How to send a question to “What? Where? When?”: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

How to send a question to “What? Where? When?”: step-by-step instructions and recommendations
How to send a question to “What? Where? When?”: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Many people wonder how to send a question to “What? Where? When? . The answer is easy, because in fact everything is not as difficult as it seems. To make your dream come true, you need to write your question with an answer, and then send it to the program in any of the available ways.

Step-by-step instructions will help you in solving the task. Remember, it is not a fact that you will be able to get into the program, because no one has canceled the qualifying round. So try not to get upset if your question doesn't come up in the program.

how to send a question to what where when
how to send a question to what where when

Coming up with a question

Let's start with the simplest. Thinking about how to send a question to “What? Where? When? ? Then the first thing to do is think carefully about what you want to ask the players. Your question should be interesting and original. Once you come up with it, write it down on a piece of paper. Don't forget to answer with justification.

But that's not all. Want to send a letter to What? Where? When? and don't know where to send questions? More on this later. To begin with, remember that in the letter you must provideinformation about yourself. Don't forget to attach a photo. In principle, nothing difficult. Please note that if you make a mistake and during the check it turns out that you gave the wrong answer, the letter will not get into the program. Therefore, try to check its correctness first.


Are you interested in the TV program “What? Where? When? . Where to send questions you would like to ask players? You can use the services of the most ordinary mail. This is the most simple and familiar method. True, it requires a serious time investment. To answer our today's question, you need to find out the address where the editorial office of the program is located. It is there that the verification of the reliability of the answers will take place, as well as the selection of candidate letters.

e-mail what where when send a question by e-mail
e-mail what where when send a question by e-mail

Address to which you can send a question to “What? Where? When?: Russia, Moscow, Akademika Koroleva street, 12. Zip code 127427. Write on the envelope "What? Where? When?" program. Seal the letter and send it by normal mail.

Now it remains only to wait. Not the best choice if you want to participate in this TV program as soon as possible. There are several other options for solving the problem. They are more suitable for the modern population. What methods can be offered?

E-mail communication

The first solution to the problem under consideration is if your letter is received by regular mail “What? Where? When? . Emailing the question is the second solution. And itby the way, will be the fastest and most modern:

  1. Go to your email to get started.
  2. There, click on "Write a letter".
  3. Next, create a message that you would like to send to the editors of the program. Start by talking about yourself. It should be small.
  4. After that type the question and then the answer. It is desirable to highlight these components in some font. Just for illustration purposes.
  5. Now attach your photo to the email. By the way, you should be on it without strangers - this is important. If this rule is not observed, your letter will not be considered by the editors.
  6. That's it. It remains to send a message, because we need the letter to be in the mail “What? Where? When?”.
  7. You can send a question by e-mail without any problems. After forming the message, in the "recipient" column, enter the address: [email protected]. It's all. You can wait for the result.
send a question to what where when russia
send a question to what where when russia


What if you decide to record a video question? Basically, exactly the same as in all previous cases:

  1. First you need to generate a video. It should contain a question (or material for it), as well as an answer.
  2. Compose a message. In it, write information about yourself, as well as a question with an answer. Specify that you want to show the video that will be sent along with the email.
  3. Next, attach your photo to the message. If you need any other documents, do not forget aboutthem.
  4. Next, upload the video directly to the message in the same way.
  5. Now all that remains is to send an email and wait for a response.

Thinking about how to send a question to “What? Where? When? , presented by the video? You already know the answer. Email comes to the rescue! It's not as hard as it seems.

13 sector

There is such a game section for the program in question, as "13th sector". You can also ask a question in this gaming column. This is more difficult than just sending a letter to the editor. After all, the "13th sector" is an automatic choice of a question from users who contacted the editorial office directly during the program.

what where when where to send questions
what where when where to send questions

So, the game “What? Where? When?". How to send a question to the section "Sector 13":

  1. To do this, you will need the Internet and a computer. Go to: and fill in the appropriate fields here.
  2. Next, click on "Submit", and that's it. No more manipulation is required from you.

By the way, the site "Sector 13" is available even when "What? Where? When?" is not broadcast live. Only from this address there is no sense. Here, only information will be written that all questions are accepted only during the live broadcast. There are no more options for solving the task.

Tips on writing content

You should pay attention to some rules and tips fordrafting letters. The fact is that many people have a question about how to write a message to the editors of the game “What? Where? When? . It has already been said that you must necessarily indicate information about yourself, your question and the answer to it. More specifically, you should type:

  • your full name;
  • address of residence;
  • email address;
  • phone number;
  • question;
  • answer to him;
  • source of information where you found the answer (with author, year of publication of the journal or book, and title or website address).

If we are talking about a video question, then you will additionally need to fully decipher what is said in the video. These are required items. If you do not follow these recommendations, you can simply forget about participating in the program.

game what where when how to send a question
game what where when how to send a question

Among other things, it is advisable to indicate in the text your main hobby, education and age (date of birth will do). Try to form a message in the form of a questionnaire or a short story about yourself.

Please note: the question that will be displayed in the letter will sound the way you wrote it. Therefore, try to clearly choose the wording of this component. Now it’s clear how to send a question to “What? Where? When? . You have a choice, but it is recommended to use email editorial. This is the fastest way to bring ideas to life.
