Industrial graphics: definition, history of appearance, stages of development, description with photos and examples

Industrial graphics: definition, history of appearance, stages of development, description with photos and examples
Industrial graphics: definition, history of appearance, stages of development, description with photos and examples

Speaking of industrial graphics, it means the applied (used in practice) design industry, which develops and manufactures promotional products, labels, posters and posters, trademarks, everything related to the service sector of production and marketing of goods.

From the history of graphics

Graphics is the most ancient form of fine art. It can be said that the primitive man was the first who laid the foundation for this type of art, carving his first graphic drawings on the walls of caves. According to archaeologists and scientists, ancient people expressed their thoughts through this rock art. When writing appeared, the concept of "graphics" became associated with calligraphic writing, that is, written in a clear, beautiful handwriting. The first scribes and copyists of texts appeared, and then illustrators who made drawings for the rewritten texts. Time passed, and there was a need for printed materials and, accordingly, the design of its graphicwork.

Stages of graphics development

With the development of the manufacturing industry, industrial graphics appeared. At the initial stage, it was a contrasting linear pattern consisting of black and white. Then a dash and a spot were added to the lines. Graphic drawings were made by hand using pencil, pen, ink, pastel, charcoal.

newspaper graphics
newspaper graphics

The stages of development include:

  • Easel graphics, including prints, popular prints and, in fact, easel drawing.
  • Book graphics including vignettes, illustrations, drop caps, covers. This also includes fonts, since letters are graphic characters.
  • Magazine and newspaper graphics are images made in accordance with GOST, which specifies the types of fonts and the presence of graphic illustrations. The photo above is an example of a publisher's stamp graphic.
  • Technologies of computer layout of printed publications. Since the end of the 20th-beginning of the 21st century, products have become a premium advertising medium.

The work of graphic artists

Industrial graphics appeared as an integral part of advertising, where fonts, ornaments, images (photos and drawings), color palette and printing are equally important. The ancestor of graphics, known since ancient times, is considered the stigma of trademarks. It was formed as an area of artistic activity that promotes goods on the market. Finally, teams of professional artists formed by the end of the 19th century. They specialized in advertising and packaging design.

And now, as a rule, graphic artists work on the design of brand names, advertising and other products involved in the promotion and sale of goods. Their field of activity is different from the usual graphic art. They design unified systems of trademarks and corporate identity, as well as corporate documentation, work on promotional products and packaging design, creating an aesthetic appearance.

This is what the trademarks of world famous companies look like, made using industrial graphics. The photo below illustrates the conciseness and catchy design.

Trademarks of well-known companies
Trademarks of well-known companies

A trademark is the "face" of a company, so the requirement for its creation is that it must be original, memorable, concise and technologically advanced. A trademark is sometimes referred to as a silent seller. Its presence on a product or product is an important recommendation for the buyer. World statistics confirm that the price of a product with a marked sign is higher than the cost of an anonymous product. This has its own explanation. This one meets all the requirements imposed on him by the reputation of the company.

Corporate identity

The system of visual communication means creates a certain visual image, which is expressed in the logo, trademark, color and font. The graphic artists work with the entire branding job package. Visually, industrial graphics design is projected onto:

  • documentation: forms, envelopes,accompanying, technical and in-house documentation, business cards;
  • products: products, copyright and trademarks;
  • packaging: bags, stickers, boxes, showcases, exhibitions, brochures, catalogs, souvenirs;
  • clothing: signature seasonal style, tie, headscarf;
  • vehicles involved in the company: logo, trademark;
  • buildings owned by the company: trademark, logo.
Advertising on vehicles
Advertising on vehicles


Industrial graphic elements include different types of fonts, photos and hand-drawn images, color and polygraphy. In the generally accepted sense, fonts are handwritten, drawn, engraved or typesetting letters or numbers. They vary in size, style, italics, and boldness.

Psychologists have conducted a series of studies to determine how the text is perceived, typed in different fonts, and found that it has an impact on the emotional perception of the material. This suggests that an advertising message typed in different fonts will be perceived by the target audience in different ways. The playful font will not be appreciated by business partners, and children will not like strict direct captions for fabulous pictures.

Thus, graphic artists, while working on the trademark and corporate identity of the company, must take into account the psychological aspect of the perception of the information provided. Depending on the seriousness of the information, the inscriptions on packaging bags, stickers, boxes, catalogs and souvenirs shouldcorrespond to the importance and credibility of the company.

Samples of various fonts
Samples of various fonts

Product marking

As noted above, manufactured products are labeled. To do it, you need tools. That is, there should be markers that allow certain information to be applied to the surface of the product. These inscriptions should not be washed off, washed off with water and fade in the sun.

The Edding series of industrial graphics markers is designed for marking wood, metal, glass, ceramics, plastics and other materials that a certain company works with. Markers are used in construction and finishing works. Industrial markers have a metal body. It is mainly durable aluminum.

Industrial markers

The Edding 8750 industrial graphics marker has a bullet tip. The tool is applied to the inscriptions on the surface of products operating in aggressive industrial conditions. Products are not cleaned for labeling, they may be dirty and greasy. The markings made by the marker are resistant to solvents and acids and are not washed off with water. White ink contains a high concentration of pigment. This allows you to cover both smooth and rough surfaces with a dense layer.

Marker Edding 8750
Marker Edding 8750

They do not spread, do not smudge, and dry quickly. The marker of this series works flawlessly in harsh climates with temperature fluctuations from -30° to +30°. You can get by with one E-8750 marker when marking or marking products made of rubber, glass,plastic, metal.

Edding brand also produces a black marker for industrial graphics. It has a round tip, body material - white-black plastic. Black ink, based on pigment mastic. The thickness of the lines applied to the product is 10 mm. This industrial marker is suitable for greasy, dirty and underwater surfaces. The paint of the marker can withstand heating up to 1000°, and the maximum surface temperature of the product when writing with a marker is 100°. The paint is almost odorless.

Using graphics

There are so many examples of industrial graphics that have entered our lives that they seem natural and familiar. These are signs with the names of settlements, street names, numbers of houses and vehicles, names of shops, schools, gardens.

All products and goods have accompanying documentation: passports, instructions and catalogs. It necessarily contains visual images that explain the structure of products, their functionality, rules of use and maintenance. And this is also a kind of industrial graphics. Another type should include conventional signs that convey visual information, in contrast to the alphabetic writing familiar to us. They are called pictograms.

Pictograms - indicating signs
Pictograms - indicating signs

These are signs indicating crossing points, road turns, car parking and others, the size, shape and color of drawings of which are established by international standards. Pictograms are concise, figurative and do not require knowledge of the language. They are used in internationalscales to indicate sports.

Industrial (advertising) graphics

Advertising surrounds a person everywhere. All kinds of signs on shops and boutiques, posters and posters informing about a particular event, advertising of new drugs and services are a product of industrial graphics. People's responses to all this variety of offering, inviting and realizing advertising are ambiguous. Someone likes the variety of signs and advertisements in the subway and transport, while someone simply does not notice them. Nevertheless, catchy posters attract the attention of potential buyers.

Industrial graphics advertising stands
Industrial graphics advertising stands

We can say that thanks to the industrial graphics, bright advertising posters, billboards, posters created by graphic designers, people get the information they need.
