

But if we are already talking about film ratings, then in the end I would like to mention TV shows. According to polls on a variety of Internet resources, the best TV shows of all time are Friends, Moonlight Detective Agency, House M. D., Sex and the City, Helen and the Boys, Twin Peaks”, “Desperate Housewives”, “Wild Angel”, “The Sopranos”, “Lost” and the animated series “The Simpsons”.
