What are lullabies for children

What are lullabies for children
What are lullabies for children

Everyone knows what lullabies are. These are melodic and calm songs that are filled with incredible warmth and tenderness. They are sung by loving mothers to their children. It is very comfortable for kids to fall asleep to such songs, they feel completely safe. Mom's voice is best known to the crumbs, it calms and lulls. This is a kind of food for the spiritual development of a person from birth. Unfortunately, not everyone understands what lullabies are and how important they are. Children who are not sung such songs lose a lot. This is subsequently reflected both in the character and in the fate of the baby.

what are lullabies
what are lullabies

The beginning of education

Only a baby born into the world absolutely does not understand the meaning of the words spoken by his mother. However, he perfectly feels intonations, hears his native voice, to which he is already so accustomed, being in the womb. The unhurried pace and repetitive rhythm of the melody, together with the gentle hands of the mother, have a lulling effect. Thanks to this, the son or daughter falls asleep peacefully and sleeps soundly. And during sleep, the child develops correctly, his he alth grows stronger. At the initial stage, you can hum the same melody several times. Or select your favorite lullabies. Whenthe baby grows up - learns to speak, begins to recognize words - you should change the repertoire as often as possible. It will be not only interesting for him to listen and understand what lullabies are, but also to master speech and develop it. Even in their sleep, children learn on a subconscious level. And such songs play a big role in the upbringing of the morality of the baby. They contain a variety of valuable knowledge about the world around us. They carry a certain meaning and wisdom of generations. The intelligence and thinking of the child also develops thanks to them.

lullabies for newborns
lullabies for newborns

Foundation of he alth

What are lullabies besides being a wonderful helper for mom and dad? It is an irreplaceable source of he alth not only for children, but also for their parents. Scientists have proved an amazing fact, which was confirmed in practice. If nursing mothers sing lullabies, then their lactation process improves. Also, experts note that it is very important for pregnant women to sing songs to their babies. This facilitates such a difficult and responsible period, as well as subsequent childbirth.

Living history

How long have baby lullabies been around? Probably as much as humanity itself. For many centuries, mothers have been singing songs to their babies before going to bed, in which real magic lies. Among the many lullabies, each child has his own. After all, every mother sings it differently. In some songs, the rhythm changes, and someone introduces their own motives. That is why the lullaby seems to be born again and becomes unique. Baby can be put to sleeponly mom. A gentle and lyrical lullaby can be sung by dad, grandmother, older sister or someone else. The main thing is that the song should sound with soul and love.

baby lullabies
baby lullabies

Various genres of songs contains folklore. Lullabies are among the most ancient works of oral art. People believed that a person is surrounded by invisible hostile creatures. However, if a child sees something terrible and bad in a dream, then in reality this will not happen again. That is why in the lullabies you can find the "gray top" and other not very positive characters. Gradually, these songs lost their magical elements, acquiring the meaning of a good wish for the future. They are based on wise, kind and at the same time simple texts. They are filled with affectionate appeals to little beloved creatures and are designed to give kids peace of mind and convey the love of their parents.

How do lullabies affect adults

Over time, people grow up, but the songs familiar from childhood are still stored in their hearts. They not only stay with us, but also touch some strings of the human soul, evoke pleasant memories, return to childhood without worries. They have something special, native and warm. Lullabies can purify and heal the soul. Therefore, it is useful to listen to both kids and adults.

Features of songs for the little ones

lullabies for the little ones
lullabies for the little ones

When choosing lullabies for newborns, age-specific features should be taken into account. By and large, the crumb absolutely does not care whatthere is a speech in this or that song, the main thing is that the native voice should sound. It is recommended to start with simple folk tunes. It is necessary that at the initial stage of the baby's acquaintance with the song (the first year of life), lullabies are a simple text with understandable words. No need to load the baby in this time period with high poetry - it's useless. Of course, there are universal songs that are sung to children from birth. They are also liked by adults who practically grew up on them. These are such famous works as:

  • "Lullaby of the Bear".
  • "A cricket sings behind the stove".
  • "Bayu, bayushki, bayu".
  • "Sleep, my joy, sleep."
  • "Tired toys sleep" and many others.

Lullabies for newborns are easy to learn. They are based on uncomplicated motifs moving in a circle and repeating many times. Very often, mother herself becomes the author of new melodies and words. Sometimes they are born by themselves, and very quickly and easily. The important thing is that they belong only to her and her child. And, accordingly, create a strong emotional connection between them. The best effect on the newborn is the repetition of the melodious sounds "a", "u" and the chants "bayu, bayushki, bayu".

lullabies for children
lullabies for children

Top Ten

10. Lullaby from "Maxim". Recently, composing and singing lullabies for children has become a very popular pastime for modern Russian pop stars. As a mother, the successful singer recorded a wonderfulmusic and picked up no less successful words for it.

9. Lullaby of Polina Gagarina. Very beautiful and gentle melody of a wonderful singer.

8. Pavel Volya and Elka: "Boy". For overly active babies who can't calm down before going to bed, you can turn on this song so that they listen to how important sleep is and how beautiful it is.

7. "Snub-nosed" Valentina Tolkunova. Quite a long song with a deep meaning. This piece from the past, familiar to all grandmothers, may also appeal to modern parents.

6. "Song of the Astrologer". Music from the good Soviet film "Little Red Riding Hood". An interesting text and a bewitching melody will help to lull any baby.

5. "Sleep, my joy, sleep" is a classic! Such a lullaby will not only help put the child to sleep, but also expand his understanding of the world around him - fish in the pond, bees in the garden, etc.

4. "Tired toys are sleeping". Favorite and familiar from childhood, the melody from the program "Good night, kids" will be madly in love with your beloved little man.

3. "Lullaby of the bear". Beautiful music with wonderful words from the cartoon "Umka". This melody makes my heart warm. There is a feeling of something good and very good.

2. "Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word". No one wants a gray top to bite on the barrel. Therefore, the baby will lie down closer to the wall and quickly fall asleep with a sweet dream.

1. Author's song. Honorary first placeyou can put your favorite lullaby. There are a huge number of them, only you and the baby can choose. But a self-made song will sound best. It will reveal your individuality, and the baby will be pleased that a lullaby is dedicated to him.

folklore lullabies
folklore lullabies

So, we are convinced that lullabies are necessary for children and even adults. There are a huge number of them, so there is plenty to choose from. It can be music from a movie or cartoon. Or a folk song taken from folklore or invented by you personally. The main thing is that the baby feels your love and affection before going to bed.
