The book of Grigory Klimov "Red Kabbalah": summary, reviews

The book of Grigory Klimov "Red Kabbalah": summary, reviews
The book of Grigory Klimov "Red Kabbalah": summary, reviews

Grigory Petrovich Klimov is practically unknown in the literary world. However, fans of all kinds of "conspiracy theories" are probably well acquainted with his work. Being a convinced racist and xenophobe, Klimov promoted the ideas of discrimination and hatred in his books, passing them off as "the unique view of a sane person." Also, Grigory Petrovich liked to engage in "historical research", during which he found out hitherto unknown juicy facts from the life of various historical figures. Klimov's work has nothing to do with real scientific research and is, in fact, a well-formed "yellow press". The writer's works have been repeatedly criticized by eminent historians and literary critics. Scientists noted that in his writings Klimov is only trying to “assert himself by systematizing the failures of various well-known figures in politics, culture and art, presenting their features as signs of inferiority.”

Some of the author's works are included in the Federal List of Extremistmaterials and recognized as prohibited.

library card
library card


Grigory Klimov is a well-known Russian writer, journalist, editor, publicist and lecturer. Works in the genre of pseudo-documentary and eugenics, simultaneously publishing works of conspiracy content.

Grigory Klimov's books were quite popular in the mid-nineties of the last century. At that time, the writer managed to subtly feel the public interest in "secret information, miraculously found in the archives of the CIA and the FSB and, under the threat of death, reported by the author to a curious and thinking person."

The mystery and unconfirmation of the materials published by him attracted many publishing houses that began cooperation with the writer. Thus, the books of Grigory Klimov were translated into several dozen languages, including English, Spanish, French, Romanian and German.

Editor Grigory Petrovich
Editor Grigory Petrovich

Known for what?

Grigory Petrovich became famous for the fact that for many years he worked on the theory of "higher sociology". According to Klimov's own statement, this science was supposed to combine "correct" sociology and "real" history. The “higher sociology” is based on the anti-Semitic and homophobic ideas of Grigory Petrovich himself. The theory did not receive any scientific confirmation from the author himself or his colleagues, except for the statements of the writer, however, it became a real sensation among radical neo-Nazi youth.


Grigory Klimov, born IgorBorisovich Kalmykov was born on September 26, 1918. The father of the future writer worked as a doctor, and his mother was a housewife. Reliable information about the childhood and youth years of the publicist has not been preserved. It is only known that in 1941 he graduated with honors from the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute.

Portrait of a defector
Portrait of a defector

Early years

In 1942, Klimov decides to emigrate and begins to fulfill his plan by moving to Moscow and entering the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. Teachers noted the phenomenal memory of Gregory. Klimov could memorize several pages of text and translate it in his mind into English or German. In 1945, he graduated with honors from the university and went to work in Berlin, in the Soviet Military Administration.


After some time, at the end of 1947, the authorities recall Klimov to his homeland, but the young translator refuses to return to the USSR and secretly moves to West Germany, where he immediately buys false documents in the name of Ralf Werner.

Klimov in uniform
Klimov in uniform

The young man has been living in Germany for two years and is working on his first book called "Song of the Victor", designed to expose the bloody Soviet regime.

In 1949, Klimov moved to permanent residence in America.

Literary career

During his long literary life, Grigory Petrovich wrote many works, one way or another criticizing Soviet reality or revealing secret conspiracies created byFreemasons according to the formulas of the prince of this world. In total, the following books were published by the author:

  1. 1951 - "The Song of the Victor". The first work of Klimov, which became an absolute bestseller. It was translated into three languages and published in 27 countries around the world.
  2. 1970 - "Prince of this world." The second book by Grigory Petrovich, dedicated to Satanism and its influence on world politics.
  3. 1973 - Case 69. A work dedicated to the everyday life of the Soviet special services and the algorithms of their work.
  4. 1975 - "My name is Legion". Klimov argued that all the power of the devil lies in politicians, who are incredibly numerous in the world (“demonic legion”).
  5. Book autographed by the author
    Book autographed by the author
  6. 1981 - 1989 - "Protocols of the Soviet Wise Men", "Red Kabbalah", "God's People". The famous anti-Semitic trilogy by Grigory Petrovich, containing false materials about the "bloody" Soviet regime, as well as "revealing" the world domination of Masonic organizations.
  7. 2002 - "Revelation". An autobiographical work of the writer, telling about his life, about interesting people he met in different countries.

Red Kabbalah

The most famous work of the writer, published in 1987 and became a real sensation in the West. At that time, writers who could represent the policy of the Soviet Union in a false light or reveal “hitherto unknown facts” that discredit the honor of the state were highly valued in Europe and the United States. Their books and "research" were published with state money in huge editions, and the authors themselves received solid roy alties.

"Red Kabbalah" by GregoryKlimova became one of these works.

Book cover
Book cover

Main ideas of the book

The summary of Klimov's "Red Kabbalah" includes several theses, which the author gradually proves, using as arguments his personal opinion on each issue, Nazi propaganda materials of dubious quality, nationalist publications of other authors supporting his own ideology.

Thesis 1. Old age and death are peculiar not only to people, but also to clans and nations.

Thesis 2. The aging of nations is due to closely related ties.

Thesis 3. Homosexuality is a manifestation of the “degradation of the people.”

Thesis 4. World domination is carried out by 666 Jewish families, to which all governments of the world are subordinate.

Thesis 5. Soviet power was specially artificially introduced into the territory of the Russian Empire in order to destroy the Russian people with the help of special instructions-formulas received from abroad. Klimov's "Red Kabbalah" about the "formula of the Pope" says that, like the sensational "Dulles Plan", it is aimed at corrupting the Russian people and putting them into a state of "degradation".

Thesis 6. All politicians of absolutely any country in the world are a manifestation of the devil and “a tool in his hands.”

The publicist reveals and argues such theses throughout the book. "Red Kabbalah" by Grigory Klimov is the second part of the author's trilogy dedicated to the analysis of the above issues. The work covers the analysis of the fourth and fifth theses and contains a largeamount of information aimed at discrediting the government of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

Retired writer
Retired writer


Since the publication of the book in 1987, many famous people have managed to publish their reviews of Klimov's Red Kabbalah. For example, MBHR director Alexander Brod believes that in his works the author openly promotes Nazism and incites Russian youth to continue the cause of Nazi criminals.

Grigory Petrovich himself denies such an interpretation of his works and notes that his work is aimed only at "telling the youth the truth about a conspiracy in the highest echelons of power."

The law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation did not stand aside either: “God's People”, “Protocols of the Soviet Wise Men” and “Red Kabbalah” by Grigory Klimov were included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.

The journalistic community also reacted with hostility to the works of the Russian publicist. Many artists have posted a number of negative reviews.

The book "Red Kabbalah" by Grigory Klimov is still associated by many journalists with the most voluminous example of a systematized lie ever published in Russia.
