John Jameson, or the Wolfman

John Jameson, or the Wolfman
John Jameson, or the Wolfman

John Jameson is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe who, fortunately or unfortunately, has the ability to transform into a wolf. He is one of NASA's youngest astronauts and is also considered an ally of Spider-Man. Although he fought with him more than once, being in the form of a beast. But his story begins a little earlier, because he was not always so shaggy.

Kinship ties

Probably, many remember the ever-disgruntled Jay John Jameson, editor of the popular New York newspaper "Daily Bugle", where Peter Parker works. He started out as an ordinary reporter. After working in the press for several years, Jay finally headed his own publishing house. For its development, he made a lot of efforts, in principle, like his reporters, from whom he demanded full dedication and forced them to find information in any way. But it was only a working mask.

john jameson
john jameson

In fact, many people know him as a kind and sympathetic person, ready to provide support at any moment. Therefore, forgive him for frequent outburstsanger. His main target has always been Spider-Man. Jay did not consider him a hero, but he constantly demanded materials with his participation from his employees, because this brought huge profits to the publishing house. Moreover, the editor was ready to spend huge sums of money. But at one point he will have to reconsider his attitude towards the superhero. And his son, John Jameson - the character in the Marvel Universe known as the Wolfman - was the reason for this.

Character Story

Even before his transformation, Jameson explored outer space while working as an astronaut for NASA. He somehow didn’t succeed with this right away, and already on his first assignment, the guy almost died, being in a faulty capsule, which subsequently went out of orbit. It was lucky that Spider-Man was nearby, who managed to get the module working, thanks to which the capsule landed in the sea.

john jameson marvel
john jameson marvel

But for Father John Jameson, this was no feat. He decided that this was a well-planned stunt that only emphasized the helplessness of his son. Therefore, since then, his attitude towards the hero has shifted even more negatively.


During his next flight into space, John Jameson (Wolfman) finds himself in a dangerous situation again. When exposed to an unknown virus, he gains inhuman strength. Scientists from NASA decided to study the virus, and so that the guy did not have time to lose his powers, they developed a special organic suit for him. But not only they were interested in his new abilities. My father was also eager to use them.

john jameson spiderman
john jameson spiderman

One day, during a bank robbery in which Spider-Man was suspected, Jay persuades his son to confront the hero. He wanted to make a video to make him famous. The younger Jameson agrees to this, but loses the fight. And when it turns out that Spider-Man is not to blame at all, the father tries to stop his son. But easier said than done. He did not even suspect what John Jameson was then experiencing. Spider-Man greatly insulted him by winning, and he needed a rematch. But the next time, luck turned away from him. Spider-Man blew his power away with a massive electrical discharge.


Sometime after the incident, Jameson is sent to the moon on a secret mission. Studying the soil there, he finds a strange red stone. He had never met such unusual breeds, so he decided to take the find home. But soon the astronaut realizes that he is simply unable to do without a stone. Therefore, he makes an amulet out of it, and on it an engraving in the form of a wolf. Only by putting it on, on the very first full moon, it turns into a wolf. But he hardly liked it.

john jameson wolf man
john jameson wolf man

John Jameson spends most of his time trying to find a way to control transformations. Marvel is a fictional universe rich in transformations, where heroes face unusual situations. And for a while, John even begins to think that he has achieved success when a suit is born that, in his opinion, does not let in lunar radiation. But it is notso, and the transformations continue.

Soon his father finds out about this, because at first he did not believe that the Wolfman was his son. But, seeing a pendant on his neck, he is completely convinced of this. Then, trying to help his son, he removes the amulet from him, thinking that this will stop the cycle, but this also does not have the desired effect. And even when Spider-Man threw a stone into the river, he only angered the beast, which already did not have warm feelings for him.

Abilities and powers

First of all, John Jameson works at NASA, and there he is described as an experienced pilot and an excellent astronaut. He began his training while serving in the army, when he underwent special training for employees in the Air Force.

john jameson spiderman 2 photo
john jameson spiderman 2 photo

Secondly, he successfully completed a physical training course in the same service, so he has excellent hand-to-hand combat skills.

Thirdly, John Jameson is a werewolf, which means he has the appropriate instincts, such as tracking a target by smell or night vision. Also on the list can be added a high pain threshold and the ability to regenerate, healing even the most severe injuries.

The Wolf Man on TV and Movies

While John Jameson has not got his own project, he has to be content with episodic roles in the animated series about Spider-Man. So the hero was shown in "Spider-man: Unlimited", where, during a flight into space, a guy, having crashed, finds himself on an unfamiliar planet. And together with Spider-Man, he leads a rebel squad to restore peace on thisplanet.

Wolf Man also had episodes in "Spider-man: Exciting". There he played an Air Force colonel and a shuttle pilot, but under the influence of the poison he had to fight Spider-Man.

john jameson
john jameson

There is even a movie in which John Jameson flashed several times - "Spider-Man 2" (photo of the episode is above). The character was played by Daniel Gillis. He was the fiance of Mary Jane. True, she realized that she did not really love him, so their wedding never took place.
