Beautiful sayings about childhood

Beautiful sayings about childhood
Beautiful sayings about childhood

A child is born into this God's world and brings with him the whole world, only his own, belonging to him, unknown to anyone, unique. And along with his arrival brings happiness to loved ones. After all, only a little man is capable of truly rejoicing, marveling at the environment and admiring everything that he sees. And his parents and relatives, seeing the world through his eyes, begin to smile and laugh with him.

But because adults can talk about their children? Everything is just the best and the best. Over time, little people grow up. But memories of happy moments remain. Isn't that why any statement about childhood breathes positive? Most often, this period of life is spoken of as a wonderful time of cloudless happiness.

Sayings about the childhood of great people
Sayings about the childhood of great people

Children are a source of inspiration

There is an opinion that wisdom and knowledge come only with experience. But children solve life's questions not with reason, but intuitively, and therefore sometimes they easily give answers to difficult questions. And these thoughts are as simple as they are brilliant.

Where are they fromcan occur in the head of a little man? Who knows! But some scientists seriously believe that every newborn comes into the world as a genius. Others think differently. They are sure that there are no gifted children. But only because each of them is endowed with natural talents enough to reach the level of genius. Only, unfortunately, the elders are not always able to develop the natural inclinations of the wards entrusted to their care.

Short sayings about childhood
Short sayings about childhood

What don't you say, adults have a lot to learn from their children. And therefore, it would be nice to start the list of statements about childhood and children with a beautiful quote from an unknown author.

My children are my wings!

My children are my stars above the earth!

My children are my happiness forever!

My children are we alth and years!

My children are my continuation!

My children are what God has given me!

My children - I dedicate my life to you!

My children are my joy, my Me!

Children are the source of wisdom

Impressive informative baggage, accumulated over the millennia by mankind, the child literally absorbs at the age of five. He learns the language, develops motor skills, learns self-service skills, social communication and behavior. Reminding adults of this, Korney Chukovsky, a wonderful Soviet writer loved by all kids, gave the world one of his statements about childhood, short but capacious.

A child is a great worker.

How to help the little manto develop all natural skills and at the same time not destroy the unique world that exists around him? The main thing here is to constantly give him understanding and love. It is these qualities shown by parents that give rise in children to self-confidence, a sense of security and inner freedom that remain with a person for his entire life and come from childhood - a fairy-tale land full of carefree joy and tranquility.

All of the above is confirmed by the following statements about childhood.

Miracles only happen in childhood. Władysław Grzegorczyk

Growing up, we become more serious, and this, let me say, is the first step towards becoming stupid. Joseph Addison

Age is too high a price to pay for maturity. Tom Stoppard

Could the boy you were be proud of a man like you? Lawrence Peter

Growing up, we most often become the same men from whom our mother told us to stay away. Brendan Francis

Let childhood mature in childhood. Jean Jacques Rousseau

In the theater of life, the only real audience are children. Vladislav Grzeszczyk

A child becomes an adult when he realizes that from now on he is allowed not only to be right, but also to be wrong. Thomas Sas

Children are angels whose wings shorten as their arms and legs grow. Author unknown

We are not lucky with children - adults always grow out of them. Christopher Morley

Come from childhood

The past cannot disappear without a trace. And therefore, childhood does not go away at all, butremains to live with a person until old age, existing in a cozy corner of his soul in the form of bright beautiful memories.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery put it wonderfully on this occasion.

Where are we from? We come from childhood, as if from some country … I'm not very sure that I lived after childhood passed.

This famous Frenchman, a professional pilot, poet and writer, who remained a child in his heart for life, wrote a wonderful touching fairy tale-parable in which he told about beauty, fidelity, love and friendship. He called her "The Little Prince". It contains many beautiful sayings about childhood, as well as about adults who, having forgotten that they were once small, have lost their simplicity, along with this, having lost something important, and most importantly, a world full of pristine purity.

All adults were children at first, only few of them remember it.

When you say to adults: "I saw a beautiful house made of red brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof," they cannot imagine this house in any way. They should be told: "I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs." And then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

People don't have enough time to learn anything anymore. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.

Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catchbutterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And then they imagine that they recognize the person.

When I was six years old, adults convinced me that an artist would not come of me, and I learned nothing to draw, except for boas - inside and out.

