Information load carried by the color silver

Information load carried by the color silver
Information load carried by the color silver

From time immemorial, people have associated each shade with various events and phenomena. The silver color is reminiscent of moonlight. Its influence on the human psyche has been studied for a long time. The findings of these studies can be considered in more detail.

General information

In mythology, this shade was associated with a silver thread that connects the soul with the body throughout life. When it breaks, the earthly existence of a person also ends.

This color is similar to a moonlit path on water, and is also associated with the concept of moon dust. Therefore, it has the effect of mystery, calmness. It soothes, slows down, flows smoothly.

Another of its influences is that the color of silver liberates emotions and relieves stress. Like water, it can penetrate everywhere.

Relieves manifestations of aggression, anxiety and gives daydreaming, the ability to fantasize.

Negative properties

Of the negative manifestations that the color silver has, delusion and self-deception should be noted. It seems to tear one away from reality and makes one live in a non-existent world. Clouds the mind.

Being under its negative influence, a person does not want to decideeveryday problems and live reality. After all, you can always hide in a fictional and safe, but, alas, not a real fantasy world.

The inability to make decisions and take responsibility debilitates, makes a person helpless in the face of serious trials.

Positive properties

In certain situations, this color can have a positive effect on the psyche and even show healing properties.

Color silver
Color silver

Its calming effect can pacify irritation, aggression and set you up for more peaceful activities. With increased anxiety and even depressive moods, color therapy with the help of this shade can liberate the psyche and relieve tension. The silver color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes endocrine processes, and also improves kidney function.

Combination with gray color

Gray is the foundation color for this shade. But in their meaning they are endowed with different entities. Gray color is on the border of black and white. He is strict, lonely and practical. In turn, the silver shade is endowed with brilliance, the ability to fly fancy. It liberates emotions, and the gray color, on the contrary, fetters them.

Silver gray color
Silver gray color

Combined, these two colors look harmonious, as they have a similar origin. Quite often, a combination of silver and gray colors is found in clothing, interior design. Due to their multidirectionality, the combination of these shades softens and complements each other. silver-the gray color will not be as strict and unemotional as just a gray tint, and also gives the silver a sense of reality. However, both of these colors are cold, so their combination will be the same.

Combination with white color

White color is associated with purity, serenity. It is both the end and the beginning. It defines the end of doubt and the adoption of a well-defined path. Therefore, it evokes calmness and is devoid of everything unnecessary. This is the color of the beginning. Against its background, all colors look brighter. The silver shade will not be an exception.

Color white silver
Color white silver

White will accentuate the radiance of silver. In turn, the silver tint will give such a combination of rich shine, make it more interesting. This is a very good combination that can give the purity that white has. Silver will become even lighter and brighter. This combination is similar to the sparkle of snow on a frosty day. It turns out a cold radiance, which has a certain nobility and clarity.

Combination with black

Black color, like the night itself, hides everything. Being the opposite of white, it is associated with infinity and darkness. Sometimes it causes negative emotions, so it is rarely used in its pure form. It is the color of concentration, solitude and hidden work that precedes rebirth.

Silver black color
Silver black color

The combination of black with other colors creates a contrasting effect. Silver-black color is also characterized by this property. Lighter shade of silver is brighterstands out against a dark background, and the black color itself acquires a twist and loses its negative gloomy qualities. This is a pretty good combination that helps to improve the positive impact of both of its components.

It should be noted that the considered tandem is considered a very stylish combination. In the interior, the combination of silver and black gives originality.

Depending on what effect you want to get from the use of the considered colors and their combinations, a choice is made in the direction of a lighter or darker shade. The silver color can also be used in its pure form, however, in combination with others, you can enhance the positive influence of each of the tandem participants.
