Have you seen the movie "If the mother-in-law is a monster"?

Have you seen the movie "If the mother-in-law is a monster"?
Have you seen the movie "If the mother-in-law is a monster"?
if the mother-in-law is a monster
if the mother-in-law is a monster

The relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law doesn't always go smoothly. A mother, if she is also single, would never want to share her son with another woman whom she considers not worthy of her offspring. In such a struggle, all means are good. This is exactly what we are talking about in the comedy directed by Robert Luketic "If the mother-in-law is a monster." The film was a joint project of two countries - Germany and the United States, and featured such famous actors as Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Will Arnett, Michael Vartan, Wanda Sykes and others. The script for the comedy was written by talented writer Anya Kochef, a master of twisted and witty plots.

movie if the mother in law is a monster
movie if the mother in law is a monster

The main character of the film - Charlotte Charlie Cantillini was perfectly played by the colorful Latina Jennifer Lopez. According to the plot of the film, the girl for a long time cannot find a suitable man whom she could fall in love with and be happy with. And finally, a miracle happened! She meets Kevin (Michael Vartan), who made all her dreams of a smart,beautiful, caring and successful boyfriend. The most important thing is that her chosen one is also free! Even after months of dating, Charlie can't find a single flaw in Kevin. Is he really the perfect man? Everything would be too simple and banal, but the title "If the mother-in-law is a monster" is very intriguing!

So, Kevin proposes his hand and heart to his girlfriend Charlie, to which she agrees. A wedding is planned, and then the future mother-in-law enters the arena - the mother of the groom, upon meeting whom Kevin decided to propose to Charlie. The actress Jane Fonda, who had not acted in this film for 15 years, did a wonderful job with the role of the mother-in-law. This is where you begin to understand why the film "If the mother-in-law is a monster" bears such a name. A sweet-looking, well-groomed and intelligent lady is not ready to let her son go away from her. Moreover, her life at this moment also collapses: there is no loved one, she is no longer the star of the talk show in which she participated for many years.

The film "If the mother-in-law is a monster", reviews of which can be found on almost any movie site, clearly demonstrates what needs to be done and what is not needed in the fight for your love, because the enemy in this case is very experienced and treacherous, ready for anything to disrupt the wedding. The mother of the groom not only builds various intrigues for her future daughter-in-law, exposing her in the most unfavorable light in front of her future husband, but even uses "heavy artillery" - she invites Kevin's ex-bride to her house. All this thickens the clouds even more.

movie if mother in law monster reviews
movie if mother in law monster reviews

Cinema“If the mother-in-law is a monster” can end in anything. When watching the film to the end, you do not know who will win in the confrontation between two women who love Kevin - Charlie's fiancee or Viola's mother. A tender and vulnerable girl against a dodgy and cunning bitch - this is a turn of events! Charlie absolutely does not agree to concede in the struggle for her happiness to be near her beloved, contrary to the opinion of his mother, responding to barbs and bullying with her own methods. If you haven't watched the comedy "If the mother-in-law is a monster", then be sure to do it with the whole family.
