Industrial Art: Definition and Brief History

Industrial Art: Definition and Brief History
Industrial Art: Definition and Brief History

Artistic design, industrial design, technical aesthetics, industrial art - all these terms are related to the interaction of art and the subject environment of a person.

industrial art
industrial art

These concepts have both something in common and something narrowly specific.

Historical stage

The answer to the question of what industrial art is, some are looking for the concept of it in prehistoric times. The potter was looking for the best form for his products or applied a primitive decor to their surface - was he not the first designer? But the issues of attracting a person with an artistic view of the world to the production process have become especially relevant since the advent of truly industrial methods of production. Interest in increasing the consumer value of mass-produced goods in a competitive environment - this is what gave impetus to the rapid development of the theory and practice of design in the industry.

What is industrial art concept
What is industrial art concept

At first it was possible to talk simply about giving the product of production style features, modern era, but then industrial art acquiredgreater value. In many respects, the developments of specialists involved in determining promising areas of production began to shape public views on the entire human environment, and not even always material. So, cars of the 30s and 40s of the 20th century are not only the pinnacle of technology of that time, but also a vivid symbol of the art deco era, the entire lifestyle of the pre-war society.

Difficult to identify

The term used by the educational program - industrial art (9th grade of high school) - seems to be the most controversial of all the names for creativity in the manufacturing sector. It is customary to explain it as a kind of human activity for the aesthetic transformation of the objective environment surrounding him. This environment includes all things related to the work and leisure of people.

Industrial art, 9th grade
Industrial art, 9th grade

The word design seems to be more appropriate for such a generalized concept. Its modern meaning - the design, drawing, appearance, meaning of the object - has that ambiguity that is justified for the great diversity of the modern world. Industrial art is only a small area of human activity to create a harmonious living space. In this sense, industrial design is closest to him - as one of the isolated phenomena of artistic creativity in industry.

Artistic design

In domestic practice, since Soviet times, it has been customary to call the practical activity of designing objects and products for various purposes artistic design. The theoretical basis for the designer was the doctrine of technical aesthetics, which consisted of several basic areas. In addition to the search for an expressive artistic solution, these are materials science and technology, economics and ergonomics (the science of comfort), etc.

Industrial art of the 20th century
Industrial art of the 20th century

All this can be attributed to what is called industrial art. Its goal is also to create a product with high technological, economic, functional and consumer characteristics, with aesthetic content and artistic expression.

Varieties of design

There are fewer and fewer places on Earth that have not experienced human impact. Where the population density is especially high, everything bears traces of the work of human hands and human intellect. The design of interiors, vehicles and individual objects determines the largest and smallest elements of the material environment.

Information and intellectual content of the environment - interfaces and content of programs and shells, media and media - this is also the design. The industrial art of the 20th century is the time of a clear division of labor for designers, their narrow specialization.

Profession designer

Objects created by industrial artists surround a person from birth. At the lessons on world art culture, there is an acquaintance with such a concept as industrial art. Grade 9 is a time for choosing a life path for many, and a designer is one of the most popularprofessions. A high-class industrial designer is a piece of goods, and mastering this speci alty in a two-week course is unrealistic. Only having a significant cultural background, knowledge and experience in various fields, one can achieve success in this capacity.

Industrial art, short definition
Industrial art, short definition

Creating a comfortable human environment is one of the main goals of architecture. It is no coincidence that the most famous industrial designers came to their profession from architecture. These professions are related by the need to have great knowledge, to have creative thinking aimed at transforming the world. It is such a person who is able to quickly realize what industrial art is. The concept of it as a field of communication through visual images is another unifying principle of architecture and design.

There is an interesting opinion about the future of the design profession, which belongs to the famous Philippe Starck. He is convinced that the role of the visual aesthetics of the form of things and objects will quickly weaken, and the value of the creative abilities of a designer-thinker, able to find global ways to improve human life, will increase dramatically.

Short definition

The historical development of civilization in a high sense determines the combination of the material and spiritual principles of human nature. A prime example of this is industrial art. A brief definition of this phenomenon may sound like satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of a person by creating a harmonious objective environment surrounding him.
