2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
A brilliant playwright who tragically ended his earthly journey, Alexander Vampilov was not published during his lifetime. The writer's works were published and received recognition only posthumously. During his short life, Vampilov produced from the pen plays, large and consisting of one act, as well as short prose works. The themes raised by Alexander Valentinovich inspired theater and film directors to put them on stage. Even an opera based on a play written by Alexander Vampilov was released. Reviews of the writer's work are realized through numerous monuments, museums in his honor.
The writer-playwright was born in the small town of the Irkutsk region, the city of Kutulik. The family, in which four children grew up, was the most ordinary. His father is the director of a local school, and his mother, a mathematics teacher, worked there as a head teacher. Everything changed for the family when, on a denunciation, in 1937, their father was arrested. As was the custom at that time, one of the "virtuous" teachers wrote a denunciation of his leader, accusing him of anti-Soviet views. Under such circumstances, Alexander Vampilov begins his life. Photo below.

So the mother was left alone with four children. Relatives turned their backs on the woman who tried her best to keep her children from starving to death. This is how Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich began his life, whose biography received the stigma of "enemy of the people".
During schooling, the future writer was known as an ordinary child, nothing outstanding. Talent began to appear much later. Most likely, this is due to the fact that childhood years were too difficult. Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich, whose family sometimes lived on bread and water, simply could not think about art.
Writing career begins when Vampilov enters the Faculty of History and Philology at Irkutsk University. Gradually, Alexander Vampilov begins to try his hand at writing short stories. The first of them are published in the student newspaper. A little later, he was noticed by the leadership of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" - the young man has been working there since 1961.
As the most talented author, the newspaper's management sends Vampilov to Moscow to improve his skills in literary courses. This helped Alexander Valentinovich move up the career ladder: now he is an executive secretary. However, after a few years, Vampilov ends his career, completely devoting himself to writing.
Unfortunately, attempts to attach at least some work for staging on stage have so far been unsuccessful. Much later, the plays of Alexander Valentinovichthe BDT of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) and other major theaters will be interested.
Career, and family life began to gradually improve. And suddenly… a tragic death.
Tragic death
Only a few days did not live up to the 35th anniversary of Alexander Vampilov. His short biography ended terribly ridiculous. Deciding to relax on Lake Baikal, they and a friend went to the lake with a boat.
It so happened that the ship, catching on the trees heaped under the water, turned over. A friend of the writer, Gleb Pakulov, began to call for help and was rescued. Vampilov decided to get to the shore in the icy water himself. And as soon as he stepped ashore, his heart could not stand it.

