10 best films of 2016: list and reviews

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10 best films of 2016: list and reviews
10 best films of 2016: list and reviews

Video: 10 best films of 2016: list and reviews

Video: 10 best films of 2016: list and reviews
Video: Cantilena by Cees Hartog. Matthew McAllister (Guitar). 2024, June

People love movies, especially new ones, but picking the best ones isn't always easy. However, whoever seeks, he will find: especially for you, we have selected the ten most interesting and high-quality paintings of the current year. Of course, the list cannot be called complete because of the new products that have not yet been released, among which there will certainly be masterpieces, but still.

The main criterion by which the best films of 2016 were selected was rating. The Top 10 is made up of the most popular, viewed and appreciated cinematic creations. You just need to take into account one thing: the tastes and genre preferences of all people are different. That is why the list cannot please everyone.

So, the top 10 best films of 2016: meet!


The world premiere of the film took place in December 2015, and in Russia - only in January. Of course, such a difference does not mean anything. Nevertheless, "The Revenant" can be easily attributed to the top 10 best films of 2015-2016 - for the people of Russia, that's for sure.

Top 10 best films 2015-2016
Top 10 best films 2015-2016

At the heart of the storyline is the revenge of a desperate man. The main character was wounded by a huge bear, but, not wanting to die, clung to life with all his mightforces. Someone thought that messing with a half-corpse was not a royal affair, as a result of which, at one fine moment, the crippled man was left alone with his pain, wildlife, cold and Indians, with whom both our hero and his colleagues did not work. This is a story about the importance of willpower and the will to survive.

The Hateful Eight

This product also got into the category of the same "transitional from year to year" and at the same time in the top 10 best films of 2015-2016. Quentin Tarantino is a famous director, knows how to make films, and always does a good job, so the popularity of his next creation is understandable.

10 best films 2015-2016
10 best films 2015-2016

Eight people completely different in type, character, occupation and other details, including a bounty hunter, a criminal, a cowboy, a general and others, once ended up all together in a small shop located on the periphery. Someone was in a place so remote from people initially, someone reached their destination right in front of the viewer and was forced to stop there due to disgusting weather conditions … The point is different: it soon became clear that one of those present was an impostor. Obviously, he needs to be exposed and punished, but will he succeed?


Although this is not a movie, but an animation, we could not bypass it. After all, this masterpiece made a real sensation among the audience immediately after the release, and therefore deserves to be in the top 10 best films of 2016.

Top 10 films2016
Top 10 films2016

Cartoon characters are anthropomorphic animals, the main characters are a hare with a fox. According to the plot, the eared girl moved from a provincial town to an animal metropolis. A sweet provincial girl always wanted to become the first police hare, and now the dream has come true to some extent. The only problem is that no one takes the young lady seriously. Perhaps she will be treated better if she can solve one of the city's biggest crimes? Fortunately, she soon had an assistant - such a red-haired, arrogant and unclean fox on the paw.


One of the biggest, spectacular, epic and beautiful films could not fail to get into the top ten. "Warcraft" is filmed based on the game World of Warcraft, but for a comfortable and enjoyable viewing, knowledge of the materiel is not at all necessary. A supply of popcorn will come in handy - the movie is two hours long.

10 best films of 2016
10 best films of 2016

The plot of the film is simple. Once upon a time, people and orcs lived in peace and harmony, but those times are in the distant past: now the two races hate each other and seek to exterminate. Both sides have magical support, but it is the monsters who initiate the attack. Their leader opens a magical portal, through which hordes of orcs break through to human lands in order to destroy the damned little men.

Captain America: Civil War

What's the top 10 best movies of 2016 without a new Avengers movie? Once again Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and other heroes, joined by some characters fromthe previous part, pleased the audience with their ability to get into trouble and masterfully deal with them.

Top 10 best films of 2016
Top 10 best films of 2016

In this part of the franchise, the fighters against evil will have to stand on opposite sides of the barricades due to government pressure. The latter decided that the heroes were dangerous and wanted to take control of them. Iron Man, despite his freedom-loving nature, did not particularly protest, realizing that having government bodies as enemies is not a good idea. Captain America categorically disagreed with him, who, among other things, became aware of an old friend who was outlawed. The Avengers have split, each member of the team, in addition to general troubles, has their own problems, and in the meantime, humanity is once again in mortal danger, which cannot be de alt with without the help of superheroes.