Children should be very lenient towards adults.

Stop time

Adults become, being once children. What do people themselves say about the time when they were small, growing up? And what is childhood according to adults?

A child's childhood is the unique taste of vanilla ice cream, it's genuine laughter, it's mom's incomparable pancakes with strawberry jam and forever worn out knees.

Childhood is a time when you believe in fairy tales, Santa Claus, remember all the good things for a long time, and forget the bad ones quickly. This is the time when parents are near and will always help you and save you from the terrible "babai".

When people remember this, they usually feel light sadness. And it is not surprising, because even if for some reason this time turned out to be not very successful and not entirely happy for a person, in childhood it seemed that everything was still possible, everything was ahead. And one day a miracle will happen and the world will change, opening its arms with love.

Children rush time, hoping to go to school soon, then learn, start working, start their own family, raise children. And only later do they understand the full value of the past years and the irretrievability of the loss. And what to do? After all, childhoodit is really impossible to return, as well as to say “stop” to your years, which rush inexorably and swiftly.

Beautiful sayings about childhood
Beautiful sayings about childhood

Not every kid becomes famous. But all famous people were once children. The following are statements about the childhood of great people.

Child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children. Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. Pablo Picasso.

If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but without children, or such people as now, but with children, I would choose the latter. Leo Tolstoy.

Teaching children is a necessary thing, it should be understood that it is very useful for us to learn from children. Maxim Gorky.

Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much. Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood. Anton Chekhov.

Children's perception of the world

The child lives, marking happy moments in his memory. He calculates the days until the next holiday, exists in tremulous expectation of the next gift from adults. And parents turn into Santa Clauses and fairies. Such vivid impressions determine the life of a small person. A small room can turn into a store, a train, an airplane, even a royal palace with the power of children's imagination. Isn't it magic!

Sayings about childhood and children
Sayings about childhood and children

As you grow older, existence turns into an endless series of problems, solving which takes all the time. Happiness in adulthood is determined not by the number of holidays, but by the absence of worries, although it turns out to be impossible to completely avoid them. The value of life is determined by the availability of money. And the more of them, than it is considered better. But even they do not bring happiness and as much joy as a simple scooter given once in childhood. It turns out that with age, desires increase, and the value of what is received decreases.

The following sayings about childhood will describe it better than buzzwords. These are the sayings of the little people themselves, lovingly collected by Korney Chukovsky as proof of how original the logic of a child can be.

  • Dad, turn the TV down, I can't hear the story.
  • Mommy, please give me a sister, but only an older one!
  • Grandma, look what stupid ducks - they drink raw water from a puddle!
  • Volodya, you know: a rooster's nose is a mouth!
  • Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had a little prince.
  • I'm dad's helper.
  • Give me a thread, I will string beads.
  • Oh, Mom, what a lovely nasty thing!
  • Once upon a time there was a shepherd, his name was Makar. And he had a daughter Macarona.
  • Our granny slaughtered geese in winter so they wouldn't catch a cold.
  • Mom, I feel sorry for the horses that they can't pick their noses.
  • Listen, mom: when I was born, how did you know that I was Yurochka?

Children make senselife

Ask any happy person: what is the source of his joy? Most often he will answer that in children. Indeed, there are other occupations and interests in life, but nothing and no one brings such strong satisfaction and awareness of the integrity of the years lived as sons or daughters.

Children and childhood: sayings
Children and childhood: sayings

Children are the light that illuminates the existence of their loved ones. It is on them that adults place their hopes, considering them their continuation. They are designed to fulfill those dreams that adults themselves could not realize in practice. Moreover, children are the immortality of their parents. And the goal of every father or mother is to make their children happy. The following wonderful statements about childhood speak of the same.

Only children will help you find out how much patience you have. Folk wisdom

As a child, I did what my father wanted. Now I do what my son wants. When will I do what I want? Sam Levenson

Parenting… the hardest thing. You think: well, it's all over now! It wasn't there, it was just beginning! Mikhail Lermontov

These sayings prove how precious their own children are to parents, how much patience the closest people have, how much they are able to do and really invest in the upbringing of their descendants. And the child, growing up, repays his debts to his children. And only because of this our life continues.