The writer was buried by friends, acquaintances and complete strangers. Two truly supernatural stories are associated with the funeral. Eyewitnesses attributed this to the fact that Alexander Vampilov did not want to leave so early. His biography is not finished to the end. Funeral organizers forgot to bring the ropes with which to lower the coffin into the grave. In the hustle and bustle of what is happening, friends had to look for, and then wait for the cemetery watchman. While they were looking for, the coffin with the body of the writer stood on the edge of the grave. This is not the end of the story. As soon as the body of the writer began to be lowered, it turned out that the pit was too shallow. Again I had to wait until it was dug up properly.
It is also paradoxical that immediately after death, directors and publishers begin to take a keen interest in the legacy that Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov managed to leave.
Creative path
Vampilov begins to write as a first-year student at the Faculty of History and Philology. The first short essays are printed by local university publications. The only collection of short stories published during his lifetime is being released just at this time. These are short humorous stories written under the pseudonym A. Sanina.
Upon arrival from Moscow (where Alexander Valentinovich improved his skills as a writer), after working for some time in the prestigious position of executive secretary of the Soviet Youth, he wrote two small comedy plays: “One Hundred Rubles with New Money”, “Crow Grove”.
Gradually Vampilov comes to the realization that he must deal exclusively with creativity. Therefore, he says goodbye to work in the newspaper and begins active writing. Soon the play "Farewell in June" appears, which the author proposes to stage in Moscow theaters. Unfortunately, these attempts were unsuccessful.
Vampilov is helped by the case when, quite by chance, on the telegraph, he meets the then famous playwright Arbuzov, who agrees to take and read Alexander's play "Farewell in June". Vampilov received positive reviews from the famous playwright, but the work never saw the Moscow stage.
In the period 1969-1971, the most famous plays appear. They are taken to be staged in provincial theaters, but Moscow and Leningrad are closed to Vavilov. Sadly, they began to be interested in the work of the playwright shortly before his death, in 1972. It is difficult to say why the capital's theaters turned to himattention, but the plays are taken to be staged by the BDT, the Stanislavsky Theater. Even Lenfilm concludes an agreement with Vavilov to write the original script. Unfortunately, Alexander Vampilov did not see the brilliant productions of his plays in Moscow: his life was cut short.
"Farewell in June" summary
Written in 1965, the comedy "Farewell in June" is typical of the literature of that time. Vampilov shows the hero, a student, in whose worldview significant metamorphoses have taken place, not for the better.
Initially, Kolesov is shown as the soul of the company, he is appreciated by teachers and classmates. He is principled, but has a certain eccentricity, like all students.
Everything changes when the hero falls in love with the rector's daughter Tatyana. For obvious reasons, the head of the faculty is against this relationship, he threatens to expel Kolesov from the university. The student is at a loss, because he sincerely loves the girl, but he understands that he cannot lose his diploma either, because there are only a few months left before graduation. After long languishing, Kolesov agrees to a deal and leaves Tanya.
Farewell June Analysis
Vampilov did not make a negative character out of the main character, he gives him a chance to change and hints at this to the reader, because Kolesov does not go further, he repents, in a fit of feelings he tears up his diploma and tries to return the girl. The writer's ending, as it were, opens up the future to the reader, gives hope that he will improve.
It cannot be said that this play is uniquely about love relationships and betrayal. Its plane is much higher: it is a deal withown conscience, principles. And who will win it, Vampilov keeps silent. This is the whole unique handwriting of Alexander Viktorovich.
"Oldest son" summary
Vampilov has been working on the Elder Son for a long time. First, rough sketches appear, notes in notebooks, then some chapters were published. The final version saw the light in 1970, published by Art Publishing House.
Busygin, who enters the family by deceit, is the one who saves all of them from mistakes. So, to Nina, the daughter of Sarafanov, he reveals the essence of the groom, petty Kudimov. Vasenka thinks about not going to the taiga. Saves Busygin and Sarafanov Sr., giving him another son in his person. He is like a breath of fresh air for this family. It is symbolic that in the end the heroes are left at home without Silva, Busygin's friend, and without the principled Kudimov. They, according to Vampilov, are two extreme points that have no place in life.

The play has a circular composition: at the end Busygin also misses his evening train.
Analysis of the work "Elder Son"
It would seem, what a simple plot: Busygin's roguery in the hope of getting warm. But he hides deep questions that Alexander Vampilov poses to the reader. His works are distinguished by these meanings, which are revealed to the reader, like the invisible part of an iceberg. In the play there is an eternal problem of fathers and children. The words of Sarafanov's son Vasenka sound tragic about what adult children don't needparents. Vampilov has a very philosophical approach to the theme of the meaning of life. Who is Sarafanov? Loser, fired from his job, abandoned by his wife and soon children. However, he does not lose heart, but believes that fate will surely bring something good to a good person. And he turns out to be right.
"Duck hunting": summary and analysis
The life of the people of the “stagnation” era is tragic. Completely devoid of a moral base, an ideological foundation, they go with the flow, destroying their own lives. Such is the main character of the play "Duck Hunt" Zilov. He is in the deepest mental crisis.
The play begins with the fact that near his door the hero finds a funeral wreath with words of sorrow addressed to him. This is very symbolic, because mentally Zilov has been dead for a long time. Later in the play, Vampilov presents irrefutable evidence for this.
The hero is shown through a series of fun, parties, lovers and lies.

