2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Integral reading algorithm is a special way of recoding and perception of initial information, which a person uses when reading a book. This leads to a significant increase in the efficiency and speed of data perception. In this article, we will talk about the structure of this method, as well as the features and secrets of speed reading.
Text perception
The integral reading algorithm allows us not only to read the proposed text as quickly as possible, but also to perceive it, that is, to understand what is written there, to remember. If we imagine that a first-grader is reading a textbook on higher mathematics, then it is not surprising that after that he will not be able to reproduce almost a single word. This cannot be called reading, especially conscious reading, although formally he could read everything from the first to the last page. But at the same time, they are not able to repeat the facts, state the main idea of the text, express their attitude towards it, put into practice the acquired knowledge.
Really read text can only be considered if a person is able to:
- pick out individual facts from it and reproduce them;
- explain how the text corresponds to his internal idea of the subject;
- criticize him;
- give facts from your own experience that can complement it;
- rephrase the main idea.
Note that in good and high-quality textbooks there are necessarily introductions, conclusions, conclusions, control questions, such a structure of presentation of the material helps to better absorb knowledge.
Put it all in order
The authors of the integral reading algorithm are Lev Khromov and Oleg Andreev. They propose to use it for universal memorization of the text, perception of information. The main thing, while reading the text, is to put everything on the shelves for yourself. There are seven blocks of the integral reading algorithm. We will present them in a certain order. So:
- Book title.
- Author.
- Imprint.
- Table of contents, topic.
- Factual data.
- Criticism.
- Novelty and the possibility of practical use of the information received.
It is worth recognizing that when reading, most of us skip the first three points, considering them insignificant, not wanting to spend our energy on trifles, but only on remembering the essence. Facts, meaning and main idea - that's what should be remembered first of all, they believethey.
The realization of their importance in the speed reading algorithm comes much later. Over time, it becomes necessary to visualize the works, marking the title of the articles and their authors, it becomes easier to remember the image of the book.
Speed reading skills are a useful thing, it's hard to argue with that. How can this be achieved? The result largely depends on how familiar the reader is with the author and the text itself. Before you begin to perceive the text, there is a kind of adjustment to the tone of the author, what it will be - slow, hasty, colorful, fragmentary. These attitudes provide rich food for our subconscious, allowing us to quickly perceive everything that happens. Therefore, experienced masters of speed reading strongly recommend not to reduce the original algorithm in order to achieve maximum results.
Features of the method
If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to perceive the text of any complexity the first time. To do this, it is important to expand your own perspective. It is recommended to do this with the help of special exercises, for example, the Schulte table.
In speed reading courses, you will definitely be taught that return eye movements when reading are considered unacceptable. You can return to the text only after you have finished reading and comprehending what you have read. The use of an integral reading algorithm allows you to organize the process as much as possible, increasing its efficiency. It should be noted that the algorithm does not exclude the possibility of its creative interpretation, allowing certainchanges depending on specific conditions and settings.
In its name, the word "integral" means that the action of the blocks should be applied entirely to the entire text. The use and effectiveness of this particular method was prompted by certain features of the human brain.
It should be understood that any text is created by people, therefore it is a linguistic expression of the author's intention. It follows from this that the key language patterns will be common between the reader and the author, acting not only when creating a text, but also while reading it. This is pair communication, which is conducted in a single language.
In the speed reading courses that today are held for those who want to assimilate information as efficiently as possible, they teach that the algorithm determines the sequence of mental actions when perceiving the main fragments of the text.
Algorithms in life surround us everywhere. It is important to use them as efficiently as possible. In this case, all your actions will be streamlined, you will spend a minimum of time to complete a particular task.
Method of recoding the original information
It is important that absolutely any book can be perceived in record time, be it a fiction novel or a scientific and technical text. The method used for recoding information for those who have learned to read quickly is more efficient and economical.
It is worth noting that a person, in principle, pre-programs many of his mental actions,not just reading. Most readers have their own preprograms and algorithms that many of us may simply not be aware of.
At the same time, it is worth recognizing that it is not uncommon to observe examples of unorganized reading. For example, when a person rushes to the beginning of a work, then to the end, then to the middle. From such a reading, he will not take out any information for himself, he will find it difficult to remember even the author of this book and its title.
Facts, criticism and novelty
Rational reading means following exactly all the blocks that we have already mentioned in this article. If the first four do not need separate explanations, then the rest should be discussed separately.
