Creativity in science. How are science and creativity related?

Creativity in science. How are science and creativity related?
Creativity in science. How are science and creativity related?

It is generally accepted that creativity and science are in no way connected, and sometimes even opposite areas of our life. But is it really so? About whether there is creativity in science and how it is expressed, you will learn from this article. You will also learn about famous personalities who proved by their example that scientific and creative activities can successfully coexist.

What is creativity?

This word means the creation of something fundamentally new in any area of human life. The first sign of creativity is a special way of thinking that goes beyond patterns and ordinary worldview. This is how spiritual or material values are created: works of music, literature and visual art, inventions, ideas, discoveries.

Another important sign of creativity is the uniqueness of the result, as well as its unpredictability. No one, often even the author himself, can predict what will happen as a result of a creative understanding of reality.

creativity in science
creativity in science

Intuitive understanding occupies an important place in creativityreality, as well as special states of human consciousness - inspiration, insight, etc. This combination of novelty and unpredictability results in an interesting creative product.

What is science?

In this area of our activity, there is an accumulation and systematization of objective knowledge about the world around us, as well as about the person himself. A feature of the scientific approach is a prerequisite: any theoretical judgment must be supported by objective facts and evidence. If this is not the case, then the judgment cannot be called scientific. At the same time, it is not always false - it is simply impossible at present to confirm it with objective (independent of human desires) data.

Evidence of judgments is collected using various data: observation, experiment, work with fixing and computing devices, etc. Then the obtained data is systematized, analyzed, causal relationships are found between objects and phenomena, and conclusions are drawn. This process is called scientific research.

How are science and creativity related?
How are science and creativity related?

Scientific knowledge usually begins with a hypothesis or theory, which is then tested in practice. If objective research has confirmed a theoretical proposition, then it becomes a natural or social law.

Varieties of creativity

Creativity can manifest itself in absolutely all spheres of human life: from the creation of cultural objects to communication. Therefore, its types are distinguished:

1. Artistic creation (creation of objectsmaterial or spiritual world that have aesthetic value).

2. Social creativity (education, advertising, trade, public relations, political reforms, protests, revolutions).

3. Technical creativity (invention of new technical products, electronics, high-tech devices, etc.).

science creativity culture
science creativity culture

4 Scientific creativity (development of new knowledge, expansion of the boundaries of what is already known, confirmation or refutation of pre-existing theories).

In the last variety, we see how science and creativity are connected. Both are characterized by the creation of something new, unique and important, of value to a person. Therefore, creativity in science is far from the last place. It can be said to be one of the fundamental components.

Types of sciences

Now let's see in what varieties science is presented in our life. The classification is as follows:

1. Natural sciences (studying the laws of animate and inanimate nature; biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, etc.).

2. Engineering sciences (studying the technosphere in all its manifestations; computer science, chemical technology, nuclear energy, engineering, architecture, biotechnology and many others).

3. Applied sciences (aimed at obtaining a result that can then be used in practice; applied psychology, forensic science, agronomy, metallurgy, etc.).

4. Humanities (study cultural, spiritual,mental, moral and social activity of a person; ethics, aesthetics, religious studies, cultural studies, art history, anthropology, psychology, linguistics, political science, jurisprudence, history, ethnography, pedagogy, etc.).

5. Social sciences (they study society and the relationships in it, having much in common with the humanities; history, sociology, social psychology, political science, etc.)

Can science be creative

From the classification of varieties of creativity, it can be seen that scientific knowledge very often includes an element of creativity. Otherwise, it would be difficult to make discoveries and create inventions, because in such cases, scientists are often driven by intuitions and unexpected insights, which are then supported by objective data.

creativity in science on the example of a famous person
creativity in science on the example of a famous person

Creativity in science is also manifested in the comprehension of already known facts, which can either be proven from a different angle or refuted thanks to a new, fresh look. Debunking myths rooted in science also requires extraordinary thinking.

Creativity in science on the example of a famous person

At the everyday level, it is customary to divide people into those with a humanitarian or technical mindset, while considering that the first category is good in creative and social activities, and the second - in scientific, technical and applied. In fact, all spheres of life in modern society are closely interconnected, and human abilities are diverse and can be developed.

creativity in science on the example of the famous personality Lomonosov
creativity in science on the example of the famous personality Lomonosov

There is not only creativity in science, but it is also possible to combine scientific and artistic views of the world. Vivid examples of this are the legacy of L. da Vinci (artist, sculptor, architect, musician, inventor and military engineer), A. Einstein (theorist, violinist), Pythagoras (mathematician and musician), N. Paganini (musician, composer, music engineer). Creativity in science is no less clearly manifested in the example of a famous person, Lomonosov M. V., who was a person with encyclopedic knowledge and multiple talents in various fields, which allowed him to realize himself as a natural scientist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, geographer, as well as a historian, educator, poet, literary critic and artist.

It is important to remember that science, creativity, culture are not separate facets of human activity, but interconnected parts of one whole.
