Roman "Oblomov". Characteristics of the heroes of the work

Roman "Oblomov". Characteristics of the heroes of the work
Roman "Oblomov". Characteristics of the heroes of the work
Breakdown characteristic
Breakdown characteristic

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov has been working on the novel "Oblomov" for ten years. The characterization of the protagonist is so convincingly presented by the classic that it went beyond the scope of the work, and the image became a household word. The quality of the author's elaboration of the characters of the story is impressive. All of them are integral, possessing the features of contemporary people for the writer.

The topic of this article is the characteristics of the heroes of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Sliding on the plane of laziness

The central image of the book is a young (32-33 years old) landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy imposing dreamer. He is a man of medium height, with dark gray eyes, pleasant features, and puffy hands, pampered like a child. Oblomov lives in a St. Petersburg apartment on the Vyborg side. The characterization of this person is ambiguous. Oblomov is a great conversationalist. He is by nature incapable of harming anyone. His soul is pure. Educated, has a broad outlook. At any given time, his face reflects a continuous stream of thoughts. It would seem that we are talking about a successful person, if not for a huge laziness,moved into Ilya Ilyich. From childhood, numerous nannies took care of him in detail. "Zakharki da Vanya" from the serfs did any work for him, even small work. In idleness and lying on the couch his days pass.

He is naive to such an extent that in the end he turns out to be deceived and ruined by crooks: Mikhei Tarantiev and Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov. Mikhey Tarantiev is a forty-year-old he althy man, a typical “bred”, “master of speech”, parasitic type in society. Convinced by a rogue, Oblomov leaves the apartment and returns to Oblomovka. Tarantiev is a swindler "for trust", listening to him, everything seems "clear and understandable" to the victim, but as soon as it comes to practical implementation, nothing comes out of Tarantiev. Then he handed over the "warm client" to his accomplice. Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov is made from a different dough. This is a rogue practitioner. His trade is forgery, vilely drawn up, ruining documents.

Trusting them, Oblomov signed an enslaving contract for his Vyborg apartment, and then paid the fake "moral damage" to Agafya Mukhoyarov's brother in the amount of ten thousand rubles by means of a fake loan letter. A friend of Ilya Ilyich Stolz exposes the scoundrels. After that, Tarantiev “goes on the run.”

People close to Oblomov

comparative characteristic of Oblomov
comparative characteristic of Oblomov

People feel that he is a sincere person, Oblomov. A characteristic is a characteristic, however, the self-destruction of the protagonist by laziness does not prevent him from having friends. The reader sees how a real friend Andrei Stolz is trying to snatch Oblomov out of tightthe arms of doing nothing. He also became, after the death of Oblomov, according to the will of the latter, the adoptive father for Andryusha's son.

Oblomov has a devoted and loving civil wife - the widow Agafya Pshenitsyna - an unsurpassed hostess, narrow-minded, illiterate, but honest and decent. Outwardly, she is full, but okay, hardworking. Ilya Ilyich admires her, comparing her with a cheesecake. The woman breaks off all relations with her brother Ivan Mukhoyarov, having learned about the low deception of her husband by him. After the death of a common-law husband, a woman feels that "the soul has been taken out of her." Having given her son to be raised by the Stolts, Agafya simply wants to leave after her Ilya. She is not interested in money, which is evident from her refusal of the due income from the Oblomov estate.

Ilya Ilyich is served by Zakhar - untidy, lazy, but idolizing his master and devoted to the end servant of the old school. After the death of the master, the former servant prefers to beg, but is near his grave.

More about the image of Andrei Stolz

Often the topic of school essays is a comparative description of Oblomov and Stolz. They are even opposite in appearance. Lean, swarthy, with sunken cheeks, it seems that Stolz is all made up of muscles and tendons. He has a public service behind him, a rank, a guaranteed income. Later, while working for a trading company, he earned money to buy a house. He is active and creative, he is offered an interesting and profitable job. It is he who, in the second part of the novel, is trying to bring Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya, introducing them. However, Oblomov stopped in constructionrelations with this lady, because he was afraid to change housing and engage in active work. Disappointed Olga, who planned to re-educate the lazy man, left him. However, the image of Stolz is not ideal, despite his constant creative work. He, as the antipode of Oblomov, is afraid to dream. In this image, Goncharov invested rationality and rationalism in abundance. The writer believed that the image of Stolz had not been finalized by him. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov even considered this image negative, motivating this judgment by the fact that he is “too pleased with himself” and “thinks too well of himself.”

Olga Ilyinskaya - the woman of the future

The image of Olga Ilinskaya is strong, complete, beautiful. Not a beauty, but surprisingly harmonious and dynamic. It is deeply spiritual and at the same time active. Ilya Oblomov met her singing the aria "Casta diva". This woman turned out to be able to stir up even such a penny. But the re-education of Oblomov turned out to be an extremely difficult task, no more effective than training woodpeckers, laziness took deep roots in him. In the end, Oblomov is the first to refuse a relationship with Olga (due to laziness). A characteristic of their further relationship is Olga's active sympathy. She marries the active, reliable and faithful Andrei Stolz who fell in love with her. They have a wonderful harmonious family. But an astute reader will understand that an active German "does not reach" the level of his wife's spirituality.


characterization of Oblomov's heroes
characterization of Oblomov's heroes

A string of Goncharov's images passes before the eyes of the reader of the novel. Of course, the most striking of them is the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Having wonderful prerequisites for a successful, comfortable life, he managed to ruin himself. At the end of his life, the landowner realized what had happened to him after all, giving this phenomenon a capacious laconic name “Oblomovism”. Is it modern? And how. Today's Ilya Ilyichs have, in addition to a dream flight, also impressive resources - computer games with amazing graphics.

The image of Andrei Stolz was not revealed in the novel to the extent conceived by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. The author of the article considers this natural. After all, the classic depicted two extremes in these heroes. The first is a useless dream, and the second is a pragmatic, unspiritual activity. Obviously, only by combining these qualities in the right proportion, we will get something harmonious.
