Kant's statements. Philosopher's Life Principles

Kant's statements. Philosopher's Life Principles
Kant's statements. Philosopher's Life Principles

The eighteenth century gave mankind many glorious names. Scientists and rulers, travelers-discoverers and artists decorated, learned and changed our world. Immanuel Kant is one of those thanks to whom this time was called the great age of Enlightenment. Even now, more than two hundred years later, Kant's statements are quoted and cited as an argument. They are often referred to as an indisputable fact or the ultimate truth.

Organized life

Growing up in a low-income family, Immanuel Kant followed the motto "Work and order" all his life. The pedantic implementation of the rules and daily routine established by him, restrictions and asceticism were always present in the life of a scientist. The inhabitants of Koenigsberg accepted this as an absurd eccentricity of a genius. They teased, composed jokes, enthusiastically retelling each other another curious incident.

But respect for talent and recognition took over. And the traditional way of walkingKant is called "the philosopher's path". Cancel theological chants in prison - this interferes with the professor. They cut the overgrown tree - the professor is used to a different view from the window. Students are not late for lectures and do not allow them to be present in a "brilliant suit" (disheveled and without a collar) - this distracts the professor.

As a teacher, Kant tried to teach his students and pupils to think, and not memorize thoughts. "After all, in order to use your mind, you need to have courage," Kant said.

Without leaving the limits of his native Koenigsberg in real life, the mental life of the great scientist had no boundaries. Unique in its universality, the philosophical system was built by a researcher who did not seek to see the vast world with his own eyes.

Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is an organized life.

This is Kant's statement, confirmed by his whole life.

Women and children

From his youth, working as a home teacher, Immanuel Kant observed and analyzed the relationship of the sexes, the peculiarities of education and upbringing of that time. All this is reflected in the notes and statements of Kant.

Family 18th century
Family 18th century

The differences in the perception of the world and each other between men and women are very accurately noticed. Modern psychology gives a scientific explanation for this. Reading Kant gives you an intuitive understanding of the problem.

A man is jealous when he loves. A woman - even when she does not love, because the admirers won by other women disappear from her circle.fans.

Having lived the life of a solitary hermit, defining sex life as "vain petty movements", Kant, however, did not shun women in society. With pleasure I went to receptions and hosted guests. Traditionally, up to 10 guests gathered at the professor's dinner.

How to properly educate the future generation? Kant spent a lot of time thinking about this topic. Is childhood the happiest time of life? When to reward a child, for what to punish, when and what to teach? Even now parents will find a lot of useful things for themselves in Immanuel Kant's statements about these problems.

A person can become a person only through upbringing.

Starry sky above me…

Kant's statement about the starry sky is the quintessence of the philosopher's attempts to reconcile the ideal with the material. Kant argued with Newton about the nature of order in the world of celestial bodies, proving the existence of natural laws and denying divine forces that influence the celestial spheres. Over time, he changed the materialistic approach to an idealistic one, influenced by the teachings of the agnostic Berkeley Hume.

evolution of the universe
evolution of the universe

But the gap he made in the metaphysical approach to understanding the world did not go unnoticed by his contemporaries and gave impetus to a new generation of researchers:

  • Evolutionary development of the solar system.
  • The trajectories of the planets are not constant.
  • The life or existence of celestial bodies is finite.

This is how you can formulate the main theses of the theoryKant. One looks up at the sky only to see if it will rain. Another tries to see the beginning of being there.

One, looking into a puddle, sees dirt in it, and the other sees the stars reflected in it.

About God and faith

Kant's indifference to religion at the initial stage of his formation as a philosopher is explained by Lutheran upbringing based on the rejection of church rites, moral behavior and knowledge of Holy Scripture.

Analyzing his childhood worldview, Kant defines faith as a dependence and reproaches religion for disrespectful attitude to reason, for limiting self-development and self-improvement of a person. At the same time, it does not openly contradict the requirements of the official religion. But the result of his natural science research, formulated in the well-known aphorism "Give me matter, and I will build a world out of it" is a daring attempt to equalize man and God.

the existence of God
the existence of God

Criticizing Thomas Aquinas and denying his evidence for the existence of God, Kant suddenly formulates his proof of the Divine Being. According to Kant, the principles of determinism (causal relationships) are refuted by the freedom of choice of a person. There is something in our world that does not obey the laws of matter, but exists according to moral (spiritual) laws - this is the person himself. This means that a part of each of us belongs to the non-material world, and a part of this world exists in every living person. Man is free, which means that God exists, Kant concludes.

There is only one (true) religion, but there can be different typesfaith.

Life outcomes

Kant returned the scale and grandeur of ancient science to philosophy. He became the founder of ideas and theories that continue to develop today. Defined a new approach to the nature of knowledge. Restored to humanity faith in the power of reason. He affirmed the primacy of morality over politics. He formulated the conditions for maintaining peace between states. I thought about the problems of education and the nature of beauty.

Kant final
Kant final

All human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with an idea.

The statements of the philosopher Kant - witty, aphoristic, profound - can give food for thought to many.
