How to draw a fairy, or get your own sorceress

How to draw a fairy, or get your own sorceress
How to draw a fairy, or get your own sorceress

Sometimes we want to feel a piece of magic, diversify our lives with some miracle. On the one hand, such thoughts are somewhat irrational. After all, everyone knows that magical moments in the literal sense of the word do not exist. However, at heart we are all children, and no one can take away our faith in miracles. And to get even closer to them, a few tips on how to draw a fairy can help us. You may think that this is quite difficult to do, and you are absolutely right. But still no picture was created easily. Therefore, take a pencil, a landscape sheet and proceed.

how to draw a fairy
how to draw a fairy

Before you draw a fairy, you should decide on the position of her body. Most often they are depicted sitting and pressing their knees to their chest, as well as directly in flight. In any case, the choice of her pose remains with the artist. However, there is one detail that is required in any case. This face. Your drawing should begin with it, marking it with an oval and dividing it with preliminary lines, so that later it would be easier to draw its parts. It is worth noting that the eyes can be drawn large, because the larger they are, the kinder the facial expression seems. Don't forget the hairfairies are distinguished by their splendor and beauty. And a tiny nose and lips frozen in a smile will complete this pretty face.

When we learn to draw fairies, images of heroines pop up in our thoughts

how to draw fairy tail
how to draw fairy tail

cartoons. As a rule, in our drawings we focus on them, and many of us will definitely remember mermaids. And then another question arises: "How to draw a fairy tail?" In principle, there should be no problems with him, since many of us have already portrayed him in childhood. You should draw a regular fish tail, only slightly elongated. By the way, it is recommended to think about whether your fairy will be water or earth, since some positions of the bodies for the first option are simply not acceptable. Now with thin lines it is necessary to designate the torso and limbs. Do not forget about proportions, because if your sorceress's arms are of different lengths, she will lose her beauty. After all this is done, you need to draw up her finished silhouette with contours. And at this stage, the difficulties are over.

learn to draw fairies
learn to draw fairies

In all the recommendations on how to draw a fairy, special attention is paid to the wings. And this is quite understandable, because they are her main and main decoration, the element that distinguishes her from the appearance of an ordinary person. They can be depicted in different ways, but most often the preference is given to the wings that butterflies possess. You can dream up in drawing this element, and for this it is enough to go through all the flying creatures in your head. Even the wings of batscan look quite cute and gentle on fairies. It remains only to dress our sorceress and add a few accessories that diversify the picture. Don't forget to give the fairy a magic wand. And you can also make her a real dryad queen by putting a diadem on her head.

Now you know how to draw a fairy. This cute creature will gently wink at you from the wall on which you hang your drawing. And the good impressions left after you, like a master, drew a pencil across the sheet, will accompany you into tomorrow, bringing a great mood.