Comprehension of factual data means their semantic assimilation and extraction from the text. The last two blocks are related to the individual characteristics of each particular reader. His experience, knowledge, goals that he pursues when reading. What may seem banal and trivial to one reader may be unknown to another, and controversial to a critical reader. So both criticism and the identification of novelty and practical use of the information received require the active participation of the reader in synthetic and analytical thought processes.
Terms of use
To use the algorithm correctly, you first need to remember all its blocks for yourself, clearly imagining what content they will be filled with. While reading the text, students usuallyit is recommended to display the algorithm on a separate sheet, pinning it above your desktop.
Another important argument in favor of using this algorithm is that modern structural linguistics claims that scientific and technical texts are too redundant in their content. Sometimes this redundancy can reach 75%. As a result, only a quarter of the volume of the entire text carries the main meaning for this type of reading and for a particular person.
This method of speed reading helps to correctly focus your attention, processing only the content of the text. When using it, it is extremely important to minimize the time it takes to enumerate non-informative elements. At the same time, its content should be read most effectively. At this stage, it is important to implement automatic reading at a variable speed, when "blank spaces" are read faster than a part of the text that has a specific meaning.
To develop an algorithmic reading mindset, you need to visualize each of the blocks before you open the book. After that, as you read, you should begin to get an idea of what specific problem this or that article is devoted to.
Content filtering
As a result, in the process of reading, a person must, as it were, filter the contents of a particular text, stack blocks in a certain algorithm. When the text describes the design of a new electric vehicle that has certain distinguishing features,it is important to remember about the sixth block. You need to be critical of the text itself.
Some psychologists believe that reading texts without a critical attitude is definitely not worth it. You must have your own position, which may or may not coincide with the author's. It is also fixed in the block of this algorithm.
When you have already finished reading, it is important to analyze whether you managed to learn something new, how we can practically take it into our activities. With this data, we will fill in the seventh block of this algorithm.
It is worth noting that when the book is read, this means the completion of the process for normal reading, but not speed reading. In the latter case, a person must imagine a visual image of the integral algorithm, check the sufficiency of filling all of its blocks. Only at the final psychological act of synthesis and analysis of the text will it be possible to better assimilate and remember it. Put a semantic point.
Regression suppression
It is worth noting that the integral algorithm helps to cope with another bad habit that many people have in the process of reading. This is a regression. Active and organized reading should be performed in full accordance with the blocks of the algorithm given in this article. In this case, the reader from the first time will understand in detail what the book that fell into his hands is about, assimilate all the information.
In the case of continuous following of all blocks, the dynamism of thought processes no longer leaves time for repeated returnseye. The resulting uncertainty may first appear due to the fear of missing out on something important and valuable, and then is replaced by a firm conviction that a single reading is actually quite enough to assimilate everything read as deeply and fully as possible.
To practice this skill, it should be reinforced by developing a basic reading rule. It lies in the fact that the text of any difficulty should be read only once, without allowing return movements of the eyes. Only after reading everything to the end, comprehending the information, you can return to it again, if such a need nevertheless arose.
You can learn everything
Recently, schools of speed reading and intelligence development are gaining popularity, which offer to master the rapid perception of information, calligraphy, develop intelligence and memory under the control and supervision of experienced teachers.
Teachers promise quite good results. For example, it will be possible to master an unfamiliar text after completing the courses at a speed of 600 to a thousand words per minute. This will help the child to do homework independently without the help of tutors and parents, grabbing all the necessary information on the fly. His academic performance will increase significantly, it will become easy to work with unfamiliar texts or learn poetry.
Training duration
The School of Speed Reading and Intelligence Development organizes classes two to three times a week. Branches of these educational institutions are now open in all major cities of the country.
Total standard course includes 72 lessons. Forfor kids under the age of seven, classes last one hour, for older children - 80 minutes. The first half of each lesson is devoted to the technique and secrets of speed reading, and the second - to the development of intelligence and memory. Every month, teachers hold open lessons to which parents are invited to demonstrate what progress they have achieved during the reporting period.
Who needs such lessons?
In our time, the rapid perception of information is the key to obtaining a quality education. It is important that in these educational institutions there are courses not only for preschoolers and schoolchildren, but also for adults.
If kids are taught to read correctly, then with schoolchildren they master the concept of what they read, increase interest in learning.
For adults, this will help improve the speed and quality of work with documents and new information.
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