Kahlen Amnell - who is this?

Kahlen Amnell - who is this?
Kahlen Amnell - who is this?

Kahlen Amnell (real name of the actress - Bridget Regan) is a literary and serial hero who was invented by the famous American writer Terry Goodkind. Kahlan is one of the key characters in the Sword of Truth and Kahlan and Richard cycles. Want to learn more about this heroine? Read this article!


Kahlan Amnell
Kahlan Amnell

The world created by Terry Goodkind is very ancient and fantasy. There is no place for mediocrity and dullness in it. Eidindrila is overflowing with magical energy and amazing creatures. For example, the same Kahlan Amnell, who is a Confessor. What does it mean? You can get the answer to this question in the article.

Thousands of years before the events that are described in the cycle called "The Sword of Truth", all wizards in the world of Goodkind possessed two types of magic - Damage and Increment. However, war soon broke out between the sorcerers. In order to gain an advantage in the fight, a wizard named Merritt decided to create a Confessor who could destroy a person's personality and replace it with loy alty to himself with the help of an ordinarytouch. As planned by the sorcerer, this was supposed to help in the interrogation of criminal magicians. Merritt brought his idea to life. As a result, Magda Sirus became the first Mother Confessor.

Confessor Abilities

Confessors have magical powers that are passed down from mother to daughter. Touching a person, the Confessors make him fall in love with them once and for all. Having experienced the magic of love, a person will never be the same again. His will and personality are suppressed, and as a result he becomes a weak-willed slave. Man is forever devoted to the Confessor. It no longer matters to him who he was before, what he wanted. Now his goal is to do everything for the one who touched him.

Kahlan Amnell real name
Kahlan Amnell real name

Confessors are tragic characters. They constantly carry their power in themselves, like a real curse. Confessors must constantly restrain their magic, control destructive forces. And in order to use the power, they just loosen control a little.

It is also worth noting that after the use of force, a certain amount of time must pass before the Confessor can use her magic again. And this period of time is different for everyone. For example, Dani needs two or three days to regain strength, and Kahlan recovers in just a couple of hours. This is what characterizes the power of the magic of the Confessors. The less time spent on recovery, the stronger the Confessor.

Kahlen Amnell

Kahlen is the protagonist of the story, who has the status of Mother Confessor. She is fragile anda slender girl with long chestnut hair (the length of the hair reflects the status in the clan). Kahlan Amnell is committed to representing and defending the interests of the people of the Midlands on the world stage. Kahlan was brought up from childhood in the ways of the Confessor clan. Her mother touched Waibon Amnell (King of Galea). He became the father of Kahlan. The man taught his daughter the art of warfare. This skill helped Kahlan throughout the book series.

Kahlan Amnell photo
Kahlan Amnell photo

Kahlen Amnell (pictured above) is a unique character. First, she is the youngest Mother Confessor in the history of the clan. Secondly, the girl was able to summon the "Blood Rage" on her own. This happened at the moment when Kahlan decided that her lover had been killed. And, thirdly, she is the second Mother Confessor who was able to know true love without using her magical powers.

Richard Cypher and Kahlan Amnell

Richard Cypher is another key character in the story who is Kahlan's lover. Their relationship is quite interesting, because the magic of the Mother Confessor does not work on the young man. Accordingly, their love is genuine. In addition, the peculiarity of this character is that Richard is the first wizard who has the magic of Damage and Increment from birth.

Richard Cypher and Kahlan Amnell
Richard Cypher and Kahlan Amnell

One day, Cypher goes to the underworld to exchange his soul for the life of Kahlan, who died at the hands of Samantha. The girl is reborn, Richardgoes to hell. However, the story still has a happy ending. In the novel, Heart of War, Richard Cypher was able to return from the underworld thanks to Denna and Carra's "breath of life". After the revival, the young man entered into battle with the bloodthirsty Emperor Sulakan and won.