Movies based on comics are often in the top 10 best films. 2016, for example, brought a lot of high-quality and not very film adaptations. One of the most popular was the film version of the comic book about Deadpool - not quite a hero, but also a guy with unusual abilities and talents, among which regeneration, inhuman strength and a peculiar sense of humor occupy the highest positions.

Top 10 best films of 2016
Top 10 best films of 2016

Wade Wilson was a mercenary - he carried out errands of varying degrees of coolness for money. At the most inopportune moment, it turned out that he was mortally ill and he had … a little time left to live. And here is a guy who has nothing to lose, agrees to an experiment by the military, as a resultwhich becomes strong, agile, fast and almost immortal due to its extremely useful ability to quickly regenerate. Along with strength, Wilson gets a cool nickname and a huge pile of problems, but who said it would be easy?

Perfect Strangers

Everyone has their secrets in the closet; in our case, on the phone. The film "Perfect Strangers" once again proves that everything secret becomes clear and sometimes it's better to refuse an adventurous game if you understand that the stigma is in the cannon.

10 best films of 2016
10 best films of 2016

So, a large and at first glance friendly company of people who know each other well has gathered for a pleasant pastime. Everything was fine at first. Nothing terrible happened even after the first harbinger of trouble: the proposal of the hostess of the house to play a "funny" game. Its essence was to share your personal life with others all evening, namely, turn on the speakerphone when making calls and read all incoming messages aloud. Naturally, soon most of those present were not laughing, and the smell of either trouble or danger hung in the air.

The Conjuring 2

The only horror movie on our list of the 10 best movies of 2016. The second part of the sensational mystical creation about a married couple fighting evil again resonated with the audience. Most likely, this happened due to the well-known name of the director and a high-quality picture, because there are more and more stories about ghosts every year.

Top 10movies 2016
Top 10movies 2016

This time, a poor family from the suburbs of London became the object of attack by otherworldly forces. It was already hard for the mother to cope with four children alone, and then the ghosts drove up - it became simply impossible to live in the house. Despite a premonition of something bad, the Warrens could not stand aside and went to help the family.

X-Men: Apocalypse

Yeah, another comic book movie. The next part of "X-Men" could not fail to get into the top 10 films - 2016. It more or less lived up to the expectations of the audience, and therefore deserved high ratings and positive reviews.

Best films of 2016. Top 10 rating
Best films of 2016. Top 10 rating

In this part, the mutants finally learn more about their origins. But at what cost? A new deadly problem has hung over our blue planet: an invulnerable and dangerous enemy has appeared, whose name is Apocalypse, this is an ancient mutant with unimaginable power. Since the enemy is immortal, the X-Men will have to spend a lot of time looking for a way to destroy the one who cannot be killed.


Finishes our top 10 best films of 2016 with a comedy mixed with crime and action. Perhaps the theme of forced (or not so) cooperation of two opposites, one of which is… a bit funny, will never lose its relevance.

Top 10 best films of 2016
Top 10 best films of 2016

So, two guys have to become temporary partners in order to solve a high-profile crime about a kidnapped girl and save theirskins, because they were involved in a serious mess. The first is a brutal and serious man who can easily punch anyone in the face if he is paid for it. The second is an infantile and slightly foolish young man who works as a private detective. Their acquaintance was not a reason for friendly memories, and the methods of doing business differ, but together they are able to move mountains… Although they do not suspect it.


Almost every novelty presented has a lot of opinions and reviews - both from ordinary users and from critics. Obviously, there are more positive reviews, otherwise the films would not have made it to our list. In magazines, newspapers, social networks - everywhere people strive to tell others their priceless opinion.

In some ways, the reviews are similar: if the flaws and jambs are obvious, they are noticed by everyone, if the film is shot beautifully, it is stupid to deny it, if the actions of the characters are illogical or the actors play very badly - this also will not hide from the eyes of the advanced cinephiles. But subjective opinions differ, such as the attitude towards the characters, the storyline, the camera work, etc.

This is such a diverse genre of the top ten films of the current year. Of course, there are many more good and interesting films than those listed in our top, but you already have to choose them yourself.
