Romantic landscape in literature

Romantic landscape in literature
Romantic landscape in literature

Landscape - a genre of fine art, the main object of which is the image of nature, both in its original form and in a form altered by man. In literature, the author uses the image of nature as a figurative expression of his own intention. To better understand the features of the romantic landscape in literature, it is necessary to understand the philosophy of such a direction as romanticism.


Romanticism is an ideological and artistic trend in the culture of the late 18th - early 19th century. This direction is characterized by the affirmation of the special value of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, the depiction of strong and self-willed characters, the inspiring and healing power of nature. In the eighteenth century, everything that could not be explained, picturesque and capable of existing only on the pages of books was called romantic. In the nineteenth century, romanticism was embodied in a new direction, which became the exact opposite of classicism.

Romanticism replaces the Enlightenment and coincides withthe beginning of the industrial revolution (the invention of the steam engine, steam locomotive, steamship, photography, and so on). If the previous period of culture was characterized by the cult of reason, then the new era approved the opposite - the cult of feeling, of the whole natural person. Romanticism, which sought to restore the connection between man and nature, became the impetus for the emergence and development of tourism, mountaineering, and picnics.

Romanticism in foreign literature

Romanticism originated in Germany thanks to the circle of writers and philosophers of the Jena school (a group of figures of the romantic movement). The philosophy of this trend was systematized in the works of F. Schlegel and F. Schelling. In the future, German romanticism is distinguished by a special interest in mythological, fairy-tale motifs. This received a special expression in the work of the Brothers Grimm, Hoffmann and in the early works of Heine.

English romanticism adopted a lot from German. The first English representatives of romanticism are considered to be the Lake School poets Wordsworth and Coleridge, who established the theoretical foundations of the movement, inspired by the works and philosophy of the first romantics. English romanticism is characterized by a special interest in the problems of society: the opposition of bourgeois society to old relations, the glorification of nature and simple feelings. Byron is considered a prominent representative of English romanticism, whose work is imbued with the theme of struggle and protest against the modern world, praising freedom and individuality. English romanticism also includes the work of Shelley, John Keats and William Blake.

Romanticism in Russianliterature

It is generally accepted that in Russian literature, romanticism first appears in the work of V. A. Zhukovsky. Russian romanticism is distinguished by its freedom from the conventions of classicism, the creation of ballads and romantic drama. The works of this trend affirm a new understanding of the essence and meaning of poets, their work, not only independence is recognized, but also a means of expressing higher goals, human aspirations.

Russian romantic poets include K. N. Batyushkov, E. A. Baratynsky, early A. S. Pushkin. The pinnacle of romanticism in literature is the work of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Petr Efimovich Zabolotsky
Petr Efimovich Zabolotsky

Romantic landscape features

The landscape in the literature of romanticism serves not only as a means of creating a world opposite to reality, but also corresponds to the character of the protagonist, full of suffering, melancholy, hope and rebellion. Moreover, the image of nature in the literary works of the early nineteenth century serves as a means of expressing the central theme of the ideological and artistic direction - the struggle between dreams and reality. It is also a symbol of mental shock and to some extent sets off the internal state of the character.

M. Yu. Lermontov
M. Yu. Lermontov

A vivid example of the use of a romantic landscape as a means of expression is the poem "Mtsyri" by M. Yu. Lermontov.

The main character runs away from the monastery during a thunderstorm - evidence of the freedom-loving aspirations of the character. The nature of the Caucasus is a reflection of the world of the hero, his character, it is also unbridled,unshakable, free.

The use of a thunderstorm in the description of the landscape in the literature of the Romantic era is a symbol of freedom and inflexibility.

Escape for the protagonist of the poem is not only getting rid of the monastic captivity, but also the beginning of the realization of his goals - returning home, finding peace of mind. Although he fails to return home, the young man knew freedom for the first time in his life. Wounded by a leopard and on his deathbed, the protagonist does not regret his fate, because he was able to escape from the gray walls of his cage, to know the beauty of the world around him, nature, momentary, but still independence.
