"Shallow" is not just a movie, it's a survival guide

"Shallow" is not just a movie, it's a survival guide
"Shallow" is not just a movie, it's a survival guide

For each viewer, the concept of "scary movie" has its own meaning. For some, these are pictures of brutal maniacs, for others - terrible stories about ghosts. But there is a special category that can give any cinephile a shudder. Shallows is one such movie.


In memory of the past, Nancy comes to a remote wild beach in Mexico. At one time, her mother conquered the waves here when she found out about her pregnancy. Many years have passed since then, and the girl goes to rest in a secluded place for a while and indulge in memories. On the beach, she meets two young guys who have chosen this beautiful beach for surfing. Together they spend several hours, after the new acquaintances leave for the hotel, Nancy decides to catch the wave again. As she swims, waiting for the right moment, she notices a whale carcass nearby. She decides to take a closer look and heads towards the huge creature.

First day at the beach
First day at the beach

In a difficult situation

At this moment, the great white shark attacks the girl, and she goes under the water. The predator bites her leg, but Nancy manages to climb onto the whale. Having missed the prey, the sharkbegins to push the carcass, trying to knock the girl down and finish the job. Having seized the right moment, the wounded Nancy moves to a small stone ledge and tries to stop the bleeding. She understands that she will not be able to hold out on this shallow for a long time - soon the tide will begin. The night passes in delirium, and the next morning she sees that yesterday's acquaintances have returned to the shore. Nancy tries to warn them of the danger, but they rush to the rescue and become the shark's breakfast. Time is running out, and this shallow is getting dangerous. She needs to take risks in any case, so as not to become another victim of an underwater predator.

Ways of salvation

Another glimmer of hope comes when one of the locals comes to the beach. However, he was interested in the girl's things, and he did not pay attention to the lone figure on the stone ledge. The man takes the items he likes and leaves. Nancy decides to get to the buoy that looms in the distance. Giving a signal with a rocket launcher is her only chance of salvation. But in order to swim to the right place, she will have to try very hard. A bitten leg is not the most faithful companion in this swim. With the last of her strength, she gets to the lighthouse, but the shark is already here and begins to attack the unreliable structure!

Nancy and the shark
Nancy and the shark

Watch the movie "The Shallows" in full to find out how this tragic story ended!

Why is this picture worth seeing?

Unlike the same "Jaws" or "Deep Blue Sea", this tape shows a story where the main character is left alone withdeadly terror. The hopeless situation forces her brain to invent new ways out of the situation. But having predatory fish with intelligence in opponents is not the best alignment in this situation. She does not have the opportunity to consult with friends or hide behind someone else's back. She is one on one with nature itself, which is not very favorable to the surfer.

Blake Lively was so convincing in the role of Nancy that it becomes simply impossible not to empathize with her! All fans of exciting dramas and thrillers will love this picture!

shark attack
shark attack

Go to the cinema or watch at home?

You can find "Shallow" at 720r without much difficulty. Many sites provide the ability to download a movie or watch it online. This quality is no worse than what you will be offered at the cinema. In addition, you will always have the opportunity to pause and get distracted, which is impossible to do in the hall. You will not be disturbed by the conversations of people in neighboring chairs and you can pour yourself a mug of hot tea at any time.

The film received good reviews from critics and viewers, so we advise you to watch it in the near future. He will help you understand how dangerous it is to be in such a situation. "The Shallows" is a film that will teach you to fight for life, even when there is no chance of salvation.
