Wanderers and their work. Russian Wanderers of the 19th century

Wanderers and their work. Russian Wanderers of the 19th century
Wanderers and their work. Russian Wanderers of the 19th century

The legacy that the Wanderers left behind is truly great and multifaceted. It was they who began to depict ordinary people in their paintings, their way of life, customs, experiences and emotional state. On the canvases of the Wanderers, you can also see scenes from Russian history, personifying the unbending strength of the spirit of the common people. Among the masterpieces of this era, there are also portraits of eminent people and nobility.

History of the Partnership

The Wanderers were the first Russian realists. They contrasted their work with strict academic canons, far from modern reality and the demands of modern life. The Association of Traveling Exhibitions was organized in St. Petersburg. The history of this community is interesting. In 1863, fourteen of the best graduates of the Academy of Arts demanded permission from the management to freely choose the theme of the competition picture. Having received a refusal, young students, without hesitation, left the educational institution, organizing a free artel. In 1870, on the initiative of V. Perov, together with the artists of Moscow, they created the Association of Traveling Exhibitions. FirstThe exposition was opened already in 1871. In their works, young realists sought to portray the true life of the constantly suffering and oppressed peasantry, under the rule of the rich and landowners. The exhibitions organized by the Wanderers were a huge success, and among the most diverse segments of the population.

Wanderers artists
Wanderers artists

For the entire existence of the association, forty-eight exhibitions were held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Yaroslavl, Tula, Saratov, Chisinau, Kazan, Kursk, Voronezh, Poltava, Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv and other cities. "People's expositions" also began to take place in small towns, villages and villages. The enlightenment of the common people is one of the ideas pursued by the Wanderers. The list of members of this community includes the best sculptors and painters of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among them are the well-known G. G. Myasoedov, V. Petrov, I. Kramskoy, K. Savitsky, G. Savrasov, A. Kuindzhi, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, V. Vasnetsov, I. Levitan, S. Ivanov, A. Arkhipov and other eminent figures.

Creative activity

On November 29, 1871, the opening of the first traveling exhibition took place in St. Petersburg. The exhibition featured works by sixteen painters. Forty-seven canvases were put up for the audience to judge. Later, already in Moscow, the number of exhibited paintings reached 82. The same exposition was later transferred to Kyiv and Kharkov. Such paintings by Russian Wanderers as “May Night” (I. Kramskoy), “Hunters at Rest”, “Portrait of a Merchant I. S. Kamynin”,“Fisherman”, “Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky” (V. G. Perov), “Rooks Have Arrived” (A. Savrasova), “Empty Men” (I. Pryanishnikov) entered the history of Russian art. In their works, the realists relied not only on the experience of domestic painting, but also on the achievements of classical and modern world art. Many representatives of the partnership in different years visited foreign countries in the direction of the Academy of Arts, where they adopted the experience of their colleagues, studied painting of various eras and styles. They realized their observations and impressions from what they saw in their works. The work of the Wanderers largely determined the movement of world painting of the nineteenth-twentieth centuries.

Aleksey Savrasov

Russian Wanderers of the 19th century
Russian Wanderers of the 19th century

Landscape painter. He is one of the founders of the Association of Wanderers. In 1844, against the will of his father, the young artist entered the painting school, which he successfully completed in 1850. The first landscapes of Alexei Kondratievich - "View of the Kremlin in inclement weather", "View of Moscow from the Sparrow Hills" - are imbued with the ideas of romanticism. Savrasov actively participates in exhibitions, teaches at the School of Sculpture and Painting. In 1862, he traveled abroad, where he visited the London Art Exhibition, Paris, Munich, Dresden, Berlin, Copenhagen, etc. German and English painters especially attracted the attention of the artist with their desire for independence and truth. During this period, Alexei Kondratievich wrote one of his famous paintings - "Elk Island", for which he was later awarded a prize at the competitionin Moscow. Since 1870, he and his wife have been traveling around Russia (Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Novgorod). He conveys his impressions of the beauty of his native nature in paintings. This is how the "Spill of the Volga" and "The Rooks Have Arrived" appear. It was these paintings that were presented at the first exhibition organized by Russian Wanderers. In the works written in the 870s, anxiety and sadness are felt more and more: “Sunset over the swamp”, “Moonlit night”, “Graves over the Volga”, “Rye”. The artist spent the last years of his life in deep need.

