What is a reality show: where did the expression come from, the meaning and reasons for its popularity

What is a reality show: where did the expression come from, the meaning and reasons for its popularity
What is a reality show: where did the expression come from, the meaning and reasons for its popularity

The term "reality show" dates back to September 1999, when a small Dutch TV channel started broadcasting the TV program "Big Brother". Previously, they also tried to shoot something similar, but it was this project that made a splash. Now TV programs of this kind began to be shown all over the world. But why are they so interested in the viewer? Why do so many people want to get on these shows? In the article, we will reveal the reasons for their incredible popularity.

What is a reality show

Reality show participants
Reality show participants

This is a type of entertainment TV show. The plot is as follows: the actions of people or their groups are demonstrated in an environment that is as close as possible to life. In fact, many programs are combined in this show, but initially the reality project had to meet the following criteria:

  • Shown on the screen from the first take.
  • He doesn't have a script.
  • Ordinary people take part in the program, not professional actors.
  • Shooting conditions are as close as possible tovital.

The meaning of the word "reality show" is "reality", "reality" (from the English word reality). The idea is this: for a certain period of time (usually a long time), life is broadcast on TV screens, as well as the interaction of isolated participants in a certain environment. The viewer is convinced that this is not a staged scenario, but real scenes.

A bit of history

Where did reality shows come from? The first program that showed people in unexpected situations was released in 1948 in America. It was called "Hidden Camera". It was a demonstration of the reaction of people who, at the behest of the scriptwriter, found themselves in unexpected situations.

Reality show "Big Brother"
Reality show "Big Brother"

In 1950, the game shows "Cause or Effect" and "Ahead of Time" appeared, which offered ordinary citizens to participate in a variety of prank contests, tricks and competitions.

The first real reality show came out in 1999 and it was called Big Brother. It was with him that the era of the demonstration of this genre on television began.

How these projects are set up

What are reality shows and how are they filmed? Although most directors combine different approaches to staging a TV show, there are certain rules.

  • There is always a group of people (sometimes its composition changes), which is constantly in a limited space.
  • The whole life of these people is filmed around the clock and shown on television or on the Internet.
  • The project hasa certain goal, upon reaching which the winner receives a prize (often significant). As a result, all participants are rivals.
  • Periodically weak project participants drop out. Who will leave and who will stay is up to the audience to decide.

Video material is collected in a variety of ways. In most cases, many video cameras (often hidden) are installed at the location of the participants to record everything that happens, and people are constantly wearing audio equipment to record sound.

Shooting a reality show
Shooting a reality show

Shooting results are broadcast in real time or undergo a little moderation and are shown on TV at certain hours. Traditional video filming can also be carried out, and broadcasts are broadcast showing any significant events, voting, competitions, and some everyday moments.

Despite the fact that the concept of a reality show is real events without the usual scenario, project directors manage everything that happens in a rather rigid way. This is necessary to maintain the interest of the audience.

Project classification

There are several directions for such transmissions:

  • Peeping. Through such TV shows, the passion of almost all people - to eavesdrop and peep (Big Brother, Hunger, Ghostbusters) is satisfied.
  • Update or upgrade. In such projects, the repair or modernization of a dwelling, a vehicle is carried out (“Pimping a wheelbarrow”, “Let's do repairs” and the like). The first project of this kind wasAmerican show This Old house, which was released on TV screens in 1979.
  • Survival. Such projects are distinguished by unbearable conditions for normal life, where participants fight for victory (“The Last Hero”, “Fear Factor”, “Survivors”). In such reality shows, the script is already thought out in advance (trials, obstacles), and the participants need to pass all the tests.
Reality survival show
Reality survival show
  • Training. These reality shows are not only an entertainment function, but also a benefit for the audience and the participants themselves ("Star Factory", "House"). In projects of this kind, people themselves must strive to acquire knowledge and put it into practice after winning. So, after the “Star Factory”, many winners took to the big stage and gained popularity.
  • Games. These TV shows offer encrypted missions, non-standard conditions, intellectual and physical obstacles (Battle of the Makeup Artists, Chicks and Freaks).
  • Travel. In these TV shows, the contestants travel the world showing beautiful places and sights (Eagle and Tails, The World Inside Out, Food, I Love You, etc.).

Reason for popularity

What are reality shows and why are they so popular with viewers? Psychologists say that it's all about a person's desire to "spy" on someone else's life. It is this instinct that is satisfied by this type of transmission.

Producers of "House 2"
Producers of "House 2"

There are also general factors at work here: curiosity, the need for strong experiences, which, unfortunately, are difficult to obtain ineveryday life.

Critic score

Critics do not approve of watching reality shows, as they negatively affect the human psyche, especially the psyche of young people.

Often in such TV programs, reality show participants behave obscenely, often crossing the line of what is permitted. Also, mental disorders can manifest themselves among project participants, since not everyone can be watched by millions of viewers around the clock.

Russian reality shows

  • The first project of this type was shown in Russia in October 2001, it was called "Behind the Glass".
  • In November of the same year, another TV show was released - "The Last Hero".
  • In the fall of 2002, the reality show "Russian Miracle" appeared on REN-TV. The uniqueness of this project was that its participants worked for 30 days in one office in Moscow under the gun of 24 hidden cameras, but did not know about it. This project did not gain much popularity.
  • "Hunger" on TNT was one of the most popular projects.
  • The most popular reality show today is "Dom-2" on TNT, which has been running for more than 8 years.
Image"Dom-2" on TNT
Image"Dom-2" on TNT

"Star Factory", "Heads and Tails", "Secret Millionaire" and many others. Now you know what reality shows are and why they were invented.

If you want tooto participate in such a project, it is enough to follow the news of TV channels and, when recruiting participants, sign up for a casting. And if you pass it, then you need to do everything possible to win.