Ivanov Andrey Ivanovich - artist, father, teacher

Ivanov Andrey Ivanovich - artist, father, teacher
Ivanov Andrey Ivanovich - artist, father, teacher

What or who is responsible for the manifestation and development of talent in a person? Successful heredity, good upbringing, or a sensitive teacher who noticed the "spark of God" in time? Or maybe it was a chance or a lucky coincidence that helped ignite the flame of talent?

Reading the biography of Andrei Ivanovich Ivanov, it seems that fate did not give him the slightest chance to live such a creatively vibrant life. But it happened, and he realized himself wonderfully as an artist, and as a father, and as a teacher.

prince's baptism
prince's baptism

Come from childhood

A boy "without family or tribe", an orphan-foundling from an orphanage in Moscow. What could he expect, what kind of life to dream about? Today we won't know. In the 18th century, it was not customary to keep daily diaries or blogs. Thanks to those teachers or educators who saw the craving for beauty and artistic abilities in their six-year-old pupil. Thanks to this Ivanov Andrei Ivanovich in 1782 was sent to study at the Academy of Arts.

Education and accommodation in the capital were paid for by the Board of Trustees. Fifteen years of studythe guidance of a wonderful teacher, the founder of the genre of historical painting in Russia, Grigory Ivanovich Ugryumov, was not in vain. The aspiring painter diligently listened to him and other mentors, among whom was Gabriel-Francois Doyen, head of the history class.

Career. Ups and downs

The talent of the young artist received professional and public recognition already during his student days. At the age of 19 - a silver medal, the first award, at 21 - a gold medal for the first large-scale painting "Noah, after leaving the ark, makes a sacrifice to God." Since 1798 - a full-time teacher of the Academy, since 1802 he has been an adjunct professor. He becomes an academic after painting "Adam and Eve with children under the tree of knowledge after being expelled from paradise", this happens in 1803. A rich creative and teaching activity, shrouded in public recognition, continued until 1830.

"Death of General Kulnev", based on real events, did not please Emperor Nicholas I. The highest displeasure was followed by forced resignation from the post of a member of the Academy of Arts. Serious passions and intrigues were in full swing in the creative world, at the same time as Ivanov, other professors of the academy were dismissed, including the rector S. S. Pimenov. The wrath of the emperor is only a formal reason for the dismissal of the oldest teachers. Public service is a thing of the past, and eighteen more years of fruitful creative life lie ahead.

young resident of Kiev
young resident of Kiev


Twothe main themes remained the main ones for the artist on the creative path. The history of Russia, ancient and modern, as well as biblical stories are reflected in the most famous paintings by Andrei Ivanovich Ivanov.

The genre of historical painting is characterized by well-balanced composition, refined technique of oil painting and a high school of drawing. In the unspoken hierarchy of genres, historical painting dominated.

A. A. Pisarev created a list of historical plots recommended for artistic embodiment, and published them as a separate book "Objects for the Artist". Ivanov Andrei Ivanovich, for sure, was familiar with this work and used plots from it in his work.

picture for the iconostasis
picture for the iconostasis

Fathers and Sons

It is not often that a successful creative life is accompanied by a happy family life. In this case, everything matched. In 1800 Ivanov Andrei Ivanovich married Ekaterina Ivanovna, nee Demert. She became the artist's wife, his muse, and a model for the female characters in his paintings. More than four decades in love and harmony, surrounded by children - this is not given to everyone.

Alexander Andreevich Ivanov is the eldest son, the heir not only to the surname, but also to the artistic talent of his father. Noticing the ability and passion for drawing, Ivanov Sr. allows the 12-year-old boy to unofficially attend painting classes at the academy. A well-known surname is not only help and opportunities, but also envy and accusations of parental protection. This is how it is now, and it was the same at the dawn of the 19th century. The need to prove one's ownsignificance and family perseverance determined the entire creative path of Alexander Andreevich. Instructing and supporting his son, Andrei Ivanovich did not have time to see the main work of his life - the painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People".

Sergey Andreevich Ivanov was born shortly before his father's resignation, when his older brother was already receiving medals and diplomas for his work. Now all the pedagogical talent of the former professor focused on his youngest son. His first sketches at the academy are awarded, but Sergei Andreevich chooses his own path and goes to the architecture class. Teachers note his unusually subtle sense of plastic form. As an assistant to K. A. Ton, he participates in the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The triumph of Andrei Ivanov's favorite student, Karl Bryullov, came in the difficult year of his dismissal from the academy. Karl Pavlovich was not only a brilliant painter, but also a grateful student. The laurel wreath, presented to him for outstanding services, he publicly placed on the head of his disgraced teacher at that moment.

Prince Pozharsky
Prince Pozharsky

Miraculous Monument

How to sum up life? What is important, what is secondary? Dozens of paintings, some of which have been lost, were highly appreciated by contemporaries. Studying them, more than one generation of painters has grown up.

Talented children and outstanding students who left a significant mark in the domestic and world art. Died in 1848. Burial place unknown.