works of artists of the Wanderers
works of artists of the Wanderers

Ivan Shishkin

The names of the Wanderers are known far beyond the borders of the Motherland. A vivid example of this is I. Shishkin. It is with his name that the history of the domestic landscape is connected, his creations have become national classics and gained immense popularity. The future artist was born in the small town of Yelabuga in the family of a merchant in 1832. In 1848 he entered the Kazan Gymnasium, but did not graduate from it. Returning home, for a long time is in search of his future path. At the age of twenty, young Shishkin enters the school of painting, where he plunges headlong into study and creativity. The artist is constantly painting. He is inspired by nature, forest and village landscapes, peasant life. The first work of Shishkin that has come down to our times is Pine on a Rock. The oil painting was painted in 1855. In 1856 Ivan Ivanovich entered the Academy of Arts (Petersburg). His early works are imbued with romance. In 1858, he paints one of his most famous paintings, View on the Island of Valaam. Perthis work in 1860 at an academic exhibition, he was awarded a gold medal. After graduating from the Academy (1860), Shishkin went abroad. During this period, he creates a well-known masterpiece "View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf", presented at an exhibition in Paris. Upon returning to his homeland, Ivan Ivanovich becomes close to I. Kramskoy, the founder of the Artel of Artists. In subsequent years, he painted a number of landscapes ("In the vicinity of Moscow", "Deforestation", "Ship Grove", "Stream in the Forest"). He constantly exhibits his works at expositions organized by Russian Wanderers. To this day, the masterpieces of this great landscape painter are very popular.

Russian artists of the Wanderers
Russian artists of the Wanderers

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

Russian Wanderers of the 19th century created a huge portrait gallery. In their works they depicted the best people of the country, prominent figures of science and culture. Many masterpieces were commissioned by the well-known philanthropist and collector P. Tretyakov. I. Kramskoy was a truly brilliant portrait painter. The strengths of the talent of this bright artist and psychologist appeared in the portrait of Leo Tolstoy. This masterpiece was painted in 1873 in Yasnaya Polyana. The artist brings to the fore the clear and wise mind of the writer. The image of the famous Russian writer is built on the basis of contrast (internal significance and external simplicity). Another significant work of Kramskoy is the painting "Inconsolable grief", which conveys the depth of maternal feelings. In the years 1860-1870, he actively participated in the organization of exhibitions, which were held by artistsWanderers. Kramskoy's work "Christ in the Desert" was presented at the second exposition. The artist's legacy is mainly made up of portraits of ordinary people: "Forester", "Unknown", "Peasant with a bridle", etc.

paintings by Russian artists of the Wanderers
paintings by Russian artists of the Wanderers

Ilya Efimovich Repin

Perhaps the most significant phenomenon in the history of Russian painting was the painting "Barge Haulers". In his work, the artist vividly showed the image of the common people. Before Repin, no one had addressed such a deeply tragic and amazing plot. In this masterpiece, the artist showed his mastery of all the means of art to perfection. Another significant creation of Repin is "The procession in the Kursk province." Written in 1883, the picture attracts with an unusual pictorial and compositional solution. The religious procession depicted in the painting personifies the collective image of the village with all its groups and classes. With special love and sympathy, the author managed to draw images of ordinary peasants. A special place in the painter's work is occupied by revolutionary themes. He created the paintings "Under escort", "They did not expect", "Refusal of confession". In the 1880s, Ilya Efimovich turned to the portrait genre, depicting prominent figures of our time, such as D. Mendeleev, A. Delvig, M. Glinka and others.

Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov

He got his first artistic skills in icon-painting workshops. Vasily Maksimovich graduated from the St. Petersburg Art Academy in the class of historical painting. The artist devoted all his work to the image of the originalpeasant world. His paintings do not amaze with the sharpness of the plots and bright colors. However, this feature only attracted the attention of art lovers. His most famous works are: “Everything is in the past”, “Sick husband”, “Family section”. Like many other Wanderers of the 19th century, Vasily Maksimovich in his work sought to reflect the creative ideals and values of his time as much as possible.

Vasily Perov

names of artists of the Wanderers
names of artists of the Wanderers

Born in Tobolsk in 1834. At a young age, the young artist enters the School of Painting. His first significant work is "The arrival of the policeman for the investigation." Masterpieces written in his younger years were a huge success at traveling exhibitions. Soon, Vasily Grigorievich was awarded a gold medal for the painting "Sermon in the Village". His first paintings reflect the socio-critical orientation of the author. A vivid example of this is the "Rural Procession for Easter", "Sermon in the Village", etc. In later years, Perov acts as a portrait-landscape painter. He owns portraits of F. Dostoevsky and A. Ostrovsky. It was Vasily Grigorievich who was one of the initiators of active actions of the Partnership.

Abram Efimovich Arkhipov

19th century Wanderers
19th century Wanderers

This artist has an important place in genre painting of that time. In his masterpieces, Arkhipov depicted the life of simple rural people as truthfully as possible. His paintings "Reverse", "On the Oka", received wide recognition throughout the world. In some of his works, he revealssocial problems ("Washerwomen", "Laundrywomen", etc.), depicting hard peasant labor.
