Hector Barbossa is the best filibuster in the history of cinema

Hector Barbossa is the best filibuster in the history of cinema
Hector Barbossa is the best filibuster in the history of cinema

Captain Hector Barbossa is one of the main characters of the movie series "Pirates of the Caribbean", staged in 2003 at the W alt Disney Pictures studio. The character is superbly played by actor Geoffrey Rush. Throughout the story, the two main characters interact closely in the film: Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa.

hector barbossa
hector barbossa

Black Pearl

A strange stranger appears in the English port. He rescues the governor's daughter who fell into the water. Further, the main events unfold in chronological order in the first series called "The Curse of the Black Pearl". A pirate brigantine under a black flag and under the command of Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp plays his role) rampages in the sea. The ship's chief officer, Hector Barbossa, gradually moves away from his former friend and begins to hatch plans to eliminate Sparrow and take over the ship.

Confrontation on the ship

One day the competition with Jack took an open form, and the whole team witnessed their quarrel. Being resolute by nature, Hector so bluntly stated,that the position of captain suits him better. And Sparrow, they say, only cares about his own skin. The quarrel at that time was hushed up, but the flywheel of confrontation was already running, Jack Sparrow became more careful and tried to win over most of the crew.

Hector Barbossa, for his part, was also on the alert, and he managed to convince part of the team of the failure of the captain. However, in general, his plans were not destined to come true, and during the next skirmish with Jack, Hector Barbossa dies, hit by a bullet. Further development of events slows down somewhat, as is usually the case when the main character leaves the story.

Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa
Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa

Special genre

The film was created in the style of fantasy, which means that any transformations are possible in the course of the plot. Hector ended up in the next world, and Jack Sparrow, in his time, also did not escape this fate. And, nevertheless, both remained "conditionally alive" and continued to conflict and compete, being on the other side of reality.

However, the enmity could not last forever, there came a time when both pirates united and acted as a united front against a third force that threatened them with complete destruction.

Second series. "Dead Man's Chest"

In 2005, the continuation of the "Black Pearl" was filmed. In the second series, called "Dead Man's Chest", Hector Barbossa does not participate. However, later, resurrected by the sorceress Tia Dalma, he appears at the very end of the film, before the credits.

Captain Hector Barbossa
Captain Hector Barbossa

Third film. "At the end of the world"

In the next episode, Hector Barbossa becomes the main character. He helps Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner rescue Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' trap. Otherwise, it will not be possible to release the goddess Calypso, which should be the key to a successful fight against Cutler Beckett and Jones himself.

Pirates of the Caribbean. "On Stranger Tides"

In the fourth series, Hector Barbossa appears as a servant of His Majesty George II, and he no longer has one leg. He tells Jack how he lost his leg. As a result of the attack by Blackbeard, who took possession of the Black Pearl, Barbossa was tied up and threatened with death. To free himself and save his life, he was forced to cut off his leg.

hector barbossa actor
hector barbossa actor

Hector Barbossa, character hero

The character of the cruel captain, who does not know the pity of a pirate, is intertwined with purely human qualities in the course of the film. Hector Barbossa (photos on the page are evidence of this) loves beautiful clothes, although he requires practicality from them. Lace shirts, in his opinion, are appropriate on a pirate ship, if they do not interfere with killing and robbing. The captain takes care of his appearance, wears an elegant leather coat and a wide-brimmed hat, always of the same color, richly decorated with ostrich feathers. The buttons on the coat are made of antique silver, which was used even by the Incas.

Captain's Quirks

When Hector served as XO on the Black Pearl, JackSparrow more than once resented the "fashionable manners" of his assistant. And when Barbossa himself became the captain of the ship, he gave himself free rein. In his cabin there was always a bowl of green apples, the slices of which the pirate used for breakfast. Another weakness of the sailor was pure, undiluted rum, which he consumed in incredible quantities. Hector preferred to get drunk alone, so as not to lose authority with his team.

When a pirate lost his leg, he arranged a kind of hiding place in a wooden prosthesis, where there was always a large bottle of pure rum. Of course, everyone knew about this and condemned the captain's drunkenness, but kept quiet.

hector barbossa photo
hector barbossa photo

Best filibuster movie

Hector Barbossa (actor Geoffrey Rush played the role convincingly and intelligibly) became the best pirate in the history of cinema, his character was shown with frightening authenticity. No one wants to fall into the hands of a brutal one-legged assassin.

And yet the captain of a pirate ship is shown not only as an incorrigible villain. He is, above all, an experienced sailor and strictly adheres to the code of the "Jolly Roger". The captain is ruthless, but sometimes fair. His orders to kill innocent victims and destroy captured sailboats cannot be justified, but a spark of humanity occasionally slips in his wine-clouded brain.

Being a living dead among the other dead members of his team, he couldn't think straight because of the curse. When the people of Baron Palachnik took the ship from him, Hectorgave up trying to find those responsible for his defeat. Having lost a leg and a ship, he even left piracy, forgot about the enmity with Jack Sparrow and went into the service of the English king, just to take revenge on Blackbeard.
