M. A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita": the genre of the work, the history of creation and features

M. A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita": the genre of the work, the history of creation and features
M. A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita": the genre of the work, the history of creation and features

Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" received universal recognition, although this happened after the death of its author. The history of the creation of the work covers several decades - after all, when Bulgakov died, his wife continued his work, and it was she who achieved the publication of the novel. An unusual composition, bright characters and their difficult fates - all this made the novel interesting for any time.

First drafts

In 1928, the writer first came up with the idea of a novel, which was later called The Master and Margarita. The genre of the work had not yet been determined, but the main idea was to write a work about the devil. Even the first titles of the book spoke about it: "Black Magician", "Satan", "Consultant with a Hoof". There were a large number of drafts and versions of the novel. Some of these papers were destroyed by the author, and the remaining documents were published in a general collection.

Bulgakov started work on hisromance at a very difficult time. His plays were banned, the author himself was considered a "neo-bourgeois" writer, and his work was proclaimed hostile to the new system. The first text of the work was destroyed by Bulgakov - he burned his manuscripts on fire, after which he was left with only sketches of scattered chapters and a couple of draft notebooks.

master and margarita genre
master and margarita genre

Later, the writer tries to return to work on the novel, but poor physical and psychological condition caused by severe overwork prevent him from doing so.

Eternal love

Only in 1932 Bulgakov returns to work on the novel, after which the Master is created first, and then Margarita. Her appearance, as well as the emergence of the idea of eternal and great love, is associated with the writer's marriage to Elena Shilovskaya.

Bulgakov no longer hopes to see his novel in print, but continues to work hard on it. Having devoted more than 8 years to the work, the writer prepares the sixth draft edition, complete in meaning. After that, the study of the text continued, amendments took place, and the structure, genre and composition of the novel The Master and Margarita finally took shape. It was then that the writer finally decided on the title of the work.

genre of the novel the master and margarita
genre of the novel the master and margarita

Mikhail Bulgakov continued to edit the novel until his death. Even before his death, when the writer was almost blind, he corrected the book with the help of his wife.

Publication of the novel

After the death of the writer, his wife had a main goal inlife - to achieve the publication of the novel. She independently edited the work and printed it. In 1966, the novel was published in the Moscow magazine. This was followed by its translation into European languages, as well as a publication in Paris.

genre and composition master and margarita
genre and composition master and margarita

Genre of work

Bulgakov called his work “The Master and Margarita” a novel, the genre of which is so unique that the disputes of literary critics about the category of the book never subside. It is defined as a mythical novel, a philosophical novel, and a medieval drama on the themes of the Bible. Bulgakov's novel connects almost all areas of literature that exist in the world. What makes a work unique is its genre and composition. The Master and Margarita is a masterpiece with which it is impossible to draw parallels. After all, there are no such books in either domestic or foreign literature.

Composition of the novel

The composition "The Master and Margarita" is a double novel. Two stories are told, one about the Master and the other about Pontius Pilate. Despite the opposition to each other, they create a single whole.

Two times are intertwined in the novel "The Master and Margarita". The genre of the work allows you to combine the biblical period and Bulgakov's Moscow.

bulgakov master and margarita genre
bulgakov master and margarita genre

Three plot lines are interconnected at once, which give rise to a vivid and unique narrative. After all, this is the love of the Master and Margarita, the philosophy of Yeshua and Pilate, as well as the mysticism surrounding Woland and his retinue.

The question of the fate of a person in the novel

The opening of the book is a dispute betweenBerlioz, Bezdomny and Stranger on the subject of the existence of God. Homeless believes that man himself controls the order on earth and all destinies, but the development of the plot shows the incorrectness of his position. After all, the author says that human knowledge is relative, and his life path is predetermined in advance. But at the same time he claims that a person is responsible for his own destiny. Throughout the novel, such topics are raised by Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita, whose genre weaves even biblical chapters into the narrative, evokes questions: “What is truth? Are there eternal values that remain unchanged?”

Modern life merges with the history of Pontius Pilate. The Master did not stand against the injustice of life, but was able to obtain immortality in Eternity itself. The peculiar genre of the novel "The Master and Margarita" weaves both plot lines in one place - Eternity, where the Master and Pilate were able to find forgiveness.

The issue of personal responsibility in the novel

In his work, Bulgakov shows fate as a string of interrelated events. By chance, the Master and Margarita met, Berlioz died, and Yeshua's life became dependent on the Roman governor. The author emphasizes the mortality of a person and believes that when planning your life, you should not exaggerate your capabilities.

genre and composition of the novel The Master and Margarita
genre and composition of the novel The Master and Margarita

But the writer leaves the heroes a chance to change their lives and change the direction of fate for a more favorable one. To do this, you need to violate your moral principles. So, Yeshua can lie, and then hewill live. If the Master starts writing “like everyone else”, then he will be accepted into the circle of writers, and his works will be published. Margarita must commit murder, but she cannot agree to this, even if the victim is the person who ruined the life of her lover. Some heroes change their fates, but others do not use the chances given to them.

Image of Margarita

All characters have their counterparts, which are shown in the mythological world. But there are no people similar to Margarita in the work. This emphasizes the uniqueness of a woman who, in order to save her beloved, makes a deal with the devil. The heroine combines love for the Master and hatred for his persecutors. But even in the grip of madness, smashing the apartment of a literary critic and frightening all the tenants of the house, she remains merciful, calming the child.

Image of the Master

Modern literary scholars agree that the image of the Master is autobiographical, because there is much in common between the writer and the main character. This is a partial external resemblance - a figure, a yarmulke cap. But it is also the spiritual despair that grips both of them at the fact that creative work is put "on the table" without any future.

master and margarita genre works
master and margarita genre works

The theme of creativity is very important for the writer, because he is convinced that only the author's complete sincerity and ability to convey the truth to the heart and mind can provide the work with eternal value. So, the Master, who puts his soul into manuscripts, is opposed by a whole crowd, so indifferent and blind. Literary critics hound the Master,drive him crazy and abandon his own work.

The fates of the Master and Bulgakov are inextricably linked, because both of them considered it their creative duty to help people regain their faith that justice and goodness still remained in the world. And also to encourage readers to search for truth and loy alty to their ideals. After all, the novel says that love and creativity can overcome everything in its path.

Even after many years, Bulgakov's novel continues to appeal to readers, defending the theme of true love - true and eternal.
