"Own people - let's get along": a summary of the comedy

"Own people - let's get along": a summary of the comedy
"Own people - let's get along": a summary of the comedy

The comedy "Our people - we will settle", a summary of which we present to your attention, begins with the fact that the daughter of the merchant Bolshov, Lipochka, is sitting at the window with a book, talking about dancing. She dreams that she, dressed up like a picture, will be invited to a w altz by an interesting gentleman. But what if she gets embarrassed? And the young lady begins to w altz.

Dancing Lipochka is caught by her mother, Agrafena Kondratievna. He scolds her, but the daughter is naughty and demands a groom, otherwise all her friends have been with their husbands for a long time. From their obviously habitual squabble, it is noticeable that Lipochka is a narrow-minded young lady, completely spoiled by her mother.

we will consider our people summary
we will consider our people summary

Soon the matchmaker, Ustinya Naumovna, is announced. She complains that she cannot figure out how to pick up a groom in a family where everyone wants different things. Mommy is an old-fashioned well-bred merchant, daddy is certainly rich, and the daughter wants only noble.

bankrupt in order to become even richer in this way. He believes that it is not a sin to deceive creditors who have money. Only one thing worries the cunning merchant: to whom to transfer his property?

The attorney advises the most suitable candidate - Lazar Podkhalyuzin, Bolshov's clerk. Here, by the way, he is announced. He tells how he teaches shop assistants to behave "more naturally", deceiving customers. It is clear from the manner of this young man that he will go far in his midst. He skillfully flatters the owner, promising him "both in fire and water" for him, and the rich merchant sincerely believes in it.

The comedy "Our People - Let's Settle", a summary of which is proposed here, very vividly represents the people gathered in Bolshov's house. All of them, without exception, think only about their own benefit, and at every opportunity they will “drown” the one who is nearby. We will see this later.

Ostrovskiy his people agree summary
Ostrovskiy his people agree summary

Having convinced both Rispolozhensky and Ustinya Naumovna to support his person as a possible successor to Bolshov's fortune and a candidate for the hand of his daughter, he spares no words for promises. The matchmaker decides to tell the new fiancé, whom she has hitherto married Lipochka, that her father has no money. And the lawyer praises Podkhalyuzin as the most convenient companion to participate in the bankruptcy case.

Lazar himself, in a conversation with Bolshov, skillfully twists compliments to Olimpiada Samsonovna and, as a result, as the play “Our people - we will settle down”, a summary of which you read, achieves that Bolshov decides to give his daughter forclerk. He argues that it is better to transfer his we alth to his son-in-law than to an outsider.

Bolshov announces Podkhalyuzin as his daughter's fiancé and, despite her resistance, firmly stands his ground. And Lazar at this time promises his mother that in her old age there will be no more caring son for her than he.

Left alone with the offended Lipochka, the clerk reports that her daddy is now bankrupt. And all his money belongs to Lazarus. Lipochka falls into a panic: “They brought them up, and they went bankrupt!” But the clerk promises her that, having married him, she will not know no refusal. The young lady, after thinking, agrees, and the matchmaking is accomplished, as Ostrovsky tells. “We’ll settle our people,” a summary of which you see, with bitter irony, further tells how the young people did with the merchant Bolshov.

In the last act, Lipochka is already living a happy married life with Podkhalyuzin, who spoils his wife. But he sends away his former assistants one after another with nothing. The matchmaker gets only an unimportant dress (instead of a sable coat), and the lawyer receives only a hundred-dollar piece of paper. Bolshova is an enterprising young man and sends him away without a penny, despite the fact that he is threatened by Siberia.

own people consider analysis
own people consider analysis

But, addressing the audience, Podkhalyuzin assures that if a child is sent to his store, he will not be deceived “even in an onion.”

After reading the comedy "Our People - Let's Settle", analysis, perhaps, is not required, because the characters of the greatRussian writer Ostrovsky.
