Elements of the Filimonov painting. The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy

Elements of the Filimonov painting. The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy
Elements of the Filimonov painting. The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy

Filimonov's toy is a variety of national art crafts, which our country is very rich in. Her homeland is the Tula region, Odoevsky district. The village of Filimonovo, where in the middle of the last century several craftswomen revived the traditions of an almost lost craft, gave it its name. There is also a legend about the fugitive criminal Filimon, who was hiding in these places. It was he who allegedly taught fellow villagers to sculpt figures from clay.

Filimonovskaya painting
Filimonovskaya painting

The emergence of the fishery

Clay toys began to be made in these parts in the middle of the 19th century. But the fame of the skill of local potters had spread long before that. Back in the 16th century, white clay mined here was used to make dishes. The craft took root, whole dynasties appeared, specializing in pottery. Gradually, an unwritten rule developed: only men made dishes. And the women took over the modeling of toys and laid the foundation for Filimonov painting.

Special shapeFilimonovo toys

Products of Odoyevo craftswomen are famous all over the country for their thin, graceful forms. But few people know that their appearance is not accidental. The fact is that the local clay has a very oily and soft texture. During drying, it begins to crack and deform, so the master has to smooth and align the figures with wet hands. From this, toys acquire disproportionate, elongated shapes, which makes them unusual and easily recognizable.

Filimonovo toy, images, plots and painting
Filimonovo toy, images, plots and painting

Filimonov toy. Images, plots and painting

Filimonov's toys can be conditionally divided into four thematic groups. Their features are shown in the table below.

Types of toys

View Composition of the group Description
People Ladies and gentlemen. The former have birds or children in their hands, the latter are depicted on horseback or with musical instruments. The figures are monolithic, with a small number of details, often have a cone-shaped shape, wide below (ladies - due to the puffy skirt, gentlemen - due to coarse boots), then elongated and narrow. The head is integral with the neck and is decorated with an intricate headdress.
Animals Mainly livestock (horses, cows, sheep). All animals have elongated figures and a thin neck, turning into a disproportionately small head. It is possible to distinguish one animal from another only by the shape of the horns: in a cow they stick out like crescents, in a deer they branch, and in a ram -twisted into a spiral.
Birds Peacock, chicken, duck, rooster, etc. Birds, like animals, are distinguished by an elongated conical neck ending in a small head.
Compositions Date of lovers, tea party, carousel, etc. Multi-figured compositions most often depict scenes from the life of ordinary people: a date, a family feast, gatherings on a bench, horseback riding. But there are also symbolic compositions, for example, George with a snake, a tree of life, a carousel.

Almost all Filimonov toys are whistles. The exceptions are roosters and turkeys.

Painting toys and Filimonov palette

When fired, the local clay "blue" gives a beautiful and even white color, so the figures do not need to be primed before applying the pattern.

Aniline paints are used for painting, which have bright saturated colors. The number of shades is small: yellow, red, green. However, the products are very colorful and cheerful.

The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy is quite simple. The colors are applied sequentially and never mixed. Each new color is used only after the previous one has dried.

Painting toys and Filimonov palette
Painting toys and Filimonov palette

Traditional Patterns

For different types of toys, different elements of the Filimonov painting are used. In animals and birds, the chest is usually painted over in one color, most often crimson or green. Then a simple ornament is applied along the contour, consisting ofmulti-colored stripes, drops, twigs. The heads may also be covered in one color or remain white. The eyes are outlined schematically, they may be completely absent.

People's figures are dressed very smartly: ladies - in lush bright skirts, gentlemen - in colorful pants. The shirts of both of them are most often monophonic, with an ornament along the perimeter depicting collars and wide belts decorated with embroidery. Their faces remain white, their eyes are marked with blue paint, their lips are red or crimson.

Symbols of Filimonov patterns

A feature of the Filimonovo toy, like any other Russian craft, is its symbolism. Ornaments look simple and unsophisticated. However, the patterns that are used in the Filimonov painting imply images of the sun and a tree sacred to the Slavs.

Circles with rays diverging in different directions, as well as ring ornaments with colorful triangles are symbols of the sun, life and goodness.

Patterns that are used in Filimonov painting
Patterns that are used in Filimonov painting

Schematically depicted branches, Christmas trees represent the tree of life, continuity of generations, relentless growth.

Filimonovo toy, modeling technique, painting secrets
Filimonovo toy, modeling technique, painting secrets

The figures themselves are deeply symbolic. So, the lady is associated with the coast, the keeper of the house and the hearth, the rider depicts a warrior-defender or the breadwinner of the family - the tiller, the bird is a symbol of happiness, the horse is we alth, etc.

History of fishery development

XIX century - the time of great popularity of whistle toys and Filimonov painting. This craft was known throughout Russia and beyond. But at the beginning of the 20th century, a period of crisis began. The craft was almost on the verge of extinction, only a few keepers remained who did not quit.

In the middle of the last century, interest in the art of Filimonov painting began to gradually return, reaching a new peak in the 80s. At that time, through the efforts of several enthusiasts, a creative group was organized, which included the descendants of the keepers of the craft and graduates of the art school from Abramtsevo.

From the beginning of the 90s, a special course "Filimonov's Toy" was opened at the Odoevskaya School of Arts. The technique of modeling, the secrets of painting, the symbolism of Filimonov's patterns - these and other topics are covered in their classes by the husband and wife of Kekhaidi. The training lasts 4 years. Graduates receive the title of masters.

In 2009, the Museum of Filimonovo toys was opened, which stores materials about craftswomen of the past, some examples of their work, as well as the best examples of Filimonov craft.

Studying craft at art lessons

It should be noted that Filimonov painting classes are held in many schools in Russia. After all, fishing has not only local, but also all-Russian significance, demonstrating the richness and diversity of Russian culture.

Children master the elements of painting easily and with great interest. It does not have patterns that are complex in technique. With a minimal set of skills and creative imagination, you can create unusually lively and vibrant drawings.

Filimonov painting classes
Filimonov painting classes

The main thing that the teacher should explain is that the painting is done in several stages:

  1. First, the figure is “yellow”. The paint is applied on a white background with a thick brush. Separate parts of the toy can be completely painted over with yellow, or they can be covered with wide stripes and large circles. This is the basis for all subsequent drawing.
  2. Then you should take red or crimson paint and a thinner brush. A pattern of lines is applied. Wide yellow stripes can be circled around the perimeter, and circles can be decorated with twigs or rays.
  3. Green, blue or turquoise is applied last. To do this, use a thin brush. A pattern of lines, dots, drops should fill the remaining free space.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the fact that people's faces remain white, while animals' faces can be painted over with any paint. The eyes and mouth are depicted schematically.
The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy
The technology of painting the Filimonovo toy

This craft is part of the cultural heritage of our country. Along with Dymkovo, Kargopol, Bogorodsk toys, Filimonovo toys reflect the spirit of the Russian people, the features of life and beliefs of the Slavs. It is no coincidence that foreign tourists love to buy them as souvenirs.
