Leonid Tereshchenko - biography and creativity

Leonid Tereshchenko - biography and creativity
Leonid Tereshchenko - biography and creativity

Every young person has heard about IOWA. She gained popularity in Russia through the use of individual tracks in popular TV series and sitcoms. Few people know that Leonid Tereshchenko is the author of music for many hits. He also arranged for them. Like other members of the group, Leonid is originally from Belarus, but now he spends most of his time touring the vast Russia.

Life before joining the band

Leonid Tereshchenko
Leonid Tereshchenko

Leonid Tereshchenko loved music from early childhood. Even at preschool age, he pretended to speak from the stage. After his mother caught him doing this, she decided to send him to a music school. Leonid received a full musical education, graduating from the Mogilev Conservatory. Then he was offered a tour in America, but due to difficulties in obtaining a visa, the young man had to abandon this idea.

Almost immediately, the young man was offered to work at the production center, where he arrangedsongs for Belarusian pop stars. Leonid Tereshchenko himself believes that it was this work that gave him the most necessary experience, thanks to which he has achieved popularity now. However, he has several victories in the prestigious competitions of performers, which he won during his studies. All together allowed Leonid to become an excellent composer.


Leonid Tereshchenko biography
Leonid Tereshchenko biography

In 2009, the IOWA group was born. Its name is explained in different ways. Someone associates it with the state of Iowa, which Leonid Tereshchenko never visited, others consider these words to be an abbreviation, a slang expression of American teenagers and a nickname for the soloist Ekaterina. Even the musicians themselves give different definitions to their name.

It was Leonid who brought the group popularity, because he created music that combines R&B, pop and jazz. Soon, the new direction created by Leonid was given a fresh name indie pop. Today, a large number of bands are trying to imitate this group, but so far none of the young performers has managed to get around their hits in popularity.

What principles does Leonid adhere to

Many people don't even know that Leonid Tereshchenko is the "gray eminence" of the IOWA group. For the most part, his biography is a secret, since he does not like to put his personal life on display. According to the musician, fans should discuss his work.

More willingly a young man shares his life creeds. Basically they talk about loving your job and being simpler. Leonid is veryit was nice to know that some of the eminent pop stars share his views and try not to advertise their personal lives, and the stage masters are mostly friendly with young performers.

Personal life of a musician

Leonid Tereshchenko personal life
Leonid Tereshchenko personal life

Despite the fact that for the most part the information about what kind of person Leonid Tereshchenko is, the personal life of the musician in the fall of 2015 ceased to be a mystery with seven seals. In October, photos from the wedding of Leonid and the soloist of the group Ekaterina were published in the press. Many attributed the romance to the couple, but young people for the most part laughed off this topic.

As it turned out, Katya and Leonid had been living together for a long time, they just didn't advertise their relationship. The sympathy between them arose even at the first stages of work in the group. Later they came together, but for many years they hid their relationship, because they did not want a general discussion of them. A close friend of Katya said that in the eyes of loved ones they have long been husband and wife, so entering into an official marriage was a matter of time. Even before the wedding, the press knew that the girl was going down the aisle. The media actively discussed her dress and plans for a honeymoon, but the ceremony itself was missed. They found out about her after the fact thanks to the singer's page on the social network.
