List of Russian melodramas that are definitely worth watching

List of Russian melodramas that are definitely worth watching
List of Russian melodramas that are definitely worth watching

Cinema in Russia, of course, is removed. But to call all the films released for distribution in recent years worthy is not possible. There is both frank "stamping", and no less frank nonsense. So what, watch only the classics? Not! Not everything is so sad. For your attention - a list of Russian melodramas that were filmed after 2000. You can learn a lot from these films, perhaps rethink something for yourself!

List of Russian military melodramas

Probably not every of the films described below can be called melodrama in its purest form. But, without a doubt, there is a melodramatic line in everyone!

One of the most unusual films is "We are from the future". It was originally a series, but there is also a movie. The plot is built around young people who devote their lives to excavations on the battlefields of the Second World War. They sell everything they find, in fact, nothing is sacred for them! But everything changes when they are transferred to 1942. In the battles for the Motherland, young people rethink their whole lives and understand what kind of holiday this is - Victory Day.

list of Russian melodramas
list of Russian melodramas

It is definitely worth adding to the list of Russian military melodramas and the picture"Admiral". Its action takes place during the years of the civil war. Viewers get the opportunity to understand who the legendary Kolchak was, what he fought for, how he lived and loved. The game of Konstantin Khabensky, as always, is on top!

Another masterpiece of Russian cinema "Brest Fortress". This film describes the feat that the defenders of the Brest Fortress performed at the very beginning of the Second World War. The way they fought against enemy forces that were many times superior inspires respect and fills them with pride for the country!

Of course, such paintings as "The 9th Company" and "Own" are worthy of attention. They will also help you understand what real men should be!

List of Russian melodramas also worthy of attention

Very successful directorial debut - the film "Inadequate People". The film describes the life of a man who came to Moscow and realized that he was surrounded by inadequate personalities. Or maybe something is wrong with him himself?

The undoubted hit of Russian cinema is the film "Piter FM". He shows that an accidentally lost phone can be a chance to find a truly close and dear person. So what if it's a phone romance? A great feeling in our time can also arise in this way!

Russian melodrama films list
Russian melodrama films list

An interesting and unusual picture, worthy of being seen - "About Luboff". Those who delve into the plot will understand how imperfect our life is, and how many people have shifted life values.

Another melodrama, as they say, in its purest form - the film "My MomSnow Maiden". A touching story about how the faith of a little orphan in miracles, as well as human meanness and deceit, can intertwine in the most bizarre way with devotion, sincere love and friendship. After watching this movie, you are sure that there is a place for magic in our world!

list of new Russian melodramas
list of new Russian melodramas

Russian melodrama films: a list of interesting fiction

Quality pictures with many scenes that evoke strong emotions: "Inhabited Island", "Day Watch", "Night Watch", "Mermaid" (by the way, an Oscar nominee).

Of course, this kind of rating is subjective, but in any case, everyone makes a list of new melodramas (Russian and not only) for himself! And this article is just a reference!