The wife Galina is perceived by him no more than a piece of furniture, he does not put Vera, his mistress, in anything. Even his own father, asking for a meeting, is relegated to the background by Zilov (the old man dies without meeting his son). The hero, on the other hand, prefers to dream of a duck hunt, which he is unlikely to ever gather for. This image is very vivid in the play, it symbolizes the failure of the protagonist.
It's amazing how accurately Vampilov's female images are drawn: petite, tender Galina, Zilov's wife, sincere, sometimes rude Vera, aristocratic Valeria anda young student Irina, who sincerely fell in love with the main character.
As always, the author leaves the question of the revival of the protagonist open, secretly hoping that it will happen.
"Last summer in Chulimsk" summary
The play tells about the life of the district center in the outback. The main character, Valentina, is in love with the investigator Shamanov, who does not immediately, but reciprocate.

Also liked the girl and Pavel, who came to his parents on vacation. The young man is very spoiled, he is used to getting everything he wants. He needs Valentina as a wife only as a beautiful addition to a city apartment, as one that will run the household without any problems.
Not persuading the girl to marry in a good way, he uses violence against her. Scolded, she rejects the offer of Shamanov's hand and inclines towards the decision to marry Pashka, as her father wants. However, she ultimately rejects both men.
Analysis "Last summer in Chulimsk"
Vampilov poses very serious questions in the play: the life of young people in the outback, the customs of the inhabitants. Indeed, how can you keep young people if you have to walk several kilometers to the nearest House of Culture, and in the cinema they show tapes that have been watched by everyone for a long time. That's why young people run away or drink too much.
The front garden that Valentin equips is very symbolic: everyone except Shamanov walks right on it and breaks it, and the girl resignedly restores it. Vampilov wants to say by this that moralspeople cannot be remade: some will destroy, while others will restore. There is another subtext: the desecrated, trampled honor of Valentina. It is very symbolic that the front garden helps to restore Shamans. Maybe, after all, he is the person who will ultimately save the girl? As in the rest of Vampilov's plays, one can only guess about this.
One-act plays
The most famous short plays by Vampilov are "The Story of the Met-Page" and "Twenty Minutes with an Angel". They were written at the very beginning of his writing career. Much later, the plays were combined into one edition of "Provincial Joke".
This is indeed a very apt title, because, continuing the traditions of Pushkin, Vampilov writes short stories about an extraordinary event that really happened. However, the author also brings something new to the meaning of this literary term: a sparkling, unusual ending.

It is no coincidence that the word "provincial" is also in the title. Thus, Vampilov drew the reader's attention to the problems of settlements far from the life of the capital, where there are special ways, views and the course of life.
These one-act plays are a kind of springboard for the author's most serious works, raising the most important philosophical questions of morality: "Duck Hunt" and "Last Summer in Chulimsk".
Prose works
Researchers of Vampilov's work unanimously say that if his life had not ended so early, Alexander Valentinovich would have definitely released a novel, andmaybe even a few. The beginnings of this were clearly visible.
Mostly prose was written by a young writer - a university student and a newspaper worker. Then all kinds of essays, notes, feuilletons come out from under his pen. However, two works already belong to the mature period of Vampilov's work: in 1965, the feuilleton "Something for fame" was written, and in 1966 - "The Vitim episode". In addition, at the same time, Alksander Valentinovich wrote essays about Kutulik.

All Vampilov's prose works are united by their plots, problems that will be developed in dramatic works. Images of Shamanov, Yakov Chernykh, Valentina, Pashka, the events that took place in "Duck Hunt" and "Farewell in June" appear here.
Prose is distinguished by sharpness of satire, well-aimed characteristics of the characters. It can be compared with the works of Zoshchenko and Olesha.
Alexander Vampilov did not immediately receive recognition from the public and readers. The rating of books and performances developed gradually. However, the fact that all of his major plays were eventually staged on the stages of the leading theaters, and many were also performed in cinema, speaks of truly popular love and the actual theme of the works.
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