Dmitry Leontiev: biography, books

Dmitry Leontiev: biography, books
Dmitry Leontiev: biography, books

Always in great shape, with a beautiful smile, with kind eyes. He will always cheer you up and find something to say when, it would seem, there is nothing to say. This is exactly what Dmitry Leontiev, a wise psychologist and talented writer, appears to millions of people.


Dmitry Leontiev was born on July 28, 1960 in Moscow. From childhood, he was given the opportunity to become a psychologist, because his father and grandfather achieved stunning success in this area. Therefore, he had no doubts about where he should go after graduation.

dmitry leontiev
dmitry leontiev

At 22, he already brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the Moscow University for the Humanities. His achievements in this area did not end there, after 6 years he defended his Ph. D. thesis, and at the age of 29 he became a doctor of psychological sciences.

After graduating from the university, the former student stayed to work as a teacher and scientist. He owns two laboratories in which he analyzes important human problems: what is the meaning of the existence of the individual, values, motivation for life creation, and manyothers.

Dmitry Leontiev is a writer with a capital letter, a teacher who knows how to find an approach to each student, and just a talented person. This is how his work colleagues, friends and relatives are used to seeing him.


The life of a talented writer can be divided into several important stages:

  1. In 1990 he became head of the Positive Psychology Laboratory.
  2. By 2004, Dmitry Leontiev had already written more than 600 scientific articles, for which he received the title of winner of the Viktor Frankl Foundation Prize.
  3. From 2009 to 2012 he was in charge of the laboratory for the study of personality with disabilities.
  4. In 2014 he became an Honorary Member of the Logotherapy Society.
dmitry leontiev writer
dmitry leontiev writer

Throughout his life, the scientist was engaged in the study of personality, which was a person with different abilities. He involved a reflex consciousness, which periodically goes beyond the boundaries of the permissible. In his articles, he points out that a person is a passive being, which is controlled by many factors. Rather, he is the subject of his own activity, rather than an object.

In Moscow, many people know such an author as Dmitry Leontiev, the books of this man help a person develop, understand the vital value and essence of his destiny. In total, several of the most popular works of the modern psychologist can be distinguished.


A small work of the author, set out on 42 pages. This is the first book the author has written in love.fantasy genre. The main character in it is a young girl with a beautiful appearance and ambitions. When she enters the room, all the men begin to look after her and count the steps of this beautiful person. It's like everyone around her goes into a daze at the sight of her. But is the fate of a girl with a bright appearance so simple? What is happening in her soul, and what fate has life brought to her?

dmitry leontiev books
dmitry leontiev books

Most of the readers of this work are women. After reading, they will certainly share their impressions about this book. Basically, the review is as follows: women like a bright plot that starts to capture from the very beginning and contains intrigue until the end of the work, it reveals the most difficult human relationships, each paragraph carries its own meaning, throughout the work there is no extra "water".

The Dew in Hell

"The Dew in Hell" is the first book written in a fantasy style in the history of the author. The main character of this work was a young man who, it would seem, should be full of strength, but he no longer has the energy to exist, work and endure everything that life brings him. All these torments lead to the fact that at first the whole world despises a person, and then he begins to hate himself.

dmitry leontiev rosa in hell reviews
dmitry leontiev rosa in hell reviews

If you like science fiction, pay attention to the work written by Dmitry Leontiev - "The Dew in Hell". Reviews about this arbitrariness are mostly positive. They are left inequal parts of both male and female representatives. They note the sharpness of the plot, its "twisting", the vivid description of the scenes and the inability to predict the denouement of the plot.

Escape to a dream

Dmitry Leontiev practiced contemporary poetry for several years. The result of his creations was the work "Escape to a Dream". The main meaning in it is that all people throughout their lives live in illusions, they do not appreciate the present and think that they live badly, but someday everything will work out. The heroine of this picture thought the same way until she inherited the riddle.

Mostly readers say that this is not just a work, but a real life truth that can happen to anyone.

Psychology in our lives is of great importance. After all, it is she who helps to study the state of the human soul, direct thoughts in the right direction, and avoid conflicts. Dmitry Leontiev plays an important role in this area. It was he who was able to get to the soul of the reader and helped him put everything in its place.
