Ian Fleming: biography, family and works of the English writer

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Ian Fleming: biography, family and works of the English writer
Ian Fleming: biography, family and works of the English writer

Video: Ian Fleming: biography, family and works of the English writer

Video: Ian Fleming: biography, family and works of the English writer
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Many people these days want to believe in superheroes and the supernatural. This brings variety into their lives, completely different emotions and impressions. Many people know the inimitable history and series of films about James Bond. This is a character taken from a novel by a popular English writer. His name is Ian Fleming. It was on the basis of his stories that the best films were shot, the main character of which was the legendary agent 007.

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming

Information about the author's childhood

Ian Fleming, whose biography was of little interest before the advent of the James Bond novels, was born on May 28, 1908 in London. The family in which the boy appeared was very rich and famous in the area. It was quite natural that the parents, who worked in the parliament, provided their child with the best and most promising life, for which they worked for a long time. They tried very hard to get Jan into the best college, the completion of which promised him a high position, and to provide his son with everything he needed.

The famous Ian Fleming graduated from Eton College, and after unsuccessful attempts to get a job, he entered the Reuters agency, where he studied journalism. This happened thanks to the connections of the mother of the future writer, who helped her son in every possible way. Very soon he quit his job and, unfortunately, lost his father. Valentine Fleming died during the First World War, he was called a hero and often cited as an example of Yana.

Growing Up

Ian Fleming was a very capable young man. He was a fast learner, diligent in sports and paid attention to languages. The young man dreamed of becoming a diplomat. Unfortunately, this remained in Jan's daydream, as he failed the main exam - English.

Working at the Reuters agency, Jan often felt dissatisfaction, mainly in material terms: they paid little, and the guy wanted to live better. A few years later, after Fleming quit journalism, he decided to return to this occupation, because it was it that inspired him and allowed him to develop his talent.

A significant stage in the life of a young man was admission to naval intelligence. The commander and other employees were simply delighted with Fleming's reports and reports, because they were always easy to read and were interesting, exciting, like real detectives. Ian Fleming became famous for his unusual fantasy, literary skill, he simply had no equal. In addition, he excelled in special operations, which were carried out with unique approaches, and in the development of strategies.

Ian Fleming biography
Ian Fleming biography

Interesting facts

Ian Fleming's life was full of secrets and incredible events. The young man spent the entire Second World War in the secret service of HerMajesty. He evacuated the king of Albania, established contacts with allies located in the United States, searched for secret laboratories and led the most complex operations. After the end of the fighting, Fleming decided to retire and do things that he liked.

In the last year of the war, Jan came to Jamaica and realized that the world exists without bombings, shootings and deaths. There he saw a huge amount of fruit available, a sea of rum and beautiful weather - a real paradise for a retired person. Jan decided to stay on the island and enjoy the enchanting atmosphere for as long as possible. It was under the sound of the sea and surrounded by sunny weather, peace and happiness that Fleming built a bungalow in which he wrote the first lines of his famous novel.

ian fleming family
ian fleming family

Becoming a writer

The bungalow where the writer lived was called Goldeneye. It was in this unusual place that the secret life of Ian Fleming ended and a completely different time began. This period was a turning point for the man, the first book about agent 007 appeared in his romantic home. In addition, one of the novels had the same name as Fleming's tiny house. Since then, mysteries and adventures have remained in the past, finding reflection only in the pages of novels about the elusive James Bond.

Fleming's family life

Ian Fleming wife
Ian Fleming wife

Fans of the writer are very interested to know about his personal life. Last but not least, they are interested in the question of whether Ian Fleming was married. The family of the famous writer was formed in an unusual way. ATIn his youth, the man was a ladies' man and a polygamist. He never had a permanent woman. When Yang began dating a married beauty, this was not surprising. But the moment came when Fleming decided to settle down. His beloved Anna announced that she was expecting a child and was ready to divorce for the sake of their family happiness. The famous writer at the age of forty-three learned that he would soon become a father, and completely changed his views on later life. He patiently waited for his chosen one in Jamaica while writing the novel Casino Royale.

Ian Fleming, whose wife settled with him in a bungalow and agreed to spend the rest of her life there, inspired her lover in every possible way, so the writer often mentioned that she was his muse.

The Secret Life of Ian Fleming
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming

Moment of glory

For some, after forty years, life loses its luster, adventurism and colors. But not for Ian Fleming. When he was forty-five, the whole world first saw a book about James Bond. In just twelve months, the novel sold seven thousand copies. A little later, the Americans became interested in the book, who eventually bought the rights to it. It was at this moment that Ian Fleming, whose biography changed dramatically, became famous. His novel was published in thousands, millions of copies. It was read by almost everyone and everywhere. The critics did not like the story of 007, they could not come to terms with the existence of a superhero, but they had no choice but to look with envy at the huge sales of the novel.

Ian Fleming's life
Ian Fleming's life

Novel as part of culture

After a while, many people could not imagine themselves without stories about the life of the great James Bond. The novel has become part of American culture, and the current US president admitted that in his spare time he enjoys reading books with the main character agent 007. Some believe that such a stunning success came to Ian Fleming due to the cynicism with which he wrote his books. He openly stated that novels and other literature are written for three things: money, fame or pleasure. In some cases - for all together. The writer himself was glad to engage in this type of activity, but did not hide the fact that income from books makes him even happier. Ever since Ian Fleming's rise to fame, he has consistently released his new novel once a year, which everyone has been looking forward to.

True glory

One way or another, Fleming became truly famous thanks to the adaptation of most of his novels. Even after the death of the writer, films continued to be made and presented to the public. In total, eighteen tapes were released, the main character of which was, of course, James Bond. The last was the picture "Tomorrow Never Dies", filmed in 1997.

Ian Fleming died of a heart attack. It is also worth noting that he was very fond of smoking and simply adored gin. After the death of the writer for another 33 years, films based on his novels continued to appear on the big screens and delight the public, and especially the fans of agent 007. And today the cinema is not going tostop: films about a secret British agent performed by different actors break box office records.
