About films with Leonid Filatov. General information about the actor

About films with Leonid Filatov. General information about the actor
About films with Leonid Filatov. General information about the actor

Our hero tried to make sure that no one forgot about the great actors. To do this, he created the program "To Remember" and became its host.

According to him, a person turns to God only when he is already in a hopeless situation, and there is no one to wait for help from. He said that after communicating with God, the understanding comes that someone needs you and that you are not alone. After that comes peace and acceptance that "if you leave, it won't be forever".

Frame with Leonid Filatov
Frame with Leonid Filatov

In one of his last interviews, he said that he lives in an era of "false gods and false personalities." He assured that the time when active impudent people and nonentities who consider themselves stars are in the foreground will not last long.

Next, we will talk about films with Leonid Filatov and about himself.


Leonid Filatov - film and dubbing actor, screenwriter, director, poet, writer. The track record of a native of the city of Kazan includes 51 cinematographic works. Among the films withLeonid Filatov such popular projects as "Crew", "Forgotten melody for a flute", "About Fedot the archer, a daring fellow".

Born December 24, 1946. Capricorn zodiac sign. He has been working in the film industry since 1970. He was married to Lydia Savchenko and Nina Shatskaya. He died in Moscow on October 26, 2003 at the age of 56.

Film frame
Film frame


Films with Leonid Filatov belong to the following movie genres:

  1. Biography: "Chicherin".
  2. Military: "Yaroslav the Wise".
  3. Documentary: "To remember", "How the idols left".
  4. Short film: "Where does the fish come from in the grass?".
  5. Melodrama: "You never dreamed", "Earthly joys", "Alice and the second-hand book dealer", "Forgotten melody for flute", "Women are joking seriously".
  6. Musical: "Artists of Sherwood Forest" (writer).
  7. Thriller: Crew.
  8. Fantasy: "The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow".
  9. Action: "Who will pay for luck".
  10. Detective: "Corral", "European History", "Loop".
  11. Drama: "Martin Eden", "The Captain's Daughter", "Voice" (director), "Bitches", "The Chosen Ones", "From Evening Till Noon", "Success", "Spring Love", " Shores in the fog", "Confessions of his wife", "Rooks", "Pretender".
  12. Comedy: Women Joking Seriously, Ecitons Burcelli, Cat on the Radiator, Cuckoo Clock.
  13. Crime: "Accomplices", "From the Life of the Chief of Criminal Investigation".
  14. Fiction: "City Zero".

Next, we will talk about famous films with Leonid Filatov, where he played the main characters.

"Success" (1984)

In 1984, director Konstantin Khudyakov presented the film "Success". In this project, the legendary actress Alisa Freindlich became Leonid Filatov's partner. The protagonist of the drama "Success" is a young director working in a provincial theater. Here he decides to put "The Seagull". A director obsessed with this idea succeeds, but at a heavy price.

Frame from the film Crew
Frame from the film Crew

"Crew" (1979)

In the film "Crew" Leonid Filatov tried on the image of flight engineer Igor Skvortsov. The picture of the genre "disaster movie" was watched by 71 million viewers. The film "The Crew" tells the story of an aircraft that received a lot of damage during takeoff during an earthquake. The crew is trying to safely land a damaged car with dozens of passengers on board.

The film with Leonid Filatov "Crew" was first presented to the audience on May 12, 1980.

Leonid Filatov once wrote these lines: "Oh, don't fly like that, life, slow down a little…". He lived a short but very bright life. And leftits indelible mark on the earth. Leonid Filatov will be remembered as a talented actor, art historian, and writer.
