What should be the structure of the guitar

What should be the structure of the guitar
What should be the structure of the guitar

One of the most popular musical instruments is the guitar. It performs classical works and folk compositions, pop and non-format songs. If you know the structure of the guitar, then learning to play it is easy. Therefore, let's now briefly consider what parts this musical instrument consists of and which one is responsible for what.

guitar structure
guitar structure

Building a guitar from the start

As you know, the main elements of any guitar are its body and neck. In turn, the body is divided into two decks. The top one is under the strings, and the bottom one, respectively, is on the reverse side. An equally important role is played by a round hole in the upper deck, which is called the voice box, or resonator. Its diameter must be strictly 8.5 centimeters, otherwise the sound of the instrument will be spoiled.

The structure of the guitar certainly implies the presence of the most important element - the strings. Behind the resonator on the top deck is a stand to which they are attached. And on the stand itself (its height canvary) there is a saddle, for which each string is hooked. The sound of the instrument depends on the height of these parts. If the stand is high, then the guitar will play brightly, expressively, loudly. The low bridge provides a softer performance.

acoustic guitar structure
acoustic guitar structure

The lower soundboard itself is much more massive than the upper one. It is most often made from two pieces of wood connected to each other. At the junction, they form an edge, which stands out on more expensive instruments. The upper and lower decks are interconnected by a shell. This is a figuratively carved tree in the shape of a figure eight. This structure of the guitar provides the most beautiful and harmonious sound. It is only important that all parameters are met.


Now moving on to the neck. Its heel, or base, is attached to the side of the guitar. It can be rounded or pointed. The base of the neck is made of wood, as are both guitar bodies, however, in this case, denser woods are preferred. On the surface of the neck are metal strips called frets. Looking at them, the musician determines the key in which he will perform the work. The fretboard of a standard Spanish guitar has 19 frets. Two adjacent ones form a semitone, respectively, to hold the tone on the guitar, you need to skip one fret.

bass guitar structure
bass guitar structure

The headstock crowns this whole system, under which the nut is located. Strings pass through it and are fixed on the pegs. With the help of the secondthe pitch is adjusted, the instrument is tuned.

The structure of an acoustic guitar suggests the presence of 6 strings. The same number remained after the appearance of the electronic analogue of this instrument. Thanks to the presence of 19 frets, any harmony can be formed. This guitar covers a very wide sound range.

Bass structure

The bass guitar, which does not play without electricity, has a similar structure. It differs only in that the number of pegs and strings on it is 4. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the neck of such a guitar is longer than that of an ordinary one. This results in a lower and tighter sound.
