The best TV shows for children: list, rating, description, titles and reviews

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The best TV shows for children: list, rating, description, titles and reviews
The best TV shows for children: list, rating, description, titles and reviews

Video: The best TV shows for children: list, rating, description, titles and reviews

Video: The best TV shows for children: list, rating, description, titles and reviews
Video: Anna German. Episode 9. TV series. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN. Drama 2024, June

There comes a time when kids are no longer interested in cartoons, and parents decide to show their children series and films. Of course, these should be films aimed at a young viewer. This list contains the best series for children that will be of interest not only to schoolchildren of any age, but also to their parents. The rating below will help you choose the best one.

series for children
series for children

The Tenth Kingdom

What happens when fathers and children get into a fairy tale? The Tenth Kingdom is about Virginia and her father, Anthony, who live in New York City. One day, a dog gets under the wheels of a girl's bike. But it turns out that this dog is actually an enchanted prince from a magical land - the grandson of Snow White herself.

He was supposed to ascend the throne and become the greatest ruler, but the Evil Queen stood in the way. She placed the prince's soul in a dog, but the heir managed to escape. Now the New Yorkers have to get away from the persecution of the evil stepmother's henchmen and help the fairy-tale hero restore justice by following him to one ofmagical kingdoms.


A group of teenagers, led by a teacher, recovers to the camp to observe a rare phenomenon - a solar eclipse. On the way, the teacher shows the children a mysterious cave, which is illuminated by flashes of light at night. Friends Paul and Alex decide to prank their classmates using a ghost story. They stretch a cable along the transmission line, along which Paul will descend in a sheet at the right time, like a ghost, and scare the girls.

But the plans were not destined to come true. There is a short circuit and Paul gets into a parallel world. It is ruled by people who are called Wizards. They possess some scientific knowledge, but in front of illiterate peasants they pretend that they are wizards and have unlimited power. To return home again, Paul will have to overcome many difficulties.

series about children
series about children

Guest from the Future

Such series about Russian children, like "Guest from the Future", won the hearts of more than one generation of young viewers. This five-episode film about the confrontation between ordinary Soviet schoolchildren and real space pirates, about indifference and nobility, about friendship and selflessness, and today will not leave anyone indifferent.

Once the most ordinary Moscow schoolboy, a student of the 6th grade, Kolya Gerasimov went to the store for kefir. But on the way, he met his school friend who was following the mysterious girl. As a result of surveillance, the guys discover a real time machine. Kolya goes on an excursion to the future.

Fantaghiro, or the Cave of the Golden Rose

We continue to list the best TV shows for children. The Cave of the Golden Rose tells the story of Fantaghiro, a brave princess. For many years, an exhausting war has been going on between the two kingdoms, which no one can put an end to.

One of the kings has three daughters. The older girls were real ladies, and the youngest daughter was a tomboy. She refused marriage and went on a journey to prevent a long war. Fantaghiro will meet his love, defeat evil sorcerers and become a real guardian of his kingdom.

H2O: just add water

This modern day story tells from three friends: Cleo, Ricky and Emma. By chance, the girls find themselves on the mysterious island of Mako during the full moon and turn into real mermaids. Now, as soon as the girls get wet, their tail grows. In addition, they get unusual powers: Cleo controls water, Ricky can heat it, and Emma can freeze it.

The girls are trying to lead a normal life as 16-year-old schoolgirls, learn more about their unusual powers and at the same time keep their essence a secret, and this is not easy.

fathers and sons series
fathers and sons series

Emil of Lenneberg

Emil is well known around Lenneberg, because he is the first tomboy in the area. Neighbors even feel sorry for his parents and younger sister: they got such a treasure! But Emil is not an evil boy at all, he is just trying to study the world around him and help people. True, his good intentions usually turn aroundtrouble.

Hannah Montana

Young Miley is no different from her peers, she also goes to school, communicates with friends, is interested in boys and loves music. But she has one secret that only the closest people know about, in fact, the girl is the super popular pop star Hannah Montana.

Even Oliver, who is a big fan of Hannah, doesn't know he's in the same class as his idol. Due to the double life, Miley often finds herself in various ridiculous situations from which she has to get out.

TV series films for children
TV series films for children


We continue to list the best TV shows for children. The list is supplemented by "Arabella". This is the story of a real fairy-tale princess who receives a ring that can instantly transport its owner to the modern world. Arabella cannot resist the temptation and enters our world, where she meets Peter, an ordinary guy.

Young people fall in love with each other, but native young men are against the wedding with a strange bride. In addition, the evil magician Rumburak and his assistant are hunting for the girl, who wants to destroy her and become king.

The Girl from Tomorrow

Series about children are often about time travel. The main character of "Girls from Tomorrow" Alana falls into 1991 from the distant three thousandth. The traveler brought with her a fantastic device - a transducer that can transmit energy and heal people.

In the 20th century, Alana finds many new friends who help her escape from persecutionvillain from the 25th century. The girl will have to survive in unusual conditions for her and get used to the new world. Will Alana make it back home?

series about Russian children
series about Russian children


This series is loved by both adults and children. Alf is an incredibly charming alien from the distant planet Melmac. His homeland is destroyed, but Alpha managed to escape. The alien found himself in the Tanner family, ordinary people from Los Angeles, when his space shuttle landed right on their garage. Now the family will have to hide Alpha from the authorities in order to protect their new friend from terrible experiments in scientific laboratories.

Alf quickly becomes friends with the Tanner children Brian and Lynn. The only thing that doesn't work out is the cat Lucky, because cats are an incredible delicacy on Melmac. Every day the tireless Alf finds himself in a new story, turning the life of the Tanners into a series of fun and not so adventures.

series for children list
series for children list

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Incredibly popular series for children about magic and sorcery. "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tells the story of a girl who, until her sixteenth birthday, did not suspect that her aunts, Zelda and Hilda, were real witches. And the pet, Salem the cat, not only knows how to talk, but also turns out to be a wizard imprisoned in a cat's skin for trying to conquer the world.
