The novel "The Master and Margarita": the image of the Master and other heroes

The novel "The Master and Margarita": the image of the Master and other heroes
The novel "The Master and Margarita": the image of the Master and other heroes

On the pages of the novel "The Master and Margarita" the author shows the moral flaws of society in the modern era and in the distant past. From time immemorial, man has wondered "what is truth" and "what are the moral criteria." Great thinkers and philosophers did not come to an unambiguous answer, but Mikhail Bulgakov tried to develop this problem in his work.

The main characters of the novel

The author introduces two storylines into the story: the action takes place in Moscow in the 30s and in Yershalaim two thousand years ago. In The Master and Margarita, the image of the Master is central: he writes a novel about Pontius Pilate, burns him, and then ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Later, Ivan Bezdomny, the author of an anti-religious story about Jesus Christ, is placed there. The second assures the doctors that Woland, Satan himself, has appeared in Moscow, but they do not believe him and make a diagnosis. The master is waiting for Margarita, who, for the sake of his salvation, signs a contract with the dark forces. Woland invites her to become a queen at the ball, to which the woman agrees.

images of the novel master and margarita
images of the novel master and margarita

In Yershalaim, the Jewish procurator Pontius Pilate, obeying the will of Caesar, executes the innocent Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Subsequently, the hegemon regrets his act and suffers for a long time. In the last chapters of The Master and Margarita, the image of the Master plays an important role in the fate of Pontius Pilate: he frees him, and he regains happiness with his beloved.

Ideological content of the book

The black magician Woland visits the Russian capital with the cat Behemoth, the demon Azazello, the senior subordinate Koroviev and the witch Hella. The fateful chain of events begins at the Patriarch's Ponds. Woland talks with Mikhail Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny, who completely deny the existence of Jesus Christ. Satan predicts death for Berlioz - he will be run over by a tram, and this terrible event takes place in the evening. Woland settles in his apartment and begins to prepare for a dark ball, and before that he arranges a session of dark magic for Muscovites. Margarita signs a contract with Satan and agrees to become the queen of celebration.

In Yershalaim, on the orders of Caesar, Yeshua Ha-Nozri is executed, and only a Jewish procurator can stop this. Out of cowardice, he does not do this, for which he is doomed to eternal torment: for many thousands of moons he sits with the dog Bunga and thinks about his actions, and only the Master is destined to release him at the end of the novel.

The problem of moral choice in the book

For many centuries people have done things against or in the name of morality. The image of Margarita in the novel "The Master and Margarita"demonstrates the second type of action. This strong woman is willing to give up everything for truth and love.

Master and Margarita image of Woland
Master and Margarita image of Woland

Often people get benefits for themselves through deceit, hypocrisy, violence, betrayal, lies, and then, fearing to lose them, again go to vile deeds. Pontius Pilate did not want to sacrifice his place and status, for which he was doomed to eternal torment.

Mikhail Bulgakov contrasts the positive and negative images of the novel "The Master and Margarita", wanting to show that without a moral sense a person cannot be happy. There are no people in the world without sins, but the repentant can atone for his guilt. For Pontius Pilate, his forgiveness consisted in the freedom that the Master granted him.

Image of Yeshua

The Master and Margarita are the protagonists of the novel, to which the prototype of Jesus Christ adjoins. In the Yershalaim chapters, Bulgakov contrasts the image of the hegemon and the impoverished preacher Ga-Notsri. Yeshua refuses to renounce the truth, for which he is sentenced to death. Together with the inhabitants of Rome, he believed that the time would come when there would be no power and violence. Is there really a component of the crime in these words, for which one should be deprived of life?

the master and margarita the image of the master
the master and margarita the image of the master

Pontius Pilate Yeshua was cute, and he wants to save him, but he is afraid to risk his measured life. A dilemma arises before him: to execute, but go against conscience, or pardon, but lose power? The hegemon chooses the first: he is only outwardly formidable, like a lion; on thein fact, a cowardly hare's heart beats in him.

Image of Pontius Pilate

The fate of the inhabitants of Rome is in the hands of the procurator of the Jews. One historical source states that Pilate is responsible for countless executions carried out without trial. Such cruelty was manifested because of the fear of losing their status. His associates behave in a similar way. On the pages of the Yershalaim chapters, Mikhail Bulgakov perfectly demonstrates this typical characteristic of images.

master and margarita images of heroes
master and margarita images of heroes

"The Master and Margarita" is a novel of deep philosophical content. The author proves that even the most terrible villain can become righteous. Pontius Pilate realizes his monstrous mistake: such an honest man as Yeshua should not lose his life. The hegemon comes to the conclusion about cowardice: "This is the most terrible vice." The author introduces the image of the Master and Margarita to show that not all people are so cowardly - many are not afraid of punishment and go to desperate deeds in the name of morality. For his mistake, the procurator is doomed to immortality, and this is perhaps the most painful punishment.

The Master and Margarita: the image of the master

the image of margarita in the novel the master and margarita
the image of margarita in the novel the master and margarita

The author does not name the protagonist of his novel, because there were many like him in Soviet Russia. The writers of this era can be compared to living mummies: they write only what the public expects, and do not try to stand out with original ideas. The novel about Pontius Pilate is refused to be published becausethat in anti-religious Russia this topic has lost its relevance. The great idea for which the Master sacrificed his we alth remains unilluminated, and the author burns his offspring in despair.

Woland decides to return his novel to the writer and utters the famous phrase: "Manuscripts don't burn!" In The Master and Margarita, the image of the Master echoes the life of Mikhail Bulgakov himself. The young writer burned a draft of his novel on a Christian theme, during his lifetime he did not deserve recognition from critics, and only a few decades later began to interest the public.

Image of Margarita

A moral person does a lot for the sake of relatives and friends, not fearing death. Mankind knows women who are braver than men in their actions. This was the main character. The image of Margarita in The Master and Margarita differs from all others: young, beautiful, she was the wife of a very prominent specialist, but she renounced luxury. She didn't know happiness until she met the Master.

image of yeshua the master and margarita
image of yeshua the master and margarita

In the name of love, Margarita agrees to cooperate with Satan himself. Woland appears in Moscow to test the main characters of the novel, reward them for their loy alty and love, and punish liars and traitors. He repeatedly visits Moscow, and during his absence, much has changed: architecture, clothing, lifestyle, but not the people themselves. In the novel "The Master and Margarita" the images of Muscovite heroes are presented as greedy and cruel. It is not surprising that Woland chooses Margarita as the queen of his dark ball -an honest woman with a big loving heart. For all the positive qualities of Margarita, he rewards her - reconnects her with the Master. For the sake of love, a woman is ready to go through the most difficult trials, after enduring which she finds her happiness.

Dark Retinue

the image of the master and margarita
the image of the master and margarita

In the novel "The Master and Margarita" the image of Woland is far from the true Satan, about whom terrible legends have been composed for many years. He looks like a man who acts according to his conscience and keeps his promises. Woland reunited Margarita with her beloved Master, punished the immoral Muscovites, suggested how to free Pontius Pilate, and in the end quietly disappeared. Almighty Satan possesses the best of human qualities, which cannot be said about the Jewish procurator. The author contrasts Woland and the hegemon with the image of the Master and Margarita: the road to heaven is closed to them, but it is they who are the most honest, virtuous in the novel, and most importantly, they remained faithful to each other, having gone through many moral tests.